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Everything posted by sequestris

  1. Just started happening. Call rings through, but the screen stays dark. There is no ongoing call notification. Also when I try to touch the button to turn on the screen it ends the call.
  2. I've been using it for months no with no issue. Bought it in a brick and mortar too.
  3. I have a 2TB SD card. Paid $89 for it. Done deal. And it's a Samsung.
  4. I can see that. For me, this phone takes better pics than any other phone or camera I have ever had. So "amazing all the time" is a true statement. But I also generally don't try to use superlatives unless I mean it... Bad > Fair > Subpar > Decent > Good > Very Nice > Pretty Good > Really Good > Amazing > Excellent > Outstanding > Superb > Unparalleled > Best Or something like that. I have a Samsung touchscreen laptop with a foldable screen that you can turn into a mega 15 inch tablet or a tent. It even comes with a stylus. I keep it on a riser
  5. I guess for me, I could have gotten a Samsung or iPhone (yuck) to get a stellar camera. But then I wouldn't have the keyboard or the hands-on developers and a phone that won't be deprecated on the whims of my carrier. I am happy with the pics. Are they the best? Not even close. Will they do? Yes. And I will keep trying to make it better. Right now it's a matter of "I need to take this picture to remember this moment" rather than "I need to have a 5 star image"
  6. The triangle blurry shade is a shadow. There is a piece of card stock (the Kitty heads and colored bows) sitting on top of my table (which is covered with cricut vinyl and is likely dirty - the speckled parts on the upper left are probably glue residue. It's my craft table). Here is a link to the full size photo https://photos.app.goo.gl/viNoRxng8V5xQD4x7 But the point was, this is a point and shoot photo. If I were to sell this, I would have used light source from the front to prevent shadow and bleed. The main thing I wanted to demonstrate is that this is a 2.5 inch figure and t
  7. So this is a picture of a 2.5 inch tall Hello Kitty figure. This picture was taken with the Pro1 using Camera PX version It was placed on a table with light from a $14 IKEA floor lamp - one of those ones that has a big light at the open top and a gooseneck arm. The gooseneck arm light was pointed at the object. The photo is unretouched. Also keep in mind that this is a low-res photo that I took using Microsoft's Snipping tool. Selling your stuff is all about composition and lighting. My phone takes aMAZING pictures. All the time. Don't blame the phone be
  8. Yeah he does and thankee ❤️
  9. Agreed. That's the one thing that I am nervous about is that it's not current enough with the OS and as a result there might be security vulnerabilities.
  10. Just looking on my memories page on Facebook. One year ago today is when I got my Pro1 Used up all my stickers as gifts. How long have you had your Pro1? Do you still love it?
  11. Sorry I haven't hung out here much but when you have a phone that purrs like a kitten all the time... Had a great birthday on Saturday, My hubby made me this cake from scratch. (fabulous pics from the Pro1) Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.
  12. Yeah on my other phones it was just Settings -> Call Settings -> Call Forwarding. The Pro1 sucks a$$ s far as the voice quality so when I am home I always use my landline. Instacart had called to talk about a grocery order so that took a little while. Buttons were being pushed and beeping even though the phone was on speaker and I didn't touch anything. And the speaker level is horrid and there is a lot of feedback. And that was using Wi-Fi calling too.
  13. Thank you. That was very unintuitive but I found the settings.
  14. Hi Peeps. How do I forward my phone? I can't find it in any settings on any app.
  15. Got it. Are they going to seel just the keyboards to us Pro1ers?
  16. I ordered my 2nd one (sold the 1st and then regretted it so I bought another one) on 12/16/19. I received it on 01/27/20 So 42 days. Sometimes it happens.
  17. For me it's all about the software I guess. I switched over to Camera PX within a few days of getting the Pro1 and never looked back. And for me, it's the best out of every phone I have ever had.
  18. Interesting. I tried decreasing it all the way with no green shift.
  19. And since I use the Samsung Browser I just disabled Chrome so I never have to deal with it "popping" on 🤣
  20. I don't know what the green tint that you refer to is. Don't have that problem. Microphone works fine for me - just the earpiece that is issuematic (screw you Firefox; it IS a word). Buttons and mechanism quite stable. Software is a little less-than, I agree with that. But honestly, I'm and Android Girl and I vet all my apps thoroughly before installing. I do wish that they had addressed existing issues before launching new ventures...
  21. Have had phone since 2020/01/27 (January 27th of this year) Things I like: Excellent Camera (with Camera PX software) Fully customizable keyboard with SwiftKey overlay so I can cheat when typing Amazing speed The keyboard Ability to install/uninstall every and anything Storage capacity (1TB sd card works perfectly) Fast charging Seamless app integration (Contacts+ 5.32.601 is the BOMB) Samsung Browser speed and that it doesn't hang up and gag like it does on my other phone Super responsive screen The keyboar
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