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Posts posted by EskeRahn

  1. One issue I did confirm though, which I am glad you mentioned, is that it still says “To be charged at a future date” for pre-orders which are placed now. This description will be removed for new pre-orders as we now take payments as soon as new pre-orders are placed. It will, however, remain the same for early pre-orders, as again, we didn’t take payments for those until 2 weeks ago.


    This is not to split sticks, and is not a big issue, but it IS causing confusion that the order (not pre-order) says "charged at a future date", when I can see on my credit card bill, that it was charged a fortnight ago.... That COULD easily lead to doubt on whether they payment was duly registered as received in your system.


    Had it just said "charged", it would be clear....


    [attachment file=32140]


  2. The price will remain the same for anyone who has a pre-order. While we don’t yet know if we’re going to have a Scandinavian layout, as that requires a certain level of demand to be reached, should that happen and a user has an unpaid pre-order, they will be able to keep their original price.




    Now I'm REALLY getting confused.... Does this mean that the reply sent August 9 countering a previous statement that it was cancelled was wrong (too)????

    In the letter from this post it clearly says

    "...once that is available"

    and not e.g.

    "...if that will be available"

    (my emphasizing)


    It even gave some indication of a time frame...


    Could you please double check what is right and what is wrong?




    Letter on Scandic availability

  3. A small note to Firefox. It seems to be possible to install tridactyl on a mobile firefox.


    Tridactyl is a vim controll plugin for firefox. Which allows a *complete* control of the browser from the keyboard. I hope this will work on the pro1.


    Sounds like a medicine *LOL*


    Tried it a bit and honnestly can't find head and tail of it, but it does 'something', requires a LOT of permissions though.


    [attachment file=32133]

    [attachment file=32134]


  4. I see your point, but ask yourself this: is the keyboard alone worth 350 dollars?


    In regards to the statement above; Yes I posted that message about the info desk telling me that they would provide a scandi version. Simultaneously they told me I would pay when scandi come available, not before.


    Now they tell me I have to pay before (unless I want to pay a higher price), and that they MIGHT make a SCANDI. That kind of “misinformation” is what annoys me.

    If it to me was not, I would not have ordered it. As simple as that…


    But I do certainly agree with you that the information they provided to us around the Scandinavian keyboard is a mess.

  5. …maybe i am stupid but what is problem with landscape picture + keyboard? I am on photon Q and i dont have problem with approx 90% of apps. Yess some apps have problem in landscape mode – but it are apps like youtube go, bank app etc…in these apps are qwerty not needed


    Lucky you with the 90%.... In my experience more often than not the apps I try out does not work in landscape, or does not use the landscape form, but just stretches the portrait layout leaving a lot of white-space and a lot of scrolling to use the app...


    And I think you might have omitted the smallprints section:

    Some apps I see no reason to include. e.g. apps for displaying video or streaming TV, or full screen games or similar that are naturally in landscape, unless they got some especially keyboard-friendly features,


    Also apps that has no substitutes should be omitted. (e.g. an app for your bank, some special hardware, national rail roads…).


    The whole idea is for apps with multiple alternatives, to guide people towards those that works best on the Pro1.



  6. Your analogy to toyota and bently does not really work, because toyota would be xiaomi and Bently would be FxTec in terms of target customer numbers. But whereas Bently provides the utter most luxury for their customers for a premium price, Toyota does not. Which is fair. But now we have Xiaomi providing all the luxuries (except the keyboard) for half the price of the FxTec. THAT is the issue for me.


    And you answered this yourself in the parentheses.... A completely crucial "except" that is the whole reason for the existence of this product.

  7. @eskerahn: Yes, it is normal for pre-orders to be a bit cheaper, but they NEVER said that was the case with the Pro1. They only said, that it was to ensure you get yours first. They never said it was at a lower price. And frankly, I don’t think anyone – including you – expected the phone to go even higher in price.


    Well I actually DID expect it to go up! I have always seen this like a 'deluxe' version of a crowdfunded project, where they took all the risk of the development, and only asking for money when they felt sure they could deliver.


