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Posts posted by EskeRahn

  1. Had no problem paying, but recieved my mail 30 minutes ago. It seems like you were waaay ahead of me.


    To be honest this pisses my off a little bit. When the criteria is speed of paying, everybody should get their mails at least at the same day.


    This is no problem at all, when I am still in the first batch, but who knows…


    I do not know when precisely they make the cut, but guess sometimes tonight or during the weekend. They promised to take the paid of the (few) indiegogo-coupon orders first, and I believe they said they will process the paid orders as they were paid. And to me it sounds quite fair that the early pre-orders thus get a better chance of being among the first, since getting the mail first.

  2. Everyone can use QWERTY too


    Sure, but the shift of the QWERTY would mean you would have the national letters (in our case ÅÄÖ resp. ÆØÅ) in unconventional positions. And (for me at the least) that inhibit typing quite a bit.

    IF they had also had an international (non shifted) QWERTY, I would have gone for that over the qwertZ.

  3. Hello everyone! I scaned this thread and the same with poll but didnt find any plans(only this https://www.fxtec.com/forums/topic/alternative-layouts/page/5/#post-6831, it was 5 months ago, smth may have changed) about russian layout(йцукен). Do u have it? I understand fxtec’s more popular in eu&us than in ru but there are 13% in the poll. Thanx


    I think they are so super busy with getting the first waves out in QWERTZ and shifted QWERTY that alternative print layouts won't even be considered before the first wave is rolling out. But I have no idea what prints will come later.


  4. Re-subscribing doesn’t work because it still sees your e-mail address on file. Unless you were to use a different address I suppose but I’m not. Hopefully, my invite to pay for pre-order doesn’t get lost in the system….


    Depending on mail servers it MIGHT work with adding a suffix.

    Say you got [email protected], then it MIGHT work entering [email protected], as these will go to the same gmail. And with a little luck, the subscriber software see them as different

  5. According to official specs, Pro 1 will have Sony camera sensor. Sony mobiles are known for not having RAW image support perhaps to not to cannibalize Sony’s own point’n’shoot camera market segment.


    So I wonder if Pro1 will have camera2 API to support apps which can handle RAW imaging?


    Or is it a hardware limitation of Sony mobile camera sensors and there won’t be RAW possible at all?


    Thanks for any insights.


    It will support camera2 API, including RAW. (Tested with Open Camera)

  6. Hi Guys


    Can I ask how you get error.


    I did payment form this morning and it gave no error.


    But look at my order it still shows Processing and future date.


    So you think my order is gone ok with the payment?


    My confirmation mail is saying "....and it is now being processed:" and "€573.00 (includes €112.17 VAT) charged at a future date". And If I open the order from in here I see "....and is currently Processing." at the top, (Same text on the total).

  7. I get a payment-notification, but I can’t complete my payment, because both of my VISA-cards was declined by the payment-process…


    Anyone else get tha issue?


    The cards are valid, not expired, limit is above 1k€, end so on. I even used one card today at the local food store…

    Sorry to hear there’s payment issues.


    Please ensure the name on your card matches the name you have set on your F(x)tec profile. For example, if the name on your card is “J DOE”, you should set the name on your profile as “J DOE”. This seems to be happening to a very limited number of cards with this special protection enabled.




    And remember there are more than one place, I know of these:

    1 https://www.fxtec.com/my-account/edit-account/ .

    2 https://www.fxtec.com/my-account/edit-address/ .

    3 https://www.fxtec.com/account/ .

    (I do not know which one has to match, so check all)

  8. I would like a Scandinavian layout too.

    BUT please remember that the print and function is not bound. So the German unshifted QWERTZ will be REALLY close to Swedish (Y/Z print swapped and Ü printed on Å key), that should not take many minutes to get used to IMHO


    It is slightly worse for Norwegian Ö printed in the Ø key and Ä printed on Æ.

    And for Danish the Æ and Ø print will even be swapped - but as a Dane, I can EASILY live with that....


    Other languages with national letters right of A-Z could also use the unshifted German layout as a better alternative than the standard shifted QWERTY that will work best for languages with only A-Z.

  9. How on earth did my reply get in front of the original post???



    the date and time of the post is now the time the post was ‘activated’. Maybe you activated your post before the initial one.


    On the PQ you can see bright light around the keys. This is not the case with the pro1, the keyboard’s backlight is only visible where it is supposed to be.


    See the attached picture for a comparison.


    IMG_20190723_172850-Kopie<span class="image-overlay overlay-type-image" style="left: -5px; top: 0px; overflow: hidden; display: block; height: 418px; width: 747px;"><span class="image-overlay-inside"></span></span>


    I liked netman's explanation better *LOL*, But yes, I stupidly answered before pressing Approve - and the system got confused.


    And yes, I'm not a fan of the light around the keys either, I really do not see the point of those. If anything you get blinded by it... We -of course- want the light to emphasise the letters and symbols..

  10. I do not know the exact method they are going to use, nor the daily yield of the factory. But it does make sense to keep the production busy (as Noir puts it), on the other hand as a startup they do not want to invest in producing an excessive stock before they know the actual number of willing buyers.


    They have previously promised us indiegogo backers priority. So I assume Indiegogo backers paying quickly will be at the top of the list to get it. But there were only 1653 "backers", and some of these have had refunds (and a few had prototypes), so I would guess that it is less than 1500.

  11. I doubt a Hungarian layout will be available at all – unfortunately, I don’t think a relatively high demand which would make F(x)tec to think about it.


    For me, I have chose the German layout because it is not shifted.


    If a Hungarian keyboard would be available, I would chose that, or if an unshifted querty keyboard would exist, I would choose that instead of German one.


    I would use Hungarian or Hungarian-like keyboard for web browsing / e-mail / chatting and US keyboard for terminal applications – so I would be much happier if at least one of these layouts would be completely the one written on the buttons.


    So, German layout is a compromise for me, because shifted US layout would make using Hungarian / English layouts much harder.


    I have it 99.99% exactly the same way (substituting Hungarian with Danish in your text) :-D

  12. @waxberry


    It would be nice if you could publish a flat image of the keyboard (with outline of the device) as a PDF file that we can print at exact scale, so that we can test it, Thank you :-)


    Oh, you never got this, but here is a photo with a Pro1 on a piece of A4. Please note this is NOT the final keyboard, there are several minor adjustments, but for finger tests it will do just fine.

  13. I am also interested in the QWERTZ layout, but not the German variant. The Hungarian QWERTZ is similar, but also much different:


    German QWERTZ keyboard


    Hungarian QWERTZ keyboard


    I will not modify my pre-order until the Hungarian layout is available, since the German layout is useless for me. Also I am better waiting for the complete localization.




    You are aware that this not like say the BB Priv where the layout you get has to match the print, right?


    As a Dane I have changed my order to German QWERTZ, as it will be reasonably close to Danish layout. with only a few keys with print not matching.


    It will be much closer that the shifted QWERTY.


    For any languages with additional national letters right of the A-Z block, the German QWERTZ is a good starting point, with only a few 'wrong' prints.

    But of course each can wait and see if enough interest will be there for their exact language layout. Personally I doubt it for Danish....

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