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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/2022 in Posts

  1. Both, HK$2649 for the Pro1X, HK$450 charged by expensys for shipping to other than US and China, and €102 in customs and fees collected by the shipper... At the least they did not declare the exorbitant shipping, so I was not slapped customs&tax on top of that....
    1 point
  2. And thank you everyone for the responses! Now its the choice of a potential failing and miserable network or hacking myself onto a network that doesn't want my phone haha🙃
    1 point
  3. Yeah, I hear that but its been ever since they started closing down the Sprint towers, laid off a bunch of workers, and gave other pay cuts... So Im taking a "if there's smoke, there's fire" mentality with this. And on top of that Ive been in charge of mobile phone administration at several companies in NYC and without fail, Verizon is always the most reliable choice, so Im convinced they will be better overall. Called and went to several T-Mobile stores and everyone of them blamed it on my phone and failed to recognize that my Pixel 6A was having the same issue, or they would just say the
    1 point
  4. Here in the US, $338 for phone plus $15 shipping. No any other fees, even after my uncharacteristic paperwork snafu with customs. 😉 It has already been sent off to my friend.
    1 point
  5. If a large number of people with different phones in NYC are having problems, it sounds like a system outage of some kind, not a Pro 1 problem. Either T-Mobile is working on infrastructure or there has been a breakdown in the local system. I would check with T-Mobile and see if they are aware of problems. This may pass, as annoying as any system downtime is. I know of no move by T-Mobile to whitelist phones like AT&T and Verizon. Another possibility is is T-Mobile in NYC is moving to use one of their newer bands (I think it's band 71, but that's off the top of my head) more. It's
    1 point
  6. Well I got it from Expansys, and has added voting options here... 45% surcharges, €530 in total.
    1 point
  7. Mine is supposed to be delivered tomorrow
    1 point
  8. Okay I agree with @Hook, I had my fun, but now it just starts to get personal. I would advise all of us, to not continue that. Else outsiders may indeed see a fanboy vs critic fight here (even though it is soooo stupid, it is hard to get that one wrong). Time to move on and think about dealing with him in other ways. I would advise the following steps: 1. Not getting personal at all anymore, just correct his wrong facts. 2. Remove personal insults from him if needed, but leave his "facts". 3. Ignore everything else. So he can still submit any criticism to the phone, he can't say h
    1 point
  9. Do you ever bother about facts? The Astroslide project started over two years ago, as they also were hit by some of the issues that hit The Pro1X project. And yes, according to their update the devices has not reached their warehouse yet, but is expected to in a few days. (Like the Pro1X a small portion HAS been delivered, and that portion is likely larger for the Astro)
    1 point
  10. Please stop. You made your points, there are people here who invested in this project knowing that, you are doing a disservice to the intent of the project and to those that have supported this from the start, many of us have the Pro1 or supported it since then and see this is a project worth backing. You approach amounts to not achieving anything if whomever you are advocating for put money in through IGG then they need to read what that actually means. I have had my pro1 serviced and supported and I myself support the group even though the Pro1 is not my daily driver. But many of u
    1 point
  11. Off the current topic, but MediaTek is a big no for me. A Pro2 should ideally just be smaller with a flat screen– not everyone has gigantic thumbs– and all variants of NR. But I understand the part supply costs involved.
    1 point
  12. Actually no, I don't want a large keyboard. It just has to be big enough. Old phones like my Photon Q and G2 (Desire Z) were smaller but had perfectly comfortable keyboards to type on. If you're thumb typing you want keys big enough to press but a device that's still small enough that you're not traveling far for keys. The pro1 is almost as tall and wide as an iphone Xs Max. Too big in my opinion. I still maintain they should've made the phone smaller, but what do I know?
    1 point
  13. At least a little smaller. I see no reason why you need an enormous screen when you have a dedicated keyboard as well not taking up any screen space. I always thought the pro1 should've had a 5.8 inch or even 5.5 screen to make it easier to handle
    1 point
  14. I got my costums and tax bill up front €111,00 Hkd 2769 for the phone and 550 extra for shipping outside of region.
    0 points
  15. Hi everyone! Ive had the Fxtec for over 2 years now and have been mostly loving it. Been on T-mobile with no issues until recently, and now it appears nearly everyone in NYC is having massive issues over the last few months. I have been not receiving calls/texts and this is on multiple phones across multiple people I know, even after upgrading any sim cards. So I want to switch, but Im afraid for my fxtec Pro1. I would like to switch over to Verizon, but Im not sure what the current status of this phone is on their service. Has anyone been having good luck with them and is there anything to
    0 points
  16. My phone also started having ghost touches a few days ago. Of course, that was about two weeks after my warranty period ended.
    0 points
  17. Another option would be sort of the inverse of the old Nokia having only the centre part slide up as display. We could have only the centre part stay down as a keyboard. But again different people different needs. I for one would not like a larger keyboard than the Pro1, for others it is too small...
    0 points
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