    I'm confused on your question on the Scandi, as you yourself posted a reply from staff from August 9, that there WILL be a Scandinavian layout. Though from where to count these "several weeks" is unclear, but my assumption is several weeks after the shipment of the US/German version.


    The rest is better answered by someone in the staff.

  8. Oh no. Now that that’s finally clear that it is supposedly coming out in several weeks. About the same time as the other devices should be shipping, right? But you Northerners are in an inconvenient position cuz if you don’t preorder now, you don’t know the price. This is actually unfair. @fxtec You should let the scandi guys preorder scandi, even if they have to wait longer for delivery. If it doesnt work out, give them the option for qwerty/qwertz/refund.


    Will it be possible to change the keyboard layout later on, meaning if the preoder is with qwertz? Would much prefert he scandi layout and tbh, wouldn’t even mind waiting for the phone a few more weeks.


    I have 'escalated' these, asking for a staff reply. :)

  9. any source or official confirmation about the scandi layout? EskeRahn pointed out on several occasions that qwertz or qwerty should be quite usable for you guys.. i am personally totally fine with using an american layout on my Photon Q with qwertz Software setting. after a short while I know where all the symbols are hiding, and I type them without even looking at the print (which doesn’t match)


    EDIT 2019/08/19 14:00 GMT

    Yeah, there is an official reply, that can be found above in a mail to MortisAngelus from 9. August.

    Unfortunately this had a crucial grammatical error, it is "planning" we should have focused on... see this


    I have adjusted the text in the image below


    [attachment file=32148]



  10. I didn’t think the price was necessarily going to go up after pre-order, that is the first I’d heard of that. Most of what we’ve seen says its going to be 649. And everyone agrees its kinda expensive, but we’re willing to pay for it for the keyboard and understand the reason the price is high (R&D and niche market so not high volume).


    But I really hope the price doesn’t go up immediately or else nobody else is gunna buy it. All the keyboard fanactics have already sent their money. There may still be a few out there who haven’t heard about this device, but not as many. So in order to keep getting sales and for the success of this company, I hope they don’t raise the price.


    It is hard for us outside to know how they are going about all this, so we are just guessing. My guess is that as a startup their financing is limited, so I will not be surprised if the first batch produced is not much beyond the pre-ordered (plus spares for repair/swap). We can only hope that once people see the real stuff and it get some publicity, they will get an overwhelming number of orders in, but if not it is likely that later batches will be of smaller size and thus the unit cost price they have to pay for everything will be (even) higher...

  11. Usually the preorders pay more and tech lose market value within months if not weeks. I was among the first pre-orders and now I’m not even in the queue. Why should I pay more to get last in line?


    Well for stuff expected to sell like hot cakes where the manufacturer have a hard time keeping up the production with the demand, you are right, here pre-orders often are priced high.


    On the other hand with new products with unknown (or expected limited) market impact, it is normal to set the pre-order price low to get some people 'on the wagon'. e.g. Crowdfunded stuff do this all the time.


    And I doubt the Pro1 will be in the first category....

  12. I paid for my order on 01 August, but I see nothing in my account under either pre-orders or orders. Is there any way to check on our order status?


    Note that they are right now sending out mails that they got our payments, see the attached, so if you got/get that, you should be in the clear :)


    [attachment file=31915]



  13. I paid for my order on 01 August, but I see nothing in my account under either pre-orders or orders. Is there any way to check on our order status?


    I guess you are one of those with early orders, before creating a forum account. I have 'invisible' orders too.

    I suggest you contact them by either mail, the Contact tab or the floating Support, to have things straighten out.

  14. I thought it’s normal state.


    Pre-order is marked as completed, and order is marked as processing..


    Yes. Though confusing, that is how it is. And to add to the confusion, there is a wrong text on the Total.


    €573.00 charged at a future date for 1 item

    that should have been something like

    €573.00 charged for 1 item


    As it is actually charged (at the least mine is)

  15. I did pre-order but when I asked I was told no scandi so I cancelled. Then a week later they announce scandi coming up in a few weeks. That could happen. But I won’t pay more for it. If anything we should pay less.


    You completely lost me there? Why should we pay less in Scandinavia???

    But yes, it was bad with the confusion caused by the inaccurate answer of the Scandinavian keyboard not being available. As they meant it is not available initially..

  16. I just received a mail telling me to pay now and take advantage of the pre-order price before price is going UP?! I am both angry and confused right now.


    First of all, FxTec has been telling me that I wont need to pay anything before my desired model (scandi) is going to be manufactured. Simultaneously, they have never mentioned anywhere that the price was going to increase. I thought deal is deal; I pre-ordered for the sum of 650 EUR, and that is my price no matter when I pay (according to the info I have received). But that seem all to change now. I am not willing to throw 650 eur on a phone I dont know will even exist yet. And certainly not at a higher price.


    Which brings me to the part that makes me somewhat angry: they want to charge even more money for a phone already overpriced quite a lot? More money for a phone with almost 3 year old specs apart from the keyboard. Xiaomi just released two phones with 2019 flagship specs (snapdragon 855, 6 gb ram, 64/128 gb Storage, 1440p screens, edge to edge screens, triple camera and glass front/rear panels) all for 300 dollars. 300 dollars! Yes, I have been saying all along that specs is not everything; software optimization and hardware engineering is as important, but there is also a limit to what specs I/we expect at a certain price point.


    So while I have accepted the price of 650 for the Pro¹ (which I am willing to pay), I am not okay with it, and certainly not an increase in price from there. And the delay for releasing this phone just makes it look worse and more outdated for every day that goes by.


    I have to contact the fxtec-team now and try to figure this thing out.


    It is totally normal that you get offered a device at a lower price when pre-ordering....

    In your estimates you miss the all crucial differences on the number of devices that have to share the costs plus the special hardware.


    There is a HUGE difference for devices expecting to sell in the millions and a low volume one like this one.


    Sure the chips are the same - but even those most likely carry a quite different price tag if you order 50K or 5M ....

    Every time they spend say £5M on something it really matters as this will not add £1 but £100 per device... and if it is just say 25K twice that....


    You have to spread out all the general costs including development of both hardware and software on much fewer hands than the mass-devices.


    I doubt they will make a substantial profit out of this whole project. Though I hope they will, as a good profit will increase the chance of a Pro2, Pro3,...


    And on the special angle for us from Scandinavia they have clearly stated from the beginning that they would initially be shipping with US QWERTY only. They have then later changed that to include German QWERTZ.


    I would say that it would be nice if we could get a clear answer from them on if it will be possible for the ordinary user to change a keyboard, and what the cost of an additional keyboard will be, as this would allow for people to buy a qwertY/qwertZ model now, at the initial discounted price, and then later buy a (for us Scandinavian) keyboard and swap it.

  17. I paid for the phone within 4 hours of receiving my email (which I got at 4:00AM).

    That was on August 1st.

    Over 2 weeks later and it’s still “processing” and not marked as “completed”.

    What does that mean?


    Send a mail to them (or click the floating support link). as this does sound like a bug. There is no guarantee that they will see your post here..

  18. Eske, can you get them to give you control to disable the moderation requirement? Maybe the spammers are gone by now, and this can get us thru til the new forum software…. and if not, you’re on here often enough to catch the problem quickly and turn the moderation requirement back on.


    Of course you probably know how much work would be invovled to clean up another spam attack, so you can decide if thats worth your time risk compared to having to approve every single new post.


    Unfortunately there are still spam attacks.... ;-(

  19. +1 It’d be very nice if we had the forum functional, whether it is this one or a new one…


    I certainly agree on that. The delay caused by having to wait for one with moderator-rights to detect that there is a new comment and approve it, kills all live dialogue...

  20. They could also be shipping mainland orders without the device ever leaving china, thus no customs even in mainland. I don’t recall hearing how they’re shipping asia orders at all, just eu/na.


    That was what they planned to do back in April, see above in merged thread. But in July the answer was different here.

  21. During the warranty period, there will be no other choice than having the device replaced, if the damage was not caused by the user.


    After the dust settles, maybe there will be other choices and authorized repair shops.

    We should not always count on a replaced device. F(x)tec could choose to have it repaired. Or might replace with a refurbished device. It is a matter of different legislation, and what the cheapest way for them is to meet the legal requirements.

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