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Everything posted by Craig

  1. That sounds completely the opposite of reality. TWRP seems to be able to do everything EXCEPT decrypt. It can backup, restore, flash, wipe, transfer by mtp, etc, everything I've tried in it works except decryption.... what else do you think is broken besides decryption?
  2. I believe torch is in quick settings. The second problem is known issue when launching camera from button, hopefully they do fix.
  3. There's always a way to fix it. Worst case you can restore to stock following Waxberry's thread. If you want real time help, try the discord chatroom https://discord.gg/BFGzMw7
  4. Craig


    It would be nice if the Fxtec key could be mapped to super (meta) instead tho, for use as a modifier. Press&Release could still be home if fxtec insists 😉 And yep, if one or both of the oem keys could be mapped to right-alt, then it'd be sticky w/alpha. (I think) edit: I keep learning more. Apparently, if its made into meta, then we get some automatic key combinations built into android already - that are not launcher dependent. https://github.com/aosp-mirror/platform_frameworks_base/blob/6bebb8418ceecf44d2af40033870f3aabacfe36e/core/res/res/xml/bookmarks.xml 'a': Cal
  5. I think the keycodes for the two oem keys shouldn't be the same in kernel, that would be a limitation. For example, I wouldn't mind being able to change just the right one into slash/questionmark, and keeping the left one as a modifier (ideally make it right alt (100), modify the layout files finqwerty for that change, and include them with los, for qwerty and qwertz).
  6. Wilhelm was right, its magic dosbox free. I did mention that somewhere earlier in the thread. And yes the main thing people do with dosbox today is play dos games, which is why dosbox often gets categorized with games. Doesn't mean you couldn't run i.e. microsoft office if you wanted, just have to be a really old version.
  7. Under Android dosbox, 98se is possible with effort. I didn't want to take much effort so found a win95 image known to work under dosbox. Either way, its Win9x. If you want a real pocket laptop, try xfce under sfos 😉
  8. Hey Vaz, don't worry too much. Chen and team are aware of these improvements and some will be included in next OTA update. Be aware the software engineer that can implement such changes and get them pushed out OTA is currently stuck @ home along with the rest of China, and doesn't have access to dev tools, so patience may be required. Odds are, lineage will be official before fxtec pushes out the next OTA 🙂
  9. I bet you're completely right. The software is probably correct telling it which speaker to turn on, they're just wired wrong in hardware. So when the speaker channels are swapped (hopefully in kernel?) then it that will solve itself.
  10. Have you checked all your screws are tight? If not, feel the 7 stickers on the back of the screen. If you can feel the bump of a screw, it's loose; remove sticker, tighten screw.
  11. We dont have a recovery partition. So when you flash twrp to boot with fastboot, then install sfos with twrp, you're overwriting twrp. So if you want to use twrp to backup, you flash twrp back to boot with fastboot, do your backup, then use fastboot to flash the sfos boot.img when done. If I understand right. (If we had a bootloader that allowed us to boot images like my Moto Z²F, or had a recovery partition like my Moto Photon Q, this wouldn't be necessary!)
  12. Interesting. I believe they used Fedex for most everyone else. Out of curiosity, do you live in a rural area? In parts of rural Alaska, the only delivery service is mail, no fedex/ups, so if company won't ship USPS, you can't even order from them!
  13. Ya me too. Concerned, but proceed anyway as no other ideas, and works. Agree it should be noted in first post. Also it would be good to note that you don't have to use SDcard in the first post.
  14. THANKS!! Does this include netman's kernel fixes (keyboard chording/etc), and mccrearys work on keyboard and slider stuff?
  15. I saw someone just tweeted they dropped theirs, landed on the screen. Chen tweeted back to send it in for warranty. So seems they're being quite flexible with warranty in general, as that's the kind of thing not usually covered under warranties in my experience... but I've had lots of experience with warranty following the device mfg date if you dont have original receipt or arent original owner, like western digital hard drives, compaq laptops (back in the day), my dustbuster... great companies often have a better policy than they're required to by law.
  16. clacker? edit: realized that if the Pro¹ hinge mechanism ended up becoming known as the clacker, people might mix it up....
  17. You might be able to build it youself under sailfish with a little effort. Source is on github. If you like playing with that kind of thing.
  18. I never actually figured out how to extract them, so have to wait for Illrian on that. But can't you just update via ota to latest version before rooting?
  19. Hahhaha, I type over 100wpm on full size keyboard bring on the Voight-Kampf test.
  20. @D1ggs People who've used the previous test build have all reported it's pretty stable, certainly as stable as stock, it's just lacking some features and has some rough edges, but some people have already chosen to use it as daily driver. If I were you, I'd wait a few days to see how people react to the test version he's about to release, usually any big problems are noticed right away if enough people test, anyway. Or you could help test yourself if you don't demand stability. Or just play it safe until they make it 'official' which is when they (the devs) think they've ported all fe
  21. For me, it's only the second worst thing about it. I'm baffled they didn't include slash key. To me I can't understand how it made it to production without this. It was mentioned many times years ago, and sure enough, we get it, and no slash key. If I had to chose between easy open or slash key, I'd keep the difficult opening and have that key. However, I think there is some significant variation in units, but this is personal opinion, I haven't handled more than one. Some people like me and you and various reviewers report how difficult and awkward it is to open, and then someone h
  22. Because this will allow us to take future OTA updates, as it allows magisk manager to give you the option to restore. But just to root, nope, you can use a file someone else patched; at the beginning that's what we were doing, and all was great... til OTA came around that included a new kernel....
  23. Matter of opinion. Can't easily thumb type fast when its on a surface, and that's the way I'm used to typing on it. Perhaps could kinda finger type, but not used to that, so immediately pick it up to type...
  24. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000054782975.html Unless you're purposely trying to show of the Fxtec logo thru the case, the one above looks similar, available in lots of colors, but doesn't ahve that round hole in the middle, and also opens book-ways.....
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