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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2023 in Posts

  1. Hook wanders in, excited that he just got an email with a tracking number for his Pro1x, notices that he seems to be interrupting some weighty discussion and scampers back out of the thread.
    5 points
  2. I think the worst problem in the judging is our lack of real knowledge of what was known when. In hindsight things look terrible, but that is not the same as saying that they did when the decisions were actually made. But sure their reputation is tarnished no matter if any actual 'guilt' can be placed of them doing stuff they knew were bad. I bet many that would be interested in a Pro2, would wait shelling out till it was actually available, and they hear the user reactions. Some of us feel certain that these are good guys fighting like lions to actually deliver, but I bet we are few
    5 points
  3. You're misrepresenting what @EskeRahn did, reading it backwards. What he did was trying to objectively judge their character from thorough observation and actual evidence collected over four years, of which he also presented some, which you choose to brush aside without so much as a syllable. You're perfectly entitled to apply a different reasoning and come to a different conclusion, but to be taken serious in an actual discussion you would need to take notice of his arguments and his evidence and counter them, not just reject his conclusion (which I think is well-founded) simply by saying "I
    3 points
  4. Unfortunately the Pro1X as well as the campaign for it is very far from flawless. And sure the waiting is frustrating, and we do not even know if the known flaws can be fixed (or even reduced), and if so when. So perhaps a little sarcastic we can hope that this extremely long delivery (see also this) gives them more time to fix what can be fixed, so the agony of the flaws will hit fewer/shorter. And the only constructive thing we can do really is to report any bugs with as much details we can. And for strange bugs not affection all, perhaps see if we can help finding a pattern, to he
    2 points
  5. As harsh as it sounds, in retrospect, F(x)tec’s biggest mistake was to keep up the effort of delivering all promised devices to their IGG backers. That they tried (and are still trying) to get a device to any one who invested in the Pro1-X crowdfunding campaign is honourable, but, from a business point of view, it was the wrong decision. When it became clear that the SD835 could no longer be delivered, they should have declared the IGG campaign a fail, taken the money, and invested it fully into development of a viable successor of the Pro1, without committing to delivering any devices be
    2 points
  6. I actually don't think this was a "backdoor" deal. The phones for supporters were put on palettes and sent to the Logistics warehouse to be sent out to backers in August. They also produced a limited run for Expansys Retail which were timed to go out and made available following shipment of the perks. What put a wrench in the works is that they hit a wall when a problem came up with their logistics contract. However, Expansys retail had received their units and proceeded to put them on sale (probably and agreed upon date that was supposed to be post-shipment) with only a minor markup from W
    2 points
  7. Hi All, Thought I'd post my experience so far with the Pro1X on stock firmware. Want to see if others are finding it similar, and also give people an idea of what to expect when they get theirs. The Good GPS signal Stock ROM relatively clean and vanilla Camera is pretty good Keyboad (obviously, that's why we all got one) love having a hard keyboard again. On screen keyboard is good too Screen is bright Glass screen feels really nice. Very smooth and scratch resistant Performace is fine, I don't push my phone very hard, but haven't had any iss
    1 point
  8. "My phone works sometimes, all I have to do is install this app that fixes an inherent flaw in the OS and carry a black box with me everywhere I go."
    1 point
  9. You're just repeating yourself, and you're wrong, and you're not listening. I could just as well have talked to a parking meter, that might have been a more fruitful exchange, so I'm stopping here. Just these last words – the reason for my partaking here is based on the wish to see the situation for the Pro1X owners and prospective owners improved, not to distribute blame the distribution of which helps no one, and as of now, there's still a small chance things actually will improve. It's only over when it's over, and if that day should finally come, everyone can distribute blame as they wish.
    1 point
  10. Absolutely; the article just shows that even if everything else, like in manufacturing, goes as planned, and the manufacturer does not suffer from things like liquidity problems due to earlier obstacles, a simple delivery can take 2½ months.
    1 point
  11. That actually sounds good. After I replaced my old Pro1's USB board myself a couple of months ago with, I broke the fingerprint sensor and at least one of the buttons and probably disconnected something that communicates the slider position to determine screen orientation, so "FIngerprint sensor/back cover" seems to be exactly what I would need to get it fully working again, which I feared wouldn't be possible anymore. Would you recommend I'd send the device to have it repaired? (After the last experience I wouldn't want try again myself...)
    1 point
  12. That was a terrible comment because it included the quoted sentence. I don't understand. What I do understand perfectly is that there are deal-breaking issues for many if not most buyers, but, for a fact, me, I'm using a Pro1 X for half a year now as the only smartphone I carry and I have everything more or less functional, so there *are* such regions and carriers, and that's why there *are* people who buy those used phones, pay good money, and leave good ratings, too. That's what my comment was about. For some time to come, there will be demand for the Pro1 X even if it doesn't work
    1 point
  13. The risk is there. Still it remains to be seen. Depending on region and carrier, the Pro1 X is usable, and being the unique item that it is, it will remain desirable for a lot of people for a substantial time to come. Many want it for the keyboard alone and couldn't care less for the processor which also will be good enough in normal use for a long time to come. So in case you do get it, you will at least be able to cut your losses. Which might not be what one would wish for, but still a lot more than many other IGG projects turned out to be. Also, it is a complete wonder that F(x)tec ev
    1 point
  14. It is indeed sad news 😞 To my knowledge, if there is still demand for USB port repairs, I think we can order more. But there is a MOQ for it, so it just depends if our previous vendor still supplies this and if the demand is high. I'm able to provide the relevant schematics on a case by case basis. We do have a number of Pro1 parts still available to purchase/for repair: - Battery - Screen - PCBs - Camera - Connection cables - SIM trays - Fingerprint sensor/back covers Apart from these, we will need to see exactly what needs to be
    1 point
  15. Thanks for bringing some positivity in a forum full of complaints. Yes, this phone was so close to being amazing, but things out of the company's control threw quite a few spanners in the works. I am disappointed, but optimistic that they will fix the main issues in time. It's really amazing that a small company could design and produce a mobile phone that looks and feels the same quality as what a huge company like Samsung produces. I really hope they can resolve the issues and more of us can switch to using it as our daily driver. I cannot wait to show it off to my friends, es
    1 point
  16. For two months I have canceled an order, and I am still waiting to get my money back. I have sent many emails, but nothing happened yet. So how long one should wait for such a request to be processed ?
    0 points
  17. Beta testing group had been silent for few weeks while waiting for guide how to debugging LTE band 3 problem.
    0 points
  18. I completely agree with all of @kevg's points. I'm not a programmer, but I work in an IT company that provides exceptional support. I'm telling you that this sort of behaviour wouldn't fly at our company. If there are weird issues with our platform we're onto it, we let the client know what we're doing and get support directly with the developers. Even if it costs us in the short term, the benefits to reputation far outweight it. I'm part of that Beta Telegram group, it's a waste of time. Good people on there trying to figure things out, but little response or movement from staff at Fxtec
    0 points
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