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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2020 in Posts

  1. To add to what @EskeRahn and @VaZso already said – the reality of economy, including what is necessary for a company to even just survive, can be something completely different than what customers feel they're entitled to. Even if they righteously and legitimately feel that way. For me, it's been over a year now that I ordered my Pro¹, and since QWERTZ keyboards are out of stock I expect it will be at least another one or two months. Still I guess we're all lucky. Because despite the catastrophic situation they've been in at least since the pandemic hit China, F(x)tec has still not
    7 points
  2. @Ralf as neither of us know what it is all about, it is much a guessing game. In a small company people have to fill a lot of slots. But it is not that everyone can fill every slot... So using marketing hands for say packing or service are not likely to be very effective way to use their resources. But sure we would all wish they were able to fulfil pending orders and service request faster, but as we do not know neither what is holding things up, nor what this new stuff is all about we have absolutely no idea if the same hands behind this could sensibly have been used for fulfilling
    5 points
  3. I've just issued the refund for you. Sorry for the delays. Hope we'll change your mind later in the future when we have readily available stock!
    5 points
  4. I have very rarely seen such an active community around a new phone. Would be really sad if it was all for nothing 😕 It means there are lots of people with interest in FXTecs products.
    3 points
  5. Once upon a time, when keyboards dominated the mobile landscape software was designed to work effectively with them. Unfortunately, with the rise of Asian consumers demanding phablets because they're too poor for laptops left us with prioritizing screen size and eliminating everything. Now we're stuck with a mish mash of designs tailored for a screen only world. A few browsers (like Kiwi) at least have chrome style shortcuts. In fxtec's defense, there's only so much they can do before we're butting up against a wall of design choices that neglect enthusiasts like us.
    3 points
  6. If the SD card is set up as "internal", it is a logical part of the internal storage. The user has no influence on whether the data is physically stored in the cell phone memory or on the SD card. Therefore, an "internal" SD card must not be removed from the smartphone if you do not want to endanger the stability of the system. Conversely, there cannot be any important data on the SD card, then you were lucky if you remove the SD card and the device continues to work perfectly. I personally do not include an SD card as internal, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages in my opinion. The us
    3 points
  7. We don't know it, but the bottleneck seems to be at production in China while the base of F(x)tec is in the UK. So they may help in distributing the packages shipped from UK but not the production in China. Also we know nothing about the production / fulfillment rate, unfortunately. We will see what project they start and it may gain help from XDA software-wise. It can be also a hardware but could be simply a software developed for Pro1, so it may or may not affect current production at all. I don't think F(x)tec can not deliver anyway. However, if it is a hardware deve
    2 points
  8. I sense your confusion @netman I am also confused. It does not compute.
    2 points
  9. I cancelled my order (#55733) one month ago. Support acknowledged it within a couple days and said it'd be processed within a week. Well, here we are a month later, and I'm tired of waiting. Tagging @Erik and @Waxberry since this seems to be the only way to get results...
    1 point
  10. Yeah, I had no interest in having a system run of external media. It was an accident. And I definitely got lucky. Ijust wanted to make sure this was documented in case others had a need to know.
    1 point
  11. Several users (including me) have been wondering whether general availability was still a goal / possible. Good to hear that!
    1 point
  12. @EskeRahn I see you are confused, so let me explain a bit more. In my opinion ALL resources (human and financial) of f(x)tec should go toward fulfilling customer orders. No matter what the "something special" is, there is money and work spend on it. And now, imagine this "something special" is pretty cool and people want to buy it? F(x)tec can not deliver, so all the work and money invested into "something special" is just wasted. That is unless "something special" is just designed to funnel money out of the company as "marketing spend" and then back into the private pockets of the f
    1 point
  13. Alright. Let's hope a new batch of screens will be sent out soon. I have been circumventing the problem with @Slion's tool for 6 weeks now. /edit 20 Oct: OK, I just got a message from F(x)tec. They're sending my screen today. Should arrive in a couple of days.
    1 point
  14. For me, it's only the second worst thing about it. I'm baffled they didn't include slash key. To me I can't understand how it made it to production without this. It was mentioned many times years ago, and sure enough, we get it, and no slash key. If I had to chose between easy open or slash key, I'd keep the difficult opening and have that key. However, I think there is some significant variation in units, but this is personal opinion, I haven't handled more than one. Some people like me and you and various reviewers report how difficult and awkward it is to open, and then someone h
    1 point
  15. I am actually deeply disappointed with F(x)tec about this. Shouldn't the company focus on delivering pending orders (mine is pending 10 months by now) instead of drumming up some marketing bla-bla? All this is pretty pointless if you can not actually deliver the product, so why even bother? Or maybe this is just some scam to funnel the remaining prepayments from the customer orders out of the company books via marketing payments to XDA to make the money disappear forever ...
    0 points
  16. After a few days of struggling with this, I discovered a shockingly easy technique for opening and closing the phone smoothly, hold the keyboard section with your index fingers and pinky fingers and then grip the sides of the screen section with your thumbs, then you can easily open or close it by moving the screen section diagonally up and away or back down and toward you.
    0 points
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