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Everything posted by Parhelion

  1. I don't know about cases, but as mentioned some time ago I asked @Panzerglass.com about the possibility of a tempered glass screen protector, and they told me that they'd need an order of 500-1000 units for a tailor-made production.
  2. I was imagining a polymer cup with thin metal clamps moulded in to grab the edge of the lower part of the phone without impeding the slider, to be used as a protector on itself, or, my preference, as a base for a leather sideflip. But no idea how to get a company to produce something of the like, and whether the clamps might interfere with antennae.
  3. I'm so sorry I can't react to this one with a "malicious, sarcastic grin smiley". Maybe something like this: 😈
  4. If the main aspect of this is to be the phone itself, I think I can assure you it will. The hands-on experience at the presentation event was most convincing that we're truly expecting an excellent device, an impression supported by Eskes longer-time testing, as you may've read in his (well-written and detailed) blog entry. But at the moment, I as well as everybody else, am sitting on needles...
  5. small blue dot or star left of the topic title -> go to first unread post
  6. Should be possible by activating "Sign in anonymously" upon signin.
  7. Just a proposal for discussion: D'you think a part of the forum only accessible for registered users for some conversation not visible to the whole Internet might be useful?
  8. The discussion just makes me imagine the Pro1 with changeable Keys. Maybe a magnetic flip- on, the sensory on the static part, changeable layouts, something RFID-like to tell the device which layout is being used, somewhat like Jolla tried with The Other Half. Gamecontroller also possible, or anything else one might imagine for special puposes. Maybe that's an idea for the Pro2 (imgagining...)
  9. Investing just a few minutes, I recomputed ... Taking your estimations of package size and a standard 20-ft-container, around 18000 packages should fit. I hope they don't load them that way, because the lower ones might arrive slightly crumpled... But the ship on the picture is a CSCL Globe-Class vessel with a capacity of thrilling 19000 TEU, resulting in a potential freight of whooping 3.4 x 10^8, should be 342 Billion Pro1s. Enough for all of us, even taking into account Eske buying around 50 of them...
  10. We regret having to announce a further delay, but the pictures of the delivering ship were mixed up. The ship loaded with the Pro1s was actually this one... Optionally you can benefit from our special self-dry offer...
  11. Cherish the good times when there where phones available round every corner? They aren't lost forever- Next step of development: The FxTec Pro^Booth
  12. The version with cutouts should be the final one, the clean design was used in prototypes, as also visible on the latest twitter post, and changed for repairability.
  13. Looks very nice, but I'm waiting to get a phone before buying something to put it into. Apart from that, I'm still hoping to get a sideflip case as I'm used to.
  14. Thanks everyone for some badly needed diversion during my lunch break! I would go for the GPS version, but as a paraglider I'd prefer a variometer edition, of course with built-in thermal detection and guidance system. Of, for use in winter, with avalanche beacon and built-in avalanche hotspot scanner (take a photo of the mountainside, and it'l tell you precisely which points to avoid in order not to trigger the avalanche for -finally!- safe skiing in risk level 5). Sorry, not enough time and skill to graphically elaborate these..
  15. Maybe it would also be useful occasionally to be able to delete on's own posts. And I wonder how the new forum would look on a fxtec Pro1.. (scnr)
  16. AND the search bar is actually visible ^^ Seems like Improvement in all directions.
  17. I may need some time to get used to the new design, it feels a bit flashy.. But I believe I'll be able to accept it sooner or later. Almost anything seems acceptable if the technical flaws of the predecessor can be left behind. Thumbs up for FXtec from me too!
  18. Interesting speculation indeed, which incident may occur first - Brexit (possible further delay) or Pro1 delivery... anyway, if i were to bet, I#d go for Pro1 first. Hopefully.
  19. Whilst we are (more or less patiently) waiting for devices to be delivered, anything new on progress from the OS developers? I dunno if we can take this hint from Adam Pigg that the port is usable? I for one would take usable alternative OS as a good compensation for the delay on delivery..
  20. I really hope the community port will be successful and that this will also help bring sailfishOS a bit forwarad. So, if the combination gets running, I'm sure it'll find its lovers. Is there a chance to see the prototype at the demo event?
  21. Nothing missed yet, the invitation was sent out but yesterday, and I for one am still figuring out how to do this.. London would've been easier ^^
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