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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. At the least that is what a politician would do 🤣 IF I had had any inside info on a subject I would limit myself to the public knowledge, and if pressed say that I'm not at liberty to share info on that. And before anyone tries pressing: No, I got no inside info on their financial status.😜
  2. It is me he is trying to misquote here... Interesting.... And I most certainly did not!! I Have no more knowledge on their financial situation that the rest of you
  3. (I voted "other", as I did not really feel I fitted the categories)
  4. Indeed, it would be anyone's guess. Mine would be that they simply would have continued in batches as long as demand and supply lasted. The second then fell short quicker than expected. Indeed, we do not know when the cheating started, it could well be that was what prevented the expected final batch of pending Pro1's before the Pro1X from being manufactured. And if the crooks just told it as yet another Corona delay and took orders for the Pro1X too, before FxTex found out they were being cheated, that would match what we have seen. - Just guessing of course.
  5. (It is not that uncommon with companies without a stock, producing their products in batches only)
  6. I'm not sure it have been told if they are going to produce any to stock, or only the ones perked for on IGG or pre-ordered on the homepage. I would not be surprised if they are going for a model collecting enough pre-orders, before making any following batch. / but that is my personal guess only of course (got no inside knowledge on the topic).
  7. The comments on the original Pro1 is indeed very relevant here, as the Pro1 was newer hardware wise meant to be a totally new device (hence just the added letter indicating the cooperation with XDA). It apparently was easy to swap the memory chips, but changing to a new CPU would have been much more complex. As I understood it the Pro1X was meant as a limited edition, with some different software choices and keyboard layouts out of the box. Never as a successor to the Pro1. (Though it after FxTec being cheated seems to end as one common partly new device)
  8. Nah, I see it as yet another example of a small company with few employees, and lacking communication skills, that had to find out what their options were and how to communicate it, before they did. So if we say that half of these 60 (to take a pessimistic guess) would feel really bad about this, I guess FxTec could handle those individually somehow.
  9. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Well all (other) expenses are also high, so not that lucrative...🤑
  10. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Oh indeed, already bought a few as spares on AliExpress to have in stock should I ever need them. My point was the full assembly might not be that unreasonable priced, as the tag isolated could indicate. What the price for a qualified technician to swap a display would be would off course vary around the world, but here in Denmark I highly doubt I could have someone else do the swap for less than $100+shipping, So for those without the skills (or a skilled friend) the whole assembly could easily be an attractive alternative with lower risk. Not saying that anyone should do one
  11. i'm not sure I understand you, who are you claiming to be dishonest, and why?
  12. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    I bet the number produced for the S10, have at the least three zeroes extra, so not unexpected that they can do it cheaper... Anyway the $219 offer it is a bit more than the display. Also frame, narcissistic camera, sensors, pcb and not the least assembly, it all adds up. And the offer includes a battery too. So sure it is a lot of money to shell out if a display breaks, but I doubt they have a high profit margin on them.
  13. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    But you might be able to find a local trustworthy repair shop, where you could bring the device and screen, and have them replace it. I do not know if FxTec got hem in stock, but try contacting them at [email protected], I would wish spare parts were more available, too, I personally would like to have a few things in store for the years to come.
  14. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    How sad. If it is the display only. You can get displays that fits for the "Elephone U". e.g. this on AliExpress (just a random pick out of many)
  15. Sadly it is not 'just' a delay, they simply can not get the CPU they already had confirmed orders for, so they were cheated, and had to redesign for a different Qualcomm CPU. There is a larger thread on this, and I will merge your thred into it..
  16. But can you give an alternative? Remember this is crowdfunding. So if they get cheated, we as the investors in the project get cheated, but these good guys does not just fold, but say, hey we can give you something close for what is left..
  17. I'm totally with you. Sure these guys made some beginners faults and was perhaps easier to cheat than more experienced guys would have been. But I'm absolutely 100% sure these er good guys with no bad intents what so ever.
  18. Well almost "and we were informed last month that it can no longer be purchased from our suppliers" taken by the letter they are talking suppliers in plural, so it is unlikely they are referring to Qualcomm directly. And frankly I doubt a company as huge as Qualcomm would risk its reputation by taking money and not deliver or refund. Bad publicity for trifles (in their book)
  19. It is sad indeed, and sure there is a risk of it all collapsing. That is the risk we took when we supported a crowdfunded project. I for one would rather have the Pro1X I perked for with a 662, than just lost my money. Even at their best will they would hardly have the cash floating around to refund all, if they already ordered and paid various parts And even if they technically could use a 730 with the same antennas and shell, would the majority of us be ready to pay more to cover the losses of them being cheated? I think that currently they would be lucky to break even with it delivere
  20. As said earlier these might not be the two real alternatives, I would guess 662 or no Pro1 X at all
  21. Merged, not cluttering the forum with yet another thread on the same topic
  22. This poll really only make sense if you assume that they have nor purchased/ordered parts for the Pro1X already. IF they have not, it make sense. IF they have, who is going to pay if they are to ditch it? My guess is it would lead to a fold, so it is more like: 662 or no device at all. You are assuming they are buying directly from Qualcomm. It might also be an intermediary party that is the nasty culprit here. Please do not overlook the "FURTHER" so August 2021+9 would be about May 2022... Interesting thought, but I doubt they have the
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