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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    From the images it would be more accurate to describe it something like "The upper part, less the plate with the hinge-mechanism". But let us await an official answer to be sure.
  2. Indeed, have been using something similar for about two years (since the pre production unit). I do recommend turning it around so it open like a Japanese book though, as this both protects the key AND have the flap away with the keyboard open, both handheld and on a table. But would be interesting if someone could do it as a one piece 3D print in a transparent elastic TPU-like material so we could see the display closed, and perhaps have a slightly slimmer case. Optimally enclosing the magets needed for closing case as well as the one for the hal sensor detecting if the lid is closed.
  3. I'm certainly tempted, but seen from Europe indeed it could end quite expensive with shipping and taxes on top of the cost of materials and your time. Do you have an estimate on what you would sell them for (excl shipping and taxes)
  4. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Indeed it that makes it very confusing that they answered "The screen included in the tech bundle is just the screen on its own" We better tag @Erik here to sort these two seemingly contradicting statements out. @Erik: If it really is just the screen, why do the Perk ask people to select the colour? Something does not add up here.
  5. The optimal would be if a touch-based OS had some UI that distinguished between a large display-area and a smaller interaction-area where 99% of normal usage could be done. Where each of us could easily choose the size of the interaction-area as it fits the need of the day. And no I'm not talking just shrinking everything to a corner like e..g Samsung offers with Android. The most important thing is variety as different people got different needs and wishes, and it is almost impossible to imagine all meet in a single design..
  6. Spot on where I stand. And if no keyboard I too would prefer a device where can be fully used in one hand while keeping a secure grip. In my book if the device is so huge that it requires two hands, we could just as well have it with a real keyboard also. The problem with a one hand operable devise with a real keyboard is that the keyboard would become cramped... We can not have both big standard keys, and a one hand operable device.
  7. (AFAIK neither. It is magnetically attached closed or open)
  8. I believe it was for the S8+ I tried (if I remember right), the S8 is too slim. But anyway they are too elongated, and need to be cut (i was unable to do that with the tools I got, but perhaps a plasma cutter or something like that could do the trick.
  9. (lineage-17.1-20210308-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on March 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload)
  10. The protectors for the Elephone U all works perfect as it is (literally) the same BOE-display on both. BUT currently we can only get the real tempered glass ones FLAT (not full coverage), or the elastic type curved - you can get both types for trifles on e.g. AliExpress - I bought a stack, and they work just fine.
  11. They DO exist for BB-Priv, so could be made for the Pro1 & Elephone U also. They are not that hard to make when the screen only curves parallel to the long edges of the device.
  12. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Yes I also tried rather hard to dig. We just might be in a situation where it is a standard battery, but the tiny print/cabling is different After a lot of digging I did find the similar size (at the least it seemed, haven't got the exact measurements). But the cable looked wrong. There are some numbers on the FCC-images, but was unable to find them.
  13. EskeRahn

    Spare Parts

    Hmm, I was sure it was the entire top part, but I might have misunderstood that.. Can any of those that got a "screen" for self replacement help clarifying here?
  14. That makes sense, as the user then through the purchase of the device already paid license fee for exFat.
  15. For those that wonders about the blow up of this thread, I merged the content of the parallel thread from here:
  16. Content merged As two threads were on the same topic, and very little here on the actual poll I moved all the comments over to the other one:
  17. @Doktor Oswaldo I can not thank you enough for a well balanced post! I totally agree on all points. I think that much of the commotion arises out of people not being able to distinguish between making a pre-order and taking a crowd-funding perk. Foreigners like me could start by usign a dictionary: Perk Though IGG tries to scream out in large letters that perks aren't pre-orders, unfortunately the campaigns I've seen (including this one) are formulated in such an optimistic way as if it was a sure thing that we will end where they hope we will, and that we will get exactly what
  18. And this is exactly the same thing here.... we put in some money and HOPE to get a higher value out. At the same time this campaign was running last year you could also preorder a Pro1 on the FxTec webpage. And the Preorder price was HIGHER, exactly because they here make a legal promise to deliver, and if they can not fulfil a preorder you will normally have a right to a refund, so they take all the risk. The whole POINT of crowdfunding is that we as investors take (some of) the risk, and in return we hope to end up with a device cheaper than what the preorder price was. That
  19. ...Or they don't mention them because they obviously falls outside chargeback like gifts, loans, and other investments, that aren't mentioned either... 😜
  20. Nice pics and good price, I'm sure it will sell in no time. Too bad that it was not for you, hope you find something that suits you better. 🙂
  21. That would be pretty absurd. Why would we even have the term "crowd funding" if it should just be considered a "pre-order"? The whole point is that WE as investors take the risk rather than those that tries to create the product... And that is why the price for a perk is lower than a pre_order price. (despite IGG also taking their not unsubstantial cut) For the rest I to a large degree agree. Though it can be hard for us to tell how fast they would have been able to update the campaign with something sensible not just causing a panic. Information in fine but can cause all kind of rumours an
  22. Could it be because it is the same security build? Will be interesting to hear if OTA also works when it get the next security bump.
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