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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2020 in all areas

  1. Apologies to the Eagles... It's Hotel Pro1, you can logout anytime you like but you can never leave. 😂 Seriously though, I have no idea. Perhaps PM an admin?
    2 points
  2. So am I... No problem yet, but i started using the device only later. So will see. It could be that we were part of the same batch as the ones of January, December (in terms of screen). Manufacturing had just been stopped due to Chinese New Year and then Corona lock down in China.
    2 points
  3. I really wish there was more communication on these 'batch orders'. I currently use a Unihertz Titan because they can guarantee my delivery within a week of purchase, based on batch-ordering system such that they communicate exactly how much they have and turnarounds for post-product support in the US. I don't mind bi-annual batches, as I've waited far longer for $400k CNC equipment from Germany. The difference is that there is clear communication of expectations and post-product support to safeguard that investment. There's so much uncertainty with how these orders are processed such that it'
    1 point
  4. If I can, then I do not know how, so let's hope @Erik or @Elysia can do it.
    1 point
  5. @EskeRahn or @Erik *might* be able to do it, but I'm not sure.
    1 point
  6. All issues for the radio (cell modem) are going to be exactly the same as stock. All of the radio code is closed source. WiFi is mostly open source, but I have taken the stock qcom code for this with no changes. So it should be pretty much the same as stock. There may be some differences in the wifi configuration file that affect performance. I haven't looked at that in a while. As for the keyboard, I really am at a loss to say why @DieBruine is having so many problems while others are not. I suppose I could make a Lineage kernel with the stock keyboard driver to t
    1 point
  7. multiple displays with the error on the same location sounds like some production fault. I'll write support an email when I'm back home. If they send me a new display and are ok with it I'll try to play around with the broken one a bit, applying heat or ice spray and see what happens.
    1 point
  8. Its the 7th. Anyone get anything in the mail? I ordered June 12
    1 point
  9. I examined the screen and its frame very closely from all sides, but I really cannot seem to find any form of damage whatsoever. I did notice that I can elicit the ghost inputs by very gently pressing, rather than merely touching, the screen on the strip where the ghost inputs would pop up. After that, the ghost taps may go on for a while without me touching it. So somehow it seems as if internally, some connections are made that should not be made upon applying a minimum amount of force - the amount of force I would also apply when simply taking the device out of my pocket.
    1 point
  10. Ah heck, now it started with my phone too. I've activated the display fingertip option and it shows a touch frenzy in a straight line right on the upper row of the VKB and the 1 2 3 of the SIM unlock screen. For now I can temporarly fix it by giving the screen a firm massage with my thumbs or by squeezing the spot where the back screw cover is with my thumb and index finger. It's going to be a hard few weeks until I'm back home and can contact support for a replacement.
    0 points
  11. Yes, here too. Open or closed, same issue. Fxtec is going to send me a replacement screen that should hopefully arrive next week. My phone is quite unusable right now.
    0 points
  12. Hmm maybe something like "ghost touches and unresponsive area on lower screen. Oh and for me touching the display in the upper half seems to help to reduce the ghost touches. But also the unresponsive are remains.
    0 points
  13. So, mine started having the same problem 30 minutes ago 😞 Same position as shown in the videos here in the thread and I also have it since beginning of January. It did not drop or bump anywhere, just started ghosting while typing on keyboard. Telegram just went nuts from one second to another... 😞 Addition what I noticed: * there is a ~1cm area around "the line" where touch is not recognized right. If i move my finger slowly over it no touch is shown using developer settings showing touch * slight pressure while touching triggers the mass touches on the line much more often
    0 points
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