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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Indeed. Those that want a strong gaming device should not go for a Pro1, and even less for the Pro1X now. But I for one would hardly notice... The only real 'chip upgrade' I felt when I went from the BB Priv, was in the Android Market doing updates. It took 'forever' on the Priv, but is much smoother on a Pro1 (and would most likely be even faster on a 885 device) But I do not know how the usage patterns looks for the typical Pro1 user.
  2. Yes it looks that way - and with the Corona messing things up, Who knows what unforseen things that can make it even later. If they need new certification, that can be slow .
  3. It is sad indeed, but what are they to do, if the chips are no longer available? " we were informed last month that it can no longer be purchased from our suppliers, despite having paid for the components back in December when our campaign officially ended." Sure I would also love to see it with say a 885 - but it is not going to happen.... So they found the least bad they could refit into the same shell is 662, and so bi it. Yes it is a somewhat slower chip but on the other hand it is supported by QC a few year further ahead. So it have Pros and Cons. Is it worth more or less? I h
  4. Sadly I think you have a very good point there. Whatever promises they get may be broken in a jiffy if the factory get a more voluminous costumer placing an order, And most could not care less if a small customer like FxTec get angry being cheated.
  5. In the majority of the world you get negative interests putting any money in the bank these days, so I would not count on it...
  6. If it benefits some, I will continue to do so. Would just avoid polluting the thread if no one really cared *LOL*
  7. Just to clarify further. We could all choose to either get a full refund, or a voucher for a $100 discount on the upcoming phone. The second option was thus especially interesting for those of us that supported the Mod early on. If I remember right we paid about $60, so a rather good deal, even if it took quite a while before we got our devices.
  8. (lineage-17.1-20210208-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on February 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload) As things upgrade smoothly constantly, I will stop posting this, unless others experience issues.
  9. I think what you experiencing is the deliberately added delay to reduce the dreaded "Too many retries" that is quite common on stock. The delay after an error, reduce the risk of the (from a human perspective) 'same' press of an accidental touch, to be registered as a series of failed retries. Note that a case or shell practically eliminates accidental triggering the fingerprint reader.
  10. Did not read all the latest activity here, but generally keeping a battery in good condition is a bit of a science. If you turn off a phone, so only the circuit waiting for a power-button press is active, a phone can last for ages. It is not unusual that it is still well above 90% after half a year. So if that is what is meant by "kept at 100%", it is clearly harmless. But if it is plugged in and applied a high voltage constant trying to pull it up, it is not a good idea. So if kept plugged in it is clearly a good idea to stop at roughly 80-90%, as it is the last part that is hardest,
  11. It has been reported that at low light the image has a green tint. But if video only it sounds like a different issue. Have you tried transferring the video to a PC?
  12. The limit has a time-out, and if I remember right there has already been added a fix so that multiple attempts in very short succession does not count, that is basically what would would happen if you held the device on/close to the sensor.
  13. Thanks! it downloaded and installed smoothly (flashing).😎 Please also update the "Current build: 2020-11-02" in the OP. 😉 Add: And for those wondering it is on the January 05 Security update.
  14. The point was the larger memory, reducing the need for in inserted SD-card
  15. You mean if the sensor allows the data to read in an arbitrary direction? I doubt it. But perhaps the helper chip creating the jpg files from the sensor output could be requested to do it in a selectable direction. Would be clever if it did,
  16. As commented elsewhere not all viewers respects the orientation flag, and only display the native image. This is a viewer bug, not a bug in the app generating the images. Even big ones like WordPress messes up when they create thumbs, If android displays it correctly, the flag is set correctly. We do NOT want the camera app to reprocess the image in the resulting direction, it takes time, and comes at a potential quality loss. That is the whole purpose of the EXIF flag telling how many times 90 degrees the image should be rotated for display. Sure decades ago before this flag, we DID r
  17. Others have repotred that they are to add an update on that soon. The main difference is the colour, and you can select between two models, where the more expensive has more memory and storage
  18. To order, yes, but not to delivery before the period they suggested.
  19. Welcome to the wonders of Brexit.... as @netman already posted. And as March is approaching the demand is not as high as a few months ago. (obviously we do not know if the pending will be sent out in March as planned) Also some might prefer the non-shifted qwerty-keyboard of the Pro1X, and finally the scuff-marks could put some off too, if people do not plan to use it in a case.
  20. @Hook Already answered most. I do understand your frustration. But on the "serving first", please remember that we are talking selling a mere ten(!) units of a small batch made for promoting the Pro1X. Sure they could have directly asked some in line for the regular Pro1, if they were interested to get one of these blue ones instead. AND they actually kind-of did that by giving those registered earlier access by mail than the public. But we do not know if the ten lucky buyers were in line for a Pro1 or some bought an additional one.
  21. ...And we are most likely back to the original mentioned issue of HDR with third party camera apps
  22. OH I looked the wrong place on he figure, not the background, I see it now:
  23. I'm not seeing that in the above image.... Edit: see below It is an image with (at the least) two light source roughly in the direction from the top right and top left corner. Where neither cover we see a darker triangular area. The sources are carefully placed so no area of the background are lit directly from both sources (the point of the darker triangle reaches the object). Had the object been moved down, a washed out area over could be expected, and if moved up, part of it would be ill lit. Below the figure we have a shadow as the area is not lit from either of the two. And agai
  24. (lineage-17.1-20210201-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on January 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
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