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  1. Sorry, I wasn't clear. The only thing I disagreed about was the "realized they could no longer purchase" part of the quote because it implied they hadn't yet spent (and lost, I believe) the money. The rest was spot on.
    2 points
  2. Actually, I believe this is incorrect. According to the Feb 2021 update, they did indeed purchase the SD835 SOCs and then then their source failed to deliver. They gave no details of what happened to that money, which was from our contributions, but I don't think they were given a quick refund and it probably set off legal challenges.
    2 points
  3. Nope. The Pro1-X was initially intended to be a trivial variant of the Pro1, using the same SoC (Qualcomm Snapdragon 835). It was only after the start of the campaign that they realised they could no longer purchase the SD835 and hence had to redesign the entire phone. This was not initially planned and explains the very long resulting delays.
    2 points
  4. Absolutely wrong. Funding was basically needed for further manufacturing of Pro1... ...slight modification is one thing, but that was only included some change in BOM list and nothing else, so nothing what needs PCB design, certification, external testings, SoC-related developments, anything. SoC change became a problem long after Pro1-X campaign was started. So Pro1-X was intended to earn some money of the project but financially became a close-to null-profit or even a loss project... so it is a really sad story. Maybe if software could be improved, they may continue manufa
    2 points
  5. I may be wrong, but my understanding is that the funding has been needed also due to the new CPU requiring changes in the codebase (remember that the CPUs are not only pure computing power, but they embed rather significant amount of functionality including the communications, etc., and a different CPU thus leads to a necessity to update and test the drivers specific to the particular device)...
    2 points
  6. This feature was added to official builds for the pro1 in Nov 2021 with this change: https://github.com/LineageOS/android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998/commit/a340af4b4e360d11cd53d7ad199950faac344b78 It supports remapping the yellow arrow keys to any Linux key event code, but doing so prevents them from triggering the alternate keymap in the kernel. You can remap them both to AltGr and just ignore the kernel 'keymap shift' feature entirely. In fact, I used this feature to add the layout mod that makes the left yellow arrow key AltGr without requiring a custom keymap: https://github.com/Linea
    2 points
  7. If possisble it would be great if it was an option. I think it would be totally acceptable if changing this option would require a (deep) reboot. Some love sticky shifts, other hates it, so would be great if we could choose. Thanks for all your work on this (also), unfortunately i have not found the time to install and test it (yet).
    2 points
  8. I gave my local shop both that and the screen changing video and they are keeping them on file. They are willing to tackle it if it ever comes up. They will certainly do better than I would.
    2 points
  9. To be fair, the Pro1-X was initially quite close to that same idea. At the start of the IGG campaign, the Pro1 not only existed, but had been field-tested by quite a few customers already. The alternative OS's -- then the "big thing" about the Pro1-X -- were already available in either rock-solid (LineageOS) or beta-quality (UBTouch) form. Yes, you could add more memory and get a shiny blue body with custom engraving. But no one really expected any showstoppers there, given that the phone would technically remain a Pro1. In my view, the Pro1-X campaign was initially intended purely
    2 points
  10. The second part of that same sentence was "...despite having paid for the components back in December when our campaign officially ended." 😉
    1 point
  11. I see your point. It is true that -- probably knowing that the SD835 was getting EOL'ed -- they tried to secure a few thousand specimens of that SoC already in December 2020 (let's not forget that, in this business, these chips are usually sold in lots of hundreds of thousands at least!). However, in that very February 2021 update you mention, they wrote that they "were informed last month that it can no longer be purchased from our suppliers". That's the wording I adopted in my post. I do no know what happened to the money they reportedly payed in advance to some reseller. But it is
    1 point
  12. @Caseydo we expecting some release / beta this month?
    1 point
  13. Here are the steps I took: 1. Root the device (to do full backups): https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3690-pro1-x-rooting-with-magisk/ 1. Unzip the previous lineage*.zip that was used to flash the phone 1. Extract boot.img from payload.bin: https://wiki.lineageos.org/extracting_blobs_from_zips#extracting-proprietary-blobs-from-payload-based-otas 1. sudo dnf install python-protobuf 1. git clone https://github.com/LineageOS/scripts 1. python ./scripts/update-payload-extractor/extract.py payload.bin --output_dir ./ 1. adb push boot.img /sdcard/
    1 point
  14. You and I share the same geography, and you have already kindly bequeathed me the store's vitals, so they'll be the go-to, I guess. Braver man than I, Gunga Din. 🙂
    1 point
  15. By popular demand, lineage-20.0-20230209-UNOFFICIAL-pro1x.zip changes the built-in keyboard type to 'ALPHA'. This makes the Shift, Alt, and AltGr keys 'sticky' in some contexts, where Caps Lock is active for the next keypress. It does not make Ctrl, or Fn sticky, and has some other UI side effects. I also added a change log at the end of README.md in the same folder as the OS images. To cut down on forum spam, I will stop announcing minor changes and only post notices for major bug fixes or similar large changes. EDIT: It's Android's "press twice to lock" feature of ALPHA keyboards t
    1 point
  16. Having much experience, they might do a better job than anyone of us. However, also they might break off these grounding contacts bridging the seam between body and keyboard plate if not specifically briefed. The point is that the Pro1(-X)'s battery is not meant to be customer-replaceable. It can be done, yes, but there is a risk of breaking things.
    1 point
  17. Fully agree. Opening the base of the phones is nowhere a fool-proof operation. I broke-off several of the grounding-spring connectors (contacting the mainboard to the aluminium shell) of my Pro1-X while leveraging the case open. Happens when you slide the prying tool along the seam between body and keyboard plate without knowing in advance where those contacts are ...
    1 point
  18. Oh come on. @mattock kindly informs us that he found a way and found it was a fairly easy operation. Don't put more into it. I agree that @mattock didn't warrant becoming chided for his helpful comment. Unfortunately, though, I also have to agree with @steff that, despite mattock's suggestion, changing the battery definitely is a far more dangerous operation than I would have thought before opening the Pro1 myself to replace the broken USB connector. While I'm far from being a precision mechanic, I wouldn't call myself clumsy, either. But I managed to destroy the fingerprint sca
    1 point
  19. Well they sort of did things the other way round. They produced the device, to a stage where they only needed to know how many they should produce, before going for crowdfunding. A bit unusual, but obviously crowdfunding can be used as a pure sales channel too. How they managed to ship it I do not know, My GUESS is it is/was easier for a Chinese company to ship out, than for foreign companies? But just my guess. Also remember that personal contacts is very important for Chinese deals to go forward, and as people was prohibited from going in from abroad, neither FxTec nor Planet could meet
    1 point
  20. Let's not get into a nitpicking fight about this. In my view, "paying" for some good without ever receiving that same good is not "purchasing". I think F(x)tec would agree to that. Do not get me wrong: I do think hat F(x)tec genuinely believed (or were led to believe) they could get another round of Pro1s produced before the SD835 would fade from the market. But does it matter? Retrospectively, we now know that it was a wrong decision to base a late 2020 IGG project on that chip. It explains why the project is such a disaster: Instead of investing the crowdfunding money into alt
    0 points
  21. After looking at the tear-down, I myself do not think I can pull off the replacement. But perhaps an expert at a repair shop can run through the video and make it happen. There's the rub: where's the expert? Whenever I bring hardware to my local shops, the guys says oh, no, they can't do that.
    0 points
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