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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2023 in Posts

  1. About seven months now as my daily driver, straight out of the box the day it arrived. I must be in the lucky 10% to 90%. The hardware is nice and solid, the screen is nice, the keyboard is very nice, it doesn't struggle with any tasks I throw at it, I really like the blue colour. At least in my experience the PrawnX performs very well. I fully get your point. Lots of business models can be based on a subscription model, why not, it's an ongoing relationship. Maybe a donate button on their website. To me they're as good a cause as any other good cause, (or charity :)). I'd see
    6 points
  2. Sort of. ... It is an internally completely new product and not a minor upgrade as planned an advertised. Hence A (also) fell. But SURE they ought to have changed their communication material accordingly IMHO. We can agree that for some, indeed key functionality is not working. On the other hand for others it works fine. We have no idea of neither why it works when it does, nor why when it does not. Not even an idea on the size of the two fractions. IF we could say that it only worked under very special condition THEN I would agree on the claim - but again we do not know. I grew u
    4 points
  3. Funny-- mine isn't. It's my daily driver. Neither are the ones two friends of mine have and are using. I'm curious if that's what you told whoever you sold your Pro1x to. 😉 This phone clearly works for some people. Also, clearly, it doesn't work for some. My two friends never go to this forum nor do they go to the Discord server or the TG channels. How many more are out there? We honestly don't know. It is not a good thing that it doesn't work for some people no matter what the numbers, but that doesn't warrant calling the Pro1x dead. So, I guess we will agree to
    3 points
  4. That's an interesting theory. There was a previous theory discussed that the phone isn't able to handle lower frequency bands very well, but it could be that lower frequency bands somehow kick off more band switching. Be nice if there was software that could show you what bands are available to your phone at the moment and allow you to select one (regardless of signal strength) and lock it in as the one for your phone to use. I think that would create better control for testing. I know that my phone, which works, stays locked onto the same high frequency band even though others are availabl
    2 points
  5. Glad to hear that it works for you. But I would just love if we at the least could get to the point where we knew WHY it worked / didn't work! For all we know it might be one or more bad batches OR it could be special environments that it can not handle correctly. If we at the least knew the reason we could guide people better than a "sad to hear, hope a firmware fix will help". That is the meagre reply we can 'offer' now. My personal HUNCH (and it is just a hunch) is that it is some particular circumstances where it attempts to switch band and fails. And these circumstances m
    2 points
  6. I'm guessing they subcontract much of the Android port like they do the manufacturing, possibly to the same company. As long as money flows I guess you can expect Android updates and new devices coming out of the factory. When the money stops flowing everything runs dry... Hardware and software.
    2 points
  7. Well I know just as little as you do on what is going on. We can guess sure, and I doubt my guesses are better than yours - but they are still guesses.
    2 points
  8. Allow me to suggest a compromise version of that statements. It is a really really bad for the affected people that it doesn't work for them.... But the big elephant in the room here is that though we have reports from various parts of the world either way we have no idea on fractions affected.I bet it is at the least 10%, but might well be as bad as 90%. We do not even know if the issue is on the specimen or the models handling of the circumstances. That is, we have no Idea if you and I swapped devices if mine would work in your location with your sim, or yours would work here
    2 points
  9. Strictly we do not know if there are any development/bugfixing going on. But a guess is that there is none, and for the same reason: Money. But as so often before they are not good at communication what is going on. But I would not be surprised if they focus the little funding they got on getting the already produced Pro1X delivered to us. I HOPE that the also have a little funding going to handle the most severe bugs - but we do not know. In more general term, I would just love if phone manufacturers had some model where they after a while went to have support and sof
    2 points
  10. @claude0001& @steff The DO have other products than the phones, and they have said that they er using some of the revenue from that....
    2 points
  11. I would like to offer my QWERTZ F(x)tec PRO1 with two spare displays, genuine box, unused screen foil and genuine pouch (upgraded). You can find it on e-bay: https://www.ebay.de/itm/115834591794 *** SOLD ***
    1 point
  12. Oh hi again. Yes, I am on Sailfish. I did what I wanted in the end. I manually configured XKB layout (US), having Unicode codes, QWERTY shifted, QWERTZ non-shifted and QWERTY non-shifted on eyes. I enjoy Polish Programmers layout now. For AlienDalvik I was able to make standard US only, attaching a ZIP file for Key Mapper (requires Shizuku) Sailfish Pro1 Android US Layout.zip
    1 point
  13. so ... what keeps them from working on the Pro1-X's Android OS or at least explaining why they chose to stop development?
    1 point
  14. Of course they are out of money. On the other hand, as they are neither producing nor selling devices right now, what else is there to work on except software development? Since last summer they - reportedly - were chasing all those Pro1X bugs with highest priority. And for months they were confident to release a new OTA soon. Then, with the April update, all news on stock Android development stopped. What sense would it make to abort such development at a stage when, apparently, 95% of the work has already been spent? Rather than financial issues, I suspect that either 1) all their
    1 point
  15. Exactly. Some while back they told us that they use part of the revenue for other products to have those sent they could, and that that was why they went out 'drip-wise', as they were able to gather the needed funding. Sad story indeed, but the only really alternative I see is that they give up and go bust, and those of us still waiting do not get any phones at all, and they stay and rot somewhere - or is bought from the remains and go out on a flash sale somewhere, with no warranty or support, and the severe bugs affecting some never fixed. (And no I have no idea if the "some" is 10% or
    1 point
  16. I've been looking all over for how I made the esc key turn on the screen on my Pro1, because I wanted to do this on my Pro1X too. So the reality is the esc key turning on the screen was a built in feature for the Pro1, but went missing with the Pro1X? Has anyone found a way to do it? I'm guessing we'd need a way to map the Esc key to the same input provided by the Power button?
    1 point
  17. On latest patch, still camera issues driving me up the wall.
    0 points
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