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Posts posted by EskeRahn

  1. Please see my correspondence with them regarding spares/ repairs.


    Me: Is it possible to ship only flex screen cables/ Keyboard/ battery to India (as per requirement), in case I can have it changed locally?


    F(x)Tec: We do not currently know how the repairs process will work. To my knowledge, only our service locations will be able to fix the devices.


    Me: Sending mobile to the only service locations in UK and US may not be feasible for many. Especially after the warranty (2 years). But local repair shops here can do a good job, but they will of course need the main spare parts which may be available only with you considering the limited manufacturing/ sales?


    (No further reply)


    Remember that we know that at the least the display is a 'standard' part from Boe (type number BF060Y8M-AJ0-7702), also used on other devices. e.g the "Elephone U Pro". It is already available on e.g. AliExpress for less than $75, here a search https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&SearchText=display+elephone+u+pro


    We do not (yet) know what other parts are "standard". But I expect at the least the battery to be too, as I doubt there would be a reason to have a special one designed. But of course the keyboard, the PCB and the housing will be special for the Pro1. We will have to wait for the info going public - or e.g. ifixit takes one apart.

  2. Ok, I have to appologize, after one more talk with my bank, I was able to pay.


    The problem was, that not the entire credit card gets blocked, it’s only for this one payment. They told me normally the seller contacts credit card institute in this case to ask for the problems etc., but I get it that this is not possible in this case because of the amount and the kind of small team and they even said normally none online seller contacts them.


    Glad to hear you got it sorted :)

  3. Well as they are not ALLOWED by PayPal to get preorders paid, they can not yet (See previous).

    We are not paying for a pre-order, we are paying for the _order_ (pre-order was when we claimed coupons), now it is just a normal order.


    See the link someone gave to PapPals terms above. If they can not guarantee a send within 20 days from the payment, it is not allowed.

    And as they are talking "Mid September". So unless they produce for stock (and I doubt they will, except a very limited number - but just guessing) then PayPal will unfortunately most likely not be an option.

  4. For me it says “Failed” and I tried with 3 different credit cards, all working everywhere else, but not here.


    Sounds odd, have you checked with your card providers on why? Could there be an amount limit. Some posts above have mentioned the banks saying that some info from F(x)Tec were missing (without telling them what is missing so F(x)Tec had a chance to fix it...)

  5. Actually I feel a bit abandoned by Fxtex. No one replies to mails over the contact option, neither does one in here.


    It kind of matters that you pay the phone as soon as possible, but if something in their system doesn’t work, nobody reacts.


    I understand that right now there is probably a lot of work, but no response even after a week seems a bit odd to me.


    Have you tried sending a mail from a different account? Worth a try. But I'm sure they are VERY busy, much less responsive to my mails too.

  6. German QWERTZ-layout makes not so much sense up to now because it is not easy to buy the phone from germany.


    Disappointed pre-orderer like me had to learn that the only payment way is to use a credit card, which is not so popular in germany.


    Questions for other payment ways are ignored, so there is a device desgined for use in germany but only a few people in germany can buy it.


    How would you suggest they take payment, when PayPal does not allow them to do so (see this)?

    Card payments give you as a consumer some rights within the EU that you do not get with a classic money transfer.

  7. There were more than 10.000 cycles, by a machine, which opened and closed the device with the same speed and force all the time, with the latest setup no parts failed. Chen said, since this test always uses the same speed and force for opening and closing, it’s not representative enough. So they hired someone who opened and closed the pro1 several hours every day by hands, and wrote down how often he did it, to get a realistic assumption on the reliability. They thought it through, very convincing, I don”t think we have to be afraid of the cable or the mechanic wearing out too quickly.


    Is it just me, or does that not seem like a representative number of times to others too? If someone opens it once every 5 minutes, for 16 hours a day, that’s about 200 times per day. 10,000 times, in that scenario, is only 50 days of use.

    Well I think it is to estimate a realistic number of daily opens they tried to have some register this.

    I guess that if someone needs to use the keyboard every 5 minutes, it would be unlikely that they closed it in between. And 16h is a long time doing nothing else than interacting with the phone. I mean for my normal usage it would certainly also be interacting with apps that do not take text input for normal usage, so I will use it as a slab also.

  8. Hi


    as I yesterday placed my preorder #30527 the shop told me that my voucher is expired.


    I also received the payment mail already. Can we anyhow apply a new one before I pay?


    I also dropped you guys a mail, but maybe this catches your attention earlier ;)


    BTW somehow I stopped receiving the newsletter although I subscribed months ago. So I was missing of all the latest progress esp. the possibility for QWERTZ preordering :(





    Before paying…use this site to change the layout:


    <iframe title="“Request for a QWERTZ keyboard on an existing pre-order” — F(x)tec" class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="https://www.fxtec.com/request-qwertz/embed/#?secret=Jlhrtrz5SW" data-secret="Jlhrtrz5SW" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="600" height="200" frameborder="0"></iframe>


    I THINK the link is pre-orders only and once they payment mail is sent out it is changed from a pre-order to an order. But not sure....

  9. Don’t ifixit and jerryrigeverything just buy the hardware?

    Jerryrigeverything buys his review units from retail stores. Think he has mentioned it a few times.


