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Everything posted by Craig

  1. It was standard starting with Nougat, although some roms had it as early as kitkat.
  2. I tried an app called shake light, and it doesnt work nearly as well as my moto z²f. With the moto, i was taught "karate chop 2x" which always worked. With the app I had to shake like crazy b4 it comes on or turns off. Plus the app has persistent notication I havent figured out how to get rid of yet. May have to try tasker.
  3. my top 3 from your list would be #1 other (able to remap right slant arrow) #2 deadzone control #3 twrp decrpyt I still get the crackle on sound effects, which i'd put at 1.5 if adding to my personal priorities.
  4. I held down buttons like you said. I edited an earlier post to mention that it worked, I felt I'd already made enough posts 😉
  5. Does the LED work when charging? For me it's always on when I'm plugged in, even when unlocked (which is annoying in dim light cuz its so bright). I haven't paid attention to it for notifications, as I'm pretty much always plugged in unless its in my pocket.
  6. Before I switched to Lineage, SFOS had backlight working automatically.... (and before that a workaround with qcommand to toggle)... have you been updating? If not, zypper refresh and zypper update, lotsa improvements since the image...
  7. I flashed magisk (with lineage recovery) and now adb root gives me an error about production mode. Is this expected behavior? any workaround?
  8. argh! simple dec to hex mistake I made this time. Yep, I understand now. F1-F12 (in order) then key_power. All tested and working now. 57:0002:003b 60:0003:003c 8:0004:003d 61:0005:003e 55:0006:003f 19:0007:0040 3:0008:0041 53:0009:0042 13:000a:0043 45:000b:0044 29:000c:0057 37:000d:0058 48:0039:0074 keymap
  9. When I first saw there was going to be a tilt, not straight slider, I was concerned the angle would be annoying when holding the device. I've found that isn't the case, and the angle makes it better for reading when placed on a table (like while eating alone or something). I've got much better with opening than December, but I still feel this will remain an ongoing complaint by reviewers and new users. And if there were competition, and someone walked into a phone store w/o any prior experience and compared pro¹ to any other regular slider, they'd buy the regular slider, cuz pro¹ so d
  10. I dunno about configuring it, certainly didn't do anything on purpose. But I'm on lineage so default settings from stock may be different. Are you sure about meta working as a modifier in kcm (for keys not assigned bookmark?) I seem to recall having the same thought then being told by mccreary nope, can't do it. But I could be mixing things up.
  11. Thanks. Now I see what you mean about error prone. I thought I double checked stuff and yep, that explained it. So now F1-F8 working. But still not sure why not F9-F12 30:0010:0043 F9 14:0011:0044 F10 38:0012:0057 F11 54:0013:0058 F12 Also, now I understand you intend a GUI for this in the future, that is even more awesome. For android or pc? keymap keymap.comments.txt
  12. I just tried, I don't get google assistant with meta alone or with a non bookmark 😞
  13. I always felt absolute zero qualified as 'cold'.
  14. I was putting the file in /persist/data/keyboard/ not /sys. I don't think thats related. I suspect I will have to try that tool.
  15. It only works in the fires of hell.
  16. Certainly worth a shot, thanks for the idea David. Other than the fact I somehow bricked myself before I had a chance to try! While it was complaining about google, I used adb root shell to copy over an updated keymap file without extra white space, to see if that solved my F6-F12 issue. Then I used the power button to select reboot. I planned to test function keys, update earlier post about keymap, and call it a night and deal with google tomorrow, perhaps after reading some advice. But it wouldn't boot. Just splash then never-ending boot animation. So I held power button, and
  17. I just installed test7, and gapps not happy. This also happened when I flashed test6, and to fix I flashed mindthegapps again (and then reinstalled each google app i tried one by one cuz they immediately crashed when I ran them after doing so, but flashing mindthegapps got rid of the play services stopping). I'll leave it like this overnight incase there's something I can do to debug it to help others, but phone not very usable in this state cuz even if i click close app, or waiting ~10sec for it to disappear by itself, it just pops back up.
  18. Can I include comments in the file? // or # or anything? Just to keep track of stuff easier.... I think I did the F-keys and Ins and described, and key_power on spacebar in the attached file. I'm going to test it now and see if I did it right, if so I'll edit this out to confirm it works. And, some praise! I'm finally starting to understand why you're hiding the slant-arrow keys from user and handling them this way. Your method will allow us to use standard aosp layouts, yet control Fn independently in this easy to edit keymap file. I like it. Of course I still want to
  19. I went back and forth with it myself, as I learned the limitations & functions of each special key. The main reason I think arrows should be meta is cuz there are left and right meta keycodes, and I think it limits customization if the kernel puts the same keycode for two different keys when it doesn't have to. But if tdm comes up with another way to remap the right one that works, I'll be happy enough, even if it limits stuff in other ways. But I totally see the advantage of having it as a modifier that can be used in layout files and understand why sfos and you would want it that wa
  20. My understanding is meta cannot be used as a modifier in kcm files - only shift, function, and both alts (right and left). Only shift & Alt are sticky tho. If I understand right. [Please tdm/mccreary/etc correct me if I'm wrong] Although its a technicality, to be clear you can also switch between open apps with bookmarks, not just launch them. 3/4 isn't printed on our keyboards is it? I need to get me a pic of qwertz layout handy. Regardless, I thought all the third level characters are on the right side of keyboard, which means left side thumb for modifier anyway, so doesn'
  21. I don't think that's easy, from what I understood when chatting with mccreary. Meta+letter is reserved by the OS for bookmarks. So couldnt be used with P&L to get /? unless a program was written that generated the appropriate keycode and the bookmark called the program. And for qwertz that'd be even more programs. But its doable. And yeah even if that longpress stuff were possible, that'd be hard to try to use, modifier keys shouldn't matter how long they're held to affect what they do, can't imagine that'd be usable. I still think its a good idea tho to remap as you said.
  22. - and =, almost goes without saying. The entire top row except esc and backspace. Hmm. I tried booting after flashing test6 on top of test4 and immediately got errors about google services crashing, so flashed mindthegapps again and that went away, but every google app I tried crashed until I removed and reinstalled it. I'll see what happens when test7 comes along.
  23. That's what I suggested, for exactly that reason. Make the Fx key function and the left and right slant arrows left and right meta. Plus with bookmarks on meta that have to be held simulteaneously, its nice to have meta on both sides. I think I understand why tdm didnt want to implement it that way in Lineage, although I don't fully understand and don't think I agree, and I think its more about qwertz than qwerty. He seems to want the slant arrow to double as shift, except for letters. And in that case, it's nice to have it on both sides. But not really needed since we have shift
  24. Unless my adblocker is hiding it or something, that link doesn't show who it was developed by...
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