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  1. I also couldn't get it to work and gave up. Same timeout errors as you. I just rooted the phone with Magisk and used the following command to backup all the partitions to the sdcard: mkdir /sdcard/backup cd /dev/block/platform/soc/*/by-name for filename in *; do if [ "$filename" != "userdata" ]; then echo "dd if=$filename of=/sdcard/backup/$filename.dd"; fi; done This prints lines with the dd syntax to back up all partitions. It does not execute them for you. Please check if those lines fit your expectations first and then run one or all of them. I then got the backups off the
  2. I would be happy with an unofficial release so I can finally start using the phone that is useless (to me) since it arrived in august...
  3. Same here. Maybe we should make a (pinned) thread in this forum were people copy the news messages into? Then we can have notifications again. I don't want to follow this topic
  4. Maybe some clarification on the whole supported/unsupported part in the LAOS channel: "Supported" means that a phone is officially released by the LAOS project and deemed fully working. Since this is obviously not the case yet, the pro1x is still "unsupported". Doesn't mean no one is working on it. I have no idea *if* someone is working on it, but that message is not prove that no one is working on it. Just wanted to clarify this, based on observations on how lineageos works/communicates (and cyanogenmod before them)
  5. Yeah, Sean wrote something back in April: But neither github nor gerrit show any public pro1x projects or reviews. Nor is there any firmware at TheMuppets. That's why I'm asking. Maybe @Sean McCrearycan point me in the right direction?
  6. Any LineageOS devs reading here as well? I build LAOS myself (with very few modifications) and I would like to get started. Is there any way to get early access to the current work in progress Pro1X version? I'm happy to help with testing once my Pro1X arrives next week
  7. My phone (December 2019) now also displays the ghost touch problems 😞 1.5 months out of warranty... My line is a little over the middle of the display when in portrait mode. So not exactly as shown in the videos above, but same problem. For me it also gets better when touching the screen at the bottom. No need to squeeze. Just touching the lowest part/row of the screen seems to make it better. Unfortunately only for a few seconds... I guess I'll get a replacement screen from Ali. Why couldn't this wait "a little" longer until the Pro1x arrives... I just noticed though that the s
  8. You should see if your provider offers wifi calling. I'm in the same situation: network is not very strong and most people were complaining about audio quality on calls. Lots of static and generally poor quality they said. It was so bad that I got a second SIM card and a second phone just to make phone calls. Same places as before, which also does not speak for the reception qualities of the Pro1, which constantly dropped calls. By now I activated wifi calling and the situation is nearly perfect. At least if you have a stable wifi connection.
  9. I also seem to have this problem. Plus random times I can't seem to be able to focus at all. A reboot fixes the latter though. @Jordi Did you test this on stock? I am beginning to think this might be a hardware fault.
  10. I just had the case again where the physical keyboard does not react to any key presses anymore. This happens every couple of weeks (more or less) and it basically means I can't type anything anymore. Touchscreen and the OS keep working fine, but nothing from the keyboard. Usually I notice when I get the phone out of my pocket and it doesn't react anymore, but this time it was the first time it happened to me while I was typing. No idea what I hit, but it just stopped working. So I went to my computer and took a adb logcat. I'm not posting the full log here cause it is way to chatty
  11. Yeah, same here: Usually I can type fine, but more or less every other sentence has a dropped character. Sometimes I get a lot of chars that I didn't press, but this is usually over pretty quickly and not that often. So I can not say that I'm super annoyed by this, but it is distracting at times. I am able to type without looking at the keys by now, so its not too bad. So yes, I see this, but this would never make me switch back to stock 😉 I have fast polling enabled and no hangouts installed.
  12. I got this too: When I boot, Lineage is not asking for the SIM pin (only one SIM installed) and I can start using the phone. SIM is still locked though and of course no internet/calls. If I then turn off the screen and turn it back on, the PIN entry is shown.
  13. Did the same as @DieBruineand can also confirm that VoLTE works for me. I'm on o2 Germany. Wifi calling also works. Both on lineage. No icons are being displayed for either though. There is a Lineage pull request that is adding those icons: https://review.lineageos.org/c/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base/+/279554
  14. I usually can take pictures just fine but sometimes the autofocus doesn't work for me either. Then it only focuses on very nearby things. Not sure what causes this nor what fixes it. It is usually gone when I try to use the camera the next time. Maybe rebooting helps? I'll try that next time I notice.
  15. There is a pull request for 17.1 support, but I haven't checked yet whether it works.
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