    That would make a lot of sense! Both to not risk being blamed for being partial, and also to avoid the chance of the unit being tested being one that had gone through an extra careful quality control. This could be important for devices with poor quality control.

  10. AFAIK, this is not part of standard Pie. I haven't heard anything on F(x)tec adding it.

    Pie do as default encrypt all data on your phone. (see Security & Location, Advanced, Encryption)

    (Pie do also offer the Lockdown mode, that might help somewhat if you make it a habit using it)


    And you should be able to remote wipe the device too, see e.g. https://www.androidcentral.com/how-set-android-device-manager-lock-and-wipe-your-phone

  11. As per the following website Hub+ suite does not seem to include “Locker”. It may only include Password Keeper, Hub, Calendar, Launcher, Device Search, Tasks and Contacts. Will see how it goes.


    Ah sorry, I thought "Locker" was the password app. Must admit I never used any of their HUB stuff. (The only BB stuff I used was their nice keyboard software and DTEK)

  12. Do not forget the logistic costs. Sure the hardware itself has the same price no matter what price. But everything else can be expensive. You must organise different stickers, different boxes you must store this things somewhere and have controlls to ensure the right box is used for the right keyboard. The right box has to be delivered to the right place and so on… Sure this is nothing special and not that hard. It is also not that expensive if you have a high count of these numbers. BUt on low production numbers these things can cost a lot of money and time.


    On top of that, they most likely need different test-sets for the keyboards.


    Yes, it will certainly be simpler for them if this is just an accessory we as users can buy, and swap ourselves. But we are yet to here anything on how easy or difficult it is to change the keyboard. I fear that it might require heating up some glue, or something similar, as they changed the keyboard to get easier access to the battery, that could mean that the keyboard is not super easy to remove. But I might have misunderstood something.

  13. From Play Store:


    “If you don’t have a BlackBerry device:


    You can use this app on your Android device absolutely free for 30 days. After that, you can continue using the app for free, with some ads. To remove ads and unlock access to more apps, subscribe to BlackBerry Hub+ from the app.”


    Any suggestions for a good “Locker” app”?


    If you like an trust the BB app, why not just pay?

    Yes, I can subscribe/ pay for the Blackberry Hub+, but I don’t think it includes the “Locker”


    But is that not what it says in the quote? 30 days free, and then you have to buy the (larger) Hub+ package to continue using it without ads.

  14. So it all boils down to why they didn’t provided a Scandinavian qwerty. If it was the cost it hard to argue. If they didn’t provided due to low demand I think they misread the situation.


    it is really hard for us to evaluate, when we do not know the cost in making an alternative layout. Sure number 2 is just as cheap as any layout, but what is the price of number 1? That cost has to be covered by additional sales of either devices or extra keyboards the users changes...

  15. From Play Store:

    “If you don’t have a BlackBerry device:

    You can use this app on your Android device absolutely free for 30 days. After that, you can continue using the app for free, with some ads. To remove ads and unlock access to more apps, subscribe to BlackBerry Hub+ from the app.”


    Any suggestions for a good “Locker” app”?


    If you like an trust the BB app, why not just pay?

  16. Well I see it from another angle: The more we can get to buy a Pro1, the higher the chance there will be a Pro2, Pro3,…. when we want to upgrade…

    Also, it would be nice to get a discount if we buy a second Pro1 ;)


    I bet they do combined shipping... ;-p


    How many I will buy depends on the future of the whole project. If it is the end of the line for qwerty sliders I expect to buy more than if there is a good chance for a pro2, pro3, ... I think I will start with just two....

  17. I would keep first party software at bare minimum (i.e. non-existent) and focus on improving the landscape experience of Pro1 and platform support. It’s just not a wise idea.


    That seem to be the philosophy of Fxtec.

    Do the needed drivers, and add only device related stuff (like controlling the keyboard backlight, slider action and keyboard layout), that are not generically included in Android.


    Personally I think they should not even have made special apps for the Logo-key. Though the default apps like gmail is clearly not optimized for landscape well, there ARE third party apps that does work well in landscape and with keyboard. So why try to re-invent he wheel? IMHO a waste of their development money... The chance of it being better than say K9 I see as minimal - but of course they might prove me wrong. And sure just about ANYTHING will be better than Google's calendar, that is a disgrace, only offering day-overview in landscape?!?!?


    ADD: I would say they should rather just have an official list of apps they can recommend as tested to work well in landscape and with keyboard. Sort of what I have tried to start user-based here

  18. While I understand the doubt in commercial product most of them have a great track record. And they would instantly be dead if they fuck up, because it is there core business (that is the difference to other companies).



    The biggest problem could be that angry orange man demanding access to all encrypted things on the internet. I have no information if these services are forced to add backdoors.


    Yup, the risk of them having holes are less than any home brew you, I or Fxtec might cook up. And if they were deliberately stealing they would only need to be caught doing so once to be dead...


    But SURE the NSA and similar in other countries have access to everything on our devices (if not they would be incompetent). It is bad, but we just have to accept it or stay off line.

    I have no illusions of real security. Big brother IS watching you.

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