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Everything posted by Craig

  1. I keep learning stuff. Three layers of keyboard after hardware. Driver/kernel stuff. Then there's a keylayout file. Then finally kcm. So if I understand right, the keylayout file could be a way to apply my suggestion to handle the "missing keys" aspect I suggested as Fxtec logo key+whatever, and could be different for qwerty/qwertz if needed, and also more flexible if scandi layout made in future for example as wouldn't require driver/kernel change, just keylayout. I think. Maybe.
  2. Here's the details from android source (emphasis added): https://source.android.com/devices/input/key-character-map-files ALPHA: A keyboard with all the letters, and maybe some numbers. An alphabetic keyboard supports text entry directly but may have a condensed layout with a small form factor. In contrast to a FULL keyboard, some symbols may only be accessible using special on-screen character pickers. In addition, to improve typing speed and accuracy, the framework provides special affordances for alphabetic keyboards such as auto-capitalization and toggled /
  3. I like Total Commander for Android too, and no ads, even from play-store version. Even used it a few times when it was still called Windows Commander. But if you want something similar and open source, Ghost Commander is pretty good too. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.ghostsq.commander/
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if Jolla has access to the numbers using the community port, by number of Pro¹ accessing Jolla store.
  5. I've heard speculation that it is becauses Jolla requires a large fee from Fxtec to support a new device, in addition to the cost of the licenses the user has to buy. This large fee is because they have to modify specficially for the device. In our case, it shouldn't be too hard cuz Sony Xperia XA2 is similar enough to leverage most everything - for example the Alien Dalvik (Android support layer) from XA2 has been tested on Pro¹ and works fine for touchscreen, however doesn't work well with hardware keyboard. So Jolla would have to put development effort into resolving that. But with th
  6. Besides switfkey as netman mentioned as workaround, hopefully that's coming to stock in next OTA. It's a simple thing for them to fix, they have to define our keyboard as alpha (thumb keyboard) and then you get optional auto-caps, sticky shift/alt, longpress ltters get you accented letters popup, etc. They accidentally defined it as a full sized keyboard for touch typing, so Android is doing the behavior intended for when someone connects a full sized keyboard thru usb/bt.
  7. Thanks for pointing it out, I hadn't taken the time to look close enough to understand. I agree slash and question mark are far more useful than tilde and backtick. Very good solution, I'd agree too. No idea when that back tick is used for English, if at all. I feel like I've used tilde for something in my life tho, but certainly not as often as question mark. Now I know what Hook meant by 'on the wrong side'.
  8. This is where we disagree. I see no reason for Fxtec+# to do yellow symbols on number row, that is for shift, those are always for shift on every keyboard in the entire world I've ever seen, why should this one be different?!?!@? As to alpha, that's one of the most important things. I'll find the real aosp text stuff and edit this, but in short, it makes modifiers like shift and alt sticky, so to get capitol L you can press shift then l in succession (or together, if you ignore sticky it still functions normally). It also will allow us to get suggestions from gboard. It will
  9. Craig

    Factory Restore Tool

    Yep, somebody did, but not after bricking their device - after noticing the odd partitions back dec 19, its common knowledge in sfos chatrooms I believe, but lotsa new ppl got devices recently. It's on the github issue tracker... https://github.com/sailfish-on-fxtecpro1/droid-config-t5/issues/24
  10. I'm only vaguely repeating some stuff I read sometime elsewhere... but no, it saves them in the normal place apps use, but the actual app itself is using some api to get those loaded without requiring root. But there is an actual app that runs at bootup or something that loads them, they're not stored in system like the normal ones.
  11. I thought it all thru again, after learning even more. Updated the long post before, so I think its now ideal; I'd love to hear from those who think its not ideal. And I'd love if tdm read it again now that i've updated it based on even better understanding. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2509-lineageos-160-test-builds/?do=findComment&comment=44147
  12. Right now, the main problem with dos & console games is that keyboard driver not passing thru key combinations correctly for all keys. Netman wrote a fix, some of us (including me) have tested it, it works good and solves all that. It's already implemented in Sailfish, and should be coming to OTA & Lineage soon... For native android games with keyboard, there's always supertux. You can disable the sdl overlay and configure keymap however you like - if I recall correctly it'll even take the camera button, it definately takes the sym key.... but until key chording is fixed, mos
  13. No worries, I'm not too concerned about that, I'll edit my own kcm if I don't like what LOS includes. I'm more concerned with the driver/kernel stuff. Dont really wanna try to build LOS myself on my dated PC if I can't do what I want with default LOS.
  14. Craig

    Factory Restore Tool

    https://together.jolla.com/question/220410/wiki-fxtec-pro1-sailfish-os-tips-and-tricks (it was there in the previous post too)
  15. I'm pulling this off topic, sorry... but have you tried NSR Reader? What issue you having with PDF readers? I have no idea how many physical LEDs there are, but if I was curious, I'd see what I could see in the disassembly guide.
  16. Craig

    Factory Restore Tool

    Got an easy way for you to do it - there's an app on openrepos for it. https://openrepos.net/content/coderus/splashscreen-changer Have you looked at the links on the sailfish wiki? The manual method is described there, along with some sample screens, including one that just changes 'powered by android' to powered by sailfishos' or whatever. And we can do full 2160x1080 even. https://together.jolla.com/question/220410/wiki-fxtec-pro1-sailfish-os-tips-and-tricks And by the way, you need to figure out how to stop spamming "Thank you. Best wishes, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per aspe
  17. Finqwerty doesn't modify anything. It just adds some layout files that you select the same way as the included ones. It's just the included ones are default (not customized for our device) and assume we have standard hardware keys available. Since we dont have slash key, we need a unique layout to get slash and question mark. Keymapper allows you to map keys & buttons or combinations or longpress keys or whatever. See the details in the first post spoiler section or read about it on fdroid or play store. You would not want to use that to create a whole layout. They serve dif
  18. Glad you like it, my guess is that's cuz you gave him lot of early feedback when he was developing it so he often did it the way you suggested. I try to use apostrophes when I remember, so wouldn't want that key changed anyway. But that's the kcm layout file, not the driver. It seems tdm wants to put some of that functionality into the driver itself. With kcm you can put it anywhere you want, and I do hope Lineage includes some useful layouts so ppl don't need to use finqwerty, but I'm fairly confident they will. But I'll wait to discuss layouts further until the keyboard driver is finaliz
  19. Just thinking further out of the box... if you really want slant arrows to be shift, make them right and left shift. Then make the shift keys into right control or something. More functional, but definitely not as intuitive. Or - if you want slant arrow + PL to be quesiton mark slash, you could make the keys meta, but also include programs that just send question mark and just send slash - and makes those the keyboard shortcuts for Meta+p and meta+l
  20. Until yesterday when someone pointed it out, I'd never thought the keyboard was printed that way. I thought they used yellow for contrast and cuz its an fxtec color. People aren't idiots, they've used keyboards before, they know what shift key is for already. I don't see why lineage should so something weird like that. The disadvantage of using Fxtec key for meta, as opposed to the slant arrows, is that there's only one of them - and the global android shortcuts DONT work with sticky they have to be held together. Because we have slant arrow on both sides, and there are already keyco
  21. So basically, duplicating the shift key? Seems silly to me. But if you have a reason for it, great, but please make sure they're separate keycodes so user can remap them individually. In stock currently if you change behavior of one, it affects both. If you're not going to make them meta left & meta right, then fx key should be meta.
  22. They're putting that back to the normal android event, I think its like SW_LID or something, not using a keycode.
  23. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2509-lineageos-160-test-builds/?do=findComment&comment=44147 I summarized my current thoughts there. I dont understand the deal with keycode function. There was some reason it wasnt good. Maybe not compatible with treble? or not 8-bit? I cant remember the reason.
  24. @tdm I know you've got some ideas of what keycodes to assign the various modifier type keys, and recently I saw something about you doing some odd things with the slant-arrow keys that might restrict user customization, etc. I've chatted with mccreary a few times about my thoughts, and thus learned a lot of stuff, and wanted to share what I believe would be the ideal way to map keycodes in kernel that takes advantage of built-in AOSP features, and allows user to fully customize layout afterwards. Esc --> Esc Slant Arrows --> Meta (left & right - separate key codes ar
  25. The built in AOSP launcher shortcuts only work with Meta keys. That's why I originally suggesting make Fx key meta key, so you can use launcher shortcuts from there. But if we make the slant arrow keys meta, then that's where the global shortcuts will come from, and Fx key is useless (other than its current use, android home) but that function can be meta+h so not needed to have a dedicated key - but that's my opinion. I get the impression some people like this single press home key, and that's how Fxtec seems to want it. This is using built in Android stuff so not major work for fxte
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