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Posts posted by tdm

  1. I've done a first build of AICP Q using the Lineage 17.1 sources as a base.  After it is tested for a while, I will probably try to get official support.


    The boot image is used just as in the Lineage test builds.  Flash it with fastboot, boot into recovery, and then flash the main zip.


    If you want gapps, I tested OpenGapps pico for Android 10.0.  Don't forget to switch slots before flashing gapps.


    Please report any issues and I will try to sort them out.


    Boot image for initial flash:



    Current build: 2020-11-02


    MD5: c9b049a2836933cfcdca44ec3caaa1c5





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  2. 57 minutes ago, daniel.schaaaf said:

    Wow, that would be highly appreciated! Would it break stuff for other applications? Open source generally sounds like the better way to go 🙂

    My sister just told me that her phone doesn't get hot any more from a video call. Good for her ... bad for us? Anyways, she owns a Xiaomi Note 10 Pro running MIUI 12.0.1. She bought it half a year ago and complained aboit it getting hot during video calls. But she doesn't know what Android/MIUI she had on her phone initially.

    So I looked up that device and it has a SDM730 chip, which means that this issue apparently spans multiple qcom devices. But it did ship with Android 9, which we also use. I am guessing that her device has been upgraded to Android 10 and the issue is fixed there. So one thing to try, if you can, is upgrade to Lineage 17.1. Nolen has a build if you are interested. Or you can wait a few more days, he is just about ready to switch official builds.


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  3. 45 minutes ago, daniel.schaaaf said:

    Ever since I switched to LOS, Signal video calls heat up my Pro1 like crazy. "Crazy" as in it hits 50 deg.C and starts thermal throttling. I don't think that it is a specific LOS issue, as my sister experiences the same heat issue on her Xiaomi.

    The only suspicious thing I found in my logcat are thousands of these:

    I mm-camera: <STATS_AEC >< INFO> 1983: aec_port_send_aec_update: output_index(1): sg:15.712061, et:0.033335, iso:1571, lc:2531
    E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> handleMetadataWithLock: 4288: result.num_output_buffers:1
    E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> orchestrateRequest: 4765: mForceHdrSnapshot:0
    I mm-camera: <STATS_AEC >< INFO> 1983: aec_port_send_aec_update: output_index(0): sg:15.712061, et:0.033335, iso:1571, lc:2531
    E mm-camera: <ISP   ><ERROR> 172: sce40_select_table: aec_ratio 1.000000
    E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> handleMetadataWithLock: 4288: result.num_output_buffers:1
    E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> orchestrateRequest: 4765: mForceHdrSnapshot:0
    I mm-camera: <STATS_AEC >< INFO> 1983: aec_port_send_aec_update: output_index(1): sg:15.712061, et:0.033335, iso:1571, lc:2531
    E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> handleMetadataWithLock: 4288: result.num_output_buffers:1
    E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> orchestrateRequest: 4765: mForceHdrSnapshot:0


    Interesting issue.  I poked around a bit and these particular messages are from the camera hal, which we currently take as a prebuilt blob from the stock firmware.  So there may be some incompatibility.  I could try building the camera hal -- it is open source and does differ slightly from the stock version.


    What model is your sister's device and what exact software is she running (lineage or stock, what version, etc.)?


    • Like 1
  4. On 10/17/2020 at 11:21 AM, Wheeljack said:

    Also testing kbd-3 here on my QWERTZ. While button mashing I ran into the issue again where the keyboard completely locks up (save for the Alt key) - so I tried to reproduce it...

    As far as I see, you can trigger this by pressing two keys at exactly the same time. I managed to lock the keyboard up after just a few tries with X+D or W+S with my big enough left thumb.

    I reproduced this issue on test-3.  I am trying to figure out if it happens on stock, lineage, both, or neither.  The fix should be relatively easy.


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  5. Yes it would be possible to ship LineageOS with a locked boot loader.  This basically means that the boot loader would ensure that the boot partition (kernel and recovery, mostly) is bit-for-bit as shipped by the factory.  It does not necessarily mean that the contents of any other partitions (system, vendor) would be locked.  It could be configured to do so, but that requires other security measures -- most notably verity, which LineageOS disables to allow add-ons to be installed.


    Now, what would that gain you?  I'm not exactly sure.  I don't see how this improves security unless you are worried about someone slipping a hacked kernel onto your device.  LineageOS does not pass SafetyNet as shipped, so you would surely not be able to use the device with banking apps or enroll in BYOD.  Some LineageOS users install magisk to get around SafetyNet, but I believe magisk installs a custom boot partition, so that would not work either.


    If you are imagining the device shipping with LineageOS and GMS (gapps), this is surely not going to happen.  LineageOS would take quite a lot of work to pass Google certification.  It would be a much wiser choice to take some LineageOS patches into stock to make stock look and behave better.


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  6. 10 hours ago, OKSun said:

    How do these android software customisation work? Is it not possible for Fxtec to change supplier for the android stock customization? Since IdeaLTE does not seem to deliver? Does google limit these options?

    It seems that the situation is so difficult that fx tec has to launch a phone with another operating system? And we are not even sure whether banking apps will work?

    I have another phone from another small company "Cyrus" (outdoor phones). It receives stock android software updates every month.



    There are many considerations to stock/factory software.  Here is a (probably not complete) list from someone who has been relatively close to the process in the past but not directly involved:


    * The software must be cryptographically signed.  IdeaLTE has the private device key and, as far as I know, FxTec does not have a copy.  So FxTec has no way of generating valid software unless they get that key from IdeaLTE.


    * The software must be loaded at the factory.  This means FxTec would need