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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Back in the original Lineage t6 test-thread @tdm did add a link were we can support his great work for the Pro1
  2. And the interesting words here are "goods" and "purchase", as we with crowdfunding do not purchase a defined product. So we would be talking the quality of the investment in potentially hoping to get a specified product as being the product. And that will be (even) harder to evaluate and thus also to dispute being "as promised". Note also that there aren't a fifth bullet for regret of investments or gifts, so this is clearly intended to handle purchasing defined products. So a pre-order of a product would be included, but not investments including crowdfunded perks for a product.
  3. So if I give (or lent) you some money and regretted that weeks later for what ever reason. I'm allowed to do a "chargeback" of that too? Sounds pretty absurd, if it is not limited to something I buy. That would certainly be a sure way to make people prefer cash payments...
  4. I was about to make an answer to this, when I saw that @Doktor Oswaldo did one in a much nicer tone than I was about to use. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3292-pro1-and-pro1-x-design-change-to-use-snapdragon-662-no-new-devices-before-august-2021/page/6/?tab=comments#comment-56647
  5. I really wish someone would try making something similar to the below flip case in one piece of elastic transparent material. I guess the tough part would be to get the tiny magnets inside the construction (they can be bought for trifles on e.g. ebay BTW)
  6. (lineage-17.1-20210301-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on February 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  7. 🤣I especially like that it is backlit
  8. Yup found one on ebay, not even expensive, $16 - but the shipping from the US was twice that... Samsung "Alias 2" aka "Zeal" SCH-U750 Add: Still not that hard to get: https://www.ebay.ie/itm/264982605532
  9. (merged the threads, and took the liberty to modify the title, so search can find it)
  10. I gave up on the Lineage OTA long ago. But downloading and then installing from a pc goes so smooth I simply made a batch file for the last par, only having to pass the package date.
  11. Yes it is two different issues. One is something gotten loose or worn, the last should be unlikely this soon. For the loose I too would check the screws as the first guess. Another is that the support-arm when closed are free, and thus can rattle a little if you shake the device, a tiny piece of ½-1mm thick self-adhesive rubber or felt can be placed in the 'groove' for it. to inhibit its movement.
  12. (lineage-17.1-20210222-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on February 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  13. Good point, it was combined where there were less interest in buying second hand Pro1. I have modified the title, and hope it is more clear.
  14. Found one in the car, that I know was able to charge my S8 (and a Priv also), but can not get the Pro1 to pull out more than 5W or less from the supply, that is something in the order of 2.5W to the phone, so with screen on it slows down the discharge, but does not charge, will try tried to let it stay connected a while, It just MIGHT be isn't able to provide a very slow charge. It does not matter if I even give at a huge distance The same combo can charge an S8 though, so all four components works (charger, cord station and plate) - five counting the current test, but there must be some negot
  15. Oh, got the one I bought too a while back, but did not test it (yet), As it seems I have misplaced my wireless chargers (and yes have bought more than one varaiant of those too). Could be that it needs a certain amount of clearance to the metal back to actually work?
  16. It is sad indeed. But as I see it they had very few alternatives after being swindled. Redesign the Pro1(x) using as much as they can of the existing with the remaining money. Await the months or years a trial may take, and hope they win, and HOPE they can buy and stock whatever 835 they could find (if any!), and then have someone making the pcbs if they win - a high risk gamble, and the device would likely be quite outdated then, and no income while you and others were waiting. Start the development of a totally new Pro2, my guess would be it would reach us after 2021. and m
  17. Danni Jensen on IGG provided this link with the official UK FCA stand on crowdfunding: https://www.fca.org.uk/consumers/crowdfunding
  18. I'm yet to be hit by it myself. 🙂 But just as refunds are fair from a consumer perspective, it is equally fair from a vendor perspective that there should be a reduction if it can't be put right back on the shelf and resold as new. That is one of the reasons why I always take great care when opening something that I either might want to return, or give to someone else.
  19. We got the same in Europe, if the returned product can not be sold as new directly. e.g. need some testing and resealing of the package for sealed products. If you return say a fork, it is pretty easy to see if it is undamaged, but if you someone returns a storage medium, it (among other things) needs inspection for virus,
  20. That is an interesting perspective. People being conservative in taking in new technologies might find a real keyboard less unfamiliar than touch-typing as being more similar to the typewriter they know/knew.
  21. This is all very well, and except for the grouping in the middle layer seems a fairly objective description. But it is absurd to categorize something where you expect/hope for something in return as investments or non-investments based on the nature of the return and not the expected value. If you fund something from the good of your heart or to support something (e.g. LineageOS, or Greenpeace) without any clearly priced value of the outcome, it is clearly not an investment. (*) But if you expect/hope to profit by a reward with a value not substantially less than the funded amount, it o
  22. ...It actually raises an interesting question for a tax layer. If I take a €400 perk and get a product with a street price of €500, would I then be legally obliged to report the €100 as financial taxable income? I never thought of that.
  23. Oh I did. And to the VAT thing. Yes of course. If you got money back from an invest and used that to buy a product these products would also have VAT on them. The difference is that you are not ALSO taxed on how much the value of the product exceeds the value of the investment. So in that aspect we are better of in crowdfunding than with other investments
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