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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2021 in Posts

  1. I did send them an email inquiry on 05 Jan to confirm what the post office said, that my Pro 1 had been delivered on 30 Dec. They answered today with their confirmation, so they are working, even if from home, and tracking things. I do believe this will take a while and, as Slion suggested, probably won't hear much until they have finished servicing my Pro1. I don't expect that to happen quickly, especially given and intermittent problem (ghost touches-- dramatic when they happen, but not constant or predictable) and the lockdown, but appreciated the quick confirmation.
    2 points
  2. i know that I am repeating mine and many others here. I have been waiting since the middle of April last year for my device. I do understand the virus and other things that go on. But. we keep being told twelve weeks and twelve weeks and other things. The last I heard was between January and March 2021. I am being respectful here but our phones will be at least a year old with year old technology. Are they going to be updated with the latest technology or are paying for a year old phone. Thanks, Bob
    1 point
  3. I ordered in Jan of 2020 ... Put in a support ticket before the holidays after getting some movement in another thread. Response from support: hopefully another batch sometime Q1 2021
    1 point
  4. Let us tag @Erik here, maybe he can get some info for you.
    1 point
  5. Still it's somewhat unfair that they are shipping those pre-christmas perks when they still have customers waiting over 9 months for theirs. Even if they start shipping the Xs in March I'm expecting people, including myself, to still be waiting for them next christmas.
    1 point
  6. It's unlikely they will give you any update until the day they are ready to ship it back to you.
    1 point
  7. Haven't had any updates as yet, but given the Christmas break and the fact we're now in total lock down again, there's probably not a great deal going on there at the moment. I haven't given up though. They've probably tried to contact me but had no luck because my network provider have #%&$€¥ things up and I've been unable to make and receive voice calls for over a month. So that's a potential 2 outfits that could be facing my wrath in 2021.
    1 point
  8. If you want to put it this way: yes, you are buying a smartphone with technology that has been on the market for a few years. The focus of this device is on the physical keyboard. Current hardware does not really exist with such a keyboard. If you want newer hardware, you'll have to request a refund and buy something out of the mainstream. The unfortunate delays have already been discussed many times.
    1 point
  9. Yes, backup and restore is far and away the biggest thing people want out of TWRP over and above the "standard" recovery. The main thing I'm working on now is an archiver. It will be able to backup and restore directly from Android, no recovery required. Among other things, it will feature compression, encryption, incremental backups, and both local / remote storage. And it will work on any Linux system, not just Android. I plan to use on my own systems once it's working well.
    1 point
  10. SailfishOS 3.4 for the Pro1 Its here at last, SailfishOS 3.4 for the Pro1! NOTE: DO NOT OTA UPDATE FROM 3.3 YOU MUST REFLASH This update is exciting as it brings full home folder encryption to you device, just like official devices, improving your privacy, along with all the other features of SailfishOS 3.4. Becuase of the device encryption, it is nescessary to flash, and the method of flashing is different that before (but easier). To install this release, download it from: https://gitlab.com/sailfishos-porters-ci/t5-ci/-/jobs Prerequisites: *A linux machine
    1 point
  11. On Dec 1, 2020, I agreed to an offer to change my Sept 2019 order from QWERTZ (there still seems to be a supply bottleneck) to QWERTY to speed things up. On Dec 11 I got a confirmation about preparations for shipping from Hong Kong being made, with the promise of tracking details "within the next 3 working days". Never felt this close to getting my Pro1 before! Of course, after following this forum for so long, I took the figure with the obligatory grain of salt. It's been nearly a month now, though, and no more news yet...
    0 points
  12. Me too. In February 2021 it will be 1 Year of waiting for my EU/QWERTZ. 😒
    0 points
  13. I'm still waiting on my US/QWERTY that was ordered in February 2020.
    0 points
  14. My phones were delivered on the 24th of September and the 111th of November. One had a probem with USB video out, and only that. The other had a problem with the camera (not working). Haven't heard shit from these %^&&^T^&^T%R^&. Just giving you a heads up...
    0 points
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