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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2020 in Posts

  1. I've gotten the stock keyboard driver to work with Lineage, mostly. I was having an issue generating forward slash on QWERTY, but other FN combinations seem to work. And the any-key-to-wakeup feature is not there. But other than that it seems usable for a test. @DieBruine and whoever else is having keyboard issues, can you please try this? Make sure to backup your existing boot image so you can easily go back to it. http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/boot-stock-kbd-1.img I've put the code here just in case anyone wants to look: https://github
    4 points
  2. Camera is all closed source blobs between the kernel driver and the camera app. It spews out amazing amounts of debug information, but I have never been able to make sense of most of it. So... probably not, unless we get really lucky.
    3 points
  3. To be fair, this is Qualcomm's mess not FxTec or IdeaLTE. Both stock and lineage use the Qualcomm qcacld driver for WiFi. Just different revisions. Apparently some revisions are buggy for some people, other revisions are buggy for other people. Maybe I just got lucky and picked the revision that seems least buggy?
    3 points
  4. That was for debugging the keyboard issue, you can read about it a page or two back.
    2 points
  5. So after almost three weeks, I can say that there is definitely an improvement. I have not had any random reboots at all, even at my work site (which was a known problem area)
    2 points
  6. I just had the case again where the physical keyboard does not react to any key presses anymore. This happens every couple of weeks (more or less) and it basically means I can't type anything anymore. Touchscreen and the OS keep working fine, but nothing from the keyboard. Usually I notice when I get the phone out of my pocket and it doesn't react anymore, but this time it was the first time it happened to me while I was typing. No idea what I hit, but it just stopped working. So I went to my computer and took a adb logcat. I'm not posting the full log here cause it is way to chatty
    1 point
  7. What's the purpose of the changes in the "Add keylogger" commit? https://github.com/tdm/android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998/commit/b03a10e872bc451e7300a1d5ed93204f3c3468b1
    1 point
  8. Correct 😉 But, as you see, I'm not the only one having this problem. Thanks for the idea. Do you know any Aliexpress equivalent? :)))))) No, regular window. I know the problem with the heated windscreen, but it's not the case.
    1 point
  9. Doe your car have front window heating? If so this could be actively interfering with gps. And it could explain why it sometimes does or does not work. My gps only acts up after first boot. First fix can take way too much time, as in minutes. But after that initial fix (after a flash) the craziest thing I have experienced was inaccuracy. This was on both stock and LoS.
    1 point
  10. I have an issue of the display constantly turning on and off during a call with the phone on the side of my face. It is opening apps and once I have had a constant DTMF tone come blaring through. It has even turned on the speaker phone and muted the call. I have had some people suggest this is related to the proximity sensor moving around or possible screws missing for holding the screen on the phone. I have purchased a Bluetooth headset to get around this issue. I am still using Android 8.
    1 point
  11. and it is hard to prove the device hardware is at fault in this case. If you are mostly driving the same car you could use a BT GPS receiver such as this: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/645104 Disclaimer: I work for Garmin. I never used that device myself though and I don't do product support so don't blame me if you are not satisfied with it, do your own research before buying 😁
    1 point
  12. I believe F(x)Tec has a support video for changing out the screen. I would imagine they would share it with you even if they didn't send you the screen. Worth contacting them.
    1 point
  13. people who changed screens from the original to the elephone U.... do you notice any difference in the quality, sliding experience, crispness of display? etc.
    1 point
  14. not sure if you noticed, but in open camera you can choose to record in stereo, and unlock 4k recording.
    1 point
  15. The numbers are assigned in order, but they are not directly subsequent. That topic has been discussed several times already in the unbelievably long thread "On production status and delivery" (I think it was renamed recently, just look for the longest thread, if you are interested).
    1 point
  16. When it works, it works. Same car, even same place ;). I've tried also clear sky with APGS enabled, in all the possible combinations, trying to indentify a pattern. When I've quit trying, after over an hour of driving, suddenly connects. In other case, not after more than 1.5 hours. I thought that only my phone have this problem and it's kind of overkill to send it for warranty just for this, also being unable to find a pattern. But now I see that I'm not the only one having this problem.
    1 point
  17. Any advice or guide on how to do this replacement? I have the Elephone U Pro replacement part from aliexpress but I'm unsure how best to get the original screen off.
    1 point
  18. Alright I got the stock keyboard driver transplanted into the Lineage kernel and it builds. Now I just need to take care of the key mappings and make the FN key work like it does in Lineage. Hopefully I can get that done tomorrow.
    1 point
  19. @Hook Your fix should be easy, just start Disk Management and add drive letters to QX1000. Am I the only one with camera issues? It looks like 11 times out of 10 pictures are out of focus. Very annoying and useless as far as I'm concerned. going back to one of those BSG-ports. Any suggestions? Shame really, the app doesn't crash and is pretty snappy. But like I said, pictures are almost always out of focus and when I try to focus on a specific subject, it takes ages and eventually also doesn't work.
    1 point
  20. Yup, I've had this since day one. Not the most annoying of the quirks on this phone, but still kinda annoying.
    1 point
  21. For me it was the complete opposite. My phone was working well with my fibre router and WiFi from a second Android phone used as a hotspot. Some days ago I got mobile broadband installed and therefore I got a new router. The new router is just another common Zyxel device. And it made my phone reboot so fast, it was difficult to disable WiFi quickly enough to prevent further reboots. Well, well ... I finally made the transition to LineageOS. F(x)tec really blew it with their craptacular flavour of Android 😡
    0 points
  22. sooooo...... is there a way to locate my phone on lineage without gapps or google account ? my lovely pro1 got stolen last night...
    0 points
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