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Everything posted by Parhelion

  1. Nope, no information on how this event was promoted or sold. From this tweet I might've expected Podgorica ;) But I'm very supportive of them not just focusing on Europe, but opening as many markets as possible.
  2. I believe the intensive discussion about the QWERTZ keyboard with the successful production and the keyboard layout poll substantiating a large basis of followers would be a good reason to host an event, but on the other hand, following the discussions, this includes almost all of central Europe, with Scandinavia, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, and more. Prague has been metioned, I'm curious about other proposals. Myself, I would of course invite to Vienna, but I wouldn't want to be egoistic about that one, so -any place around the globe.
  3. Since there has been an official tweet about future presentation events and to keep the beginning forum discussions (like here) together I'd like this topic to have its own thread: Where are those interested in a hands-on event? Where should it take place? Suggestions and discuccions to prepare a possible voting.
  4. Well, there is a newsletter, which has brought interesting information in time, but the last time it was sent was in april, as already discussed in this forum. This also applies to the official blog. So there seems to be no lack of communication channels and therefore no need to set up a new one. Nevertheless there have been informative twitter updates every now and then. I observe the amount of impatient forum postsgrowing quickly lately, mostly by rather new users. Partly understandable as the announced date for release is close, and maybe there will be a delay. For my part, I do still tr
  5. I tried to place an order, but it wouldn't accept orders to an address in Austria..
  6. Parhelion


    user -> settings (the gear symbol at the right of the name) -> Edit Profile -> click right into the circle where the avatar is to show up At least that's how I got there. Iwonder if the issue with individual account options will be solved. On the other hand, probably less important than getting the phone ready.
  7. Biiiig thanks for this quite detailed (p)review Eske! Fine dog of yours there btw... I've also got one of them swiss rascals lurking around :)
  8. I'm really eager about the progress in Sailfish adaptation, that's what I'm really waiting for!
  9. I'm quite astonished that no francophone seems to be interested...
  10. Would you consider setting up a livestream? I'd love to come and if it were 7 June I might give it a second thought, but it would be quite a kludge and jetting across Europe just to have a look at a phone is neither financially nor ecologically acceptable..
  11. We need to distinguish between the ñ not used in German (even though I personally might sometimes stroll around in spanish a little bit), therefore usually not directly acessable on the keyboard, and the ~ on its own, used for "approximately" or some mathematical or technical applications, which is what the AltGr + + produces. The ° is more often in use with temperatures, angles and geographical coordinates. It really depends on the idea one is following. If you want a keyboard as close as possible to the standard, it would be both; If it were a case of either/or I'd prefer the °; and fin
  12. The prototype has been posted and discussed here, possibly silicone backside-clip-on.
  13. Not entirely sure what you mean by slip case - The common slip-in sleeve, like this? - Nope, hasn't been explicitly talked about (according to my memory). Screen protectors, backside rubber protectors and flip cases have been (incompletely) discussed. Otherwise, may I direct you towards the forum search, which is usually quite effective in finding the sought-after. Anyway, you're welcome to bring up you proposals.
  14. It does look good, and I hope they wouldn't make the mistake to reduce "desktop-style" usage. So I hope it's just the inner edge chromed up, and plain with the backside surface. The photograph leaves this possible. Personnaly I'd prefer a (real-) leather flipcase of good quality. Maybe a leather front cover could be attached to this backside.
  15. I took myself the liberty of curiously contacting panzerglass.com about the possibilty of a custom-made tempered glass protector. Friendly contact, (danish :) ) they're interested in further specifications, and minimum for a new production would be more than 500.
  16. I received four newsletters in february and two in april. That's quite interesting, my account options are the same as EskeRahns. Could this be connected with the way you signed up? I believe there were some differences between preorderers and newsletter subscribers, but that's just an uneducated guess.
  17. Priorities in descending order: 2>1>4>3 13>12>11>14 (Though I'm not quite sure about that one, hardly ever use the °, don't want the keyboard to become overloaded and unclear) How about exponents? They wouldn't have to be printed like on the standard keyboard, but it would be nice to have them for mathematical usage, what do you think?
  18. raphaelcno, Looks great and just like something I'd like to use.. I dearly hope there's still something to be done about that one, trouble with apostrophe and accent aigu would be quite unpleasant. Since you mentioned the quotation mark, how are you gonig to handle the lowercase quotation mark? Due to internationalization they're a bit on the retreat, but nevertheless indespensable for correct german and many other languages. It's usually a matter of software recognising which one is necessary, so I would like the software to put „ “ depending on whether there has been one before, with the
  19. Hi everone, After watching the forum closely almost since the first day it's time to participate.. Is there a chance that the Pro1 will be able to serve as a Host via USB OTG? Nothing mentioned in specs, but i dearly loved that function in my old E7.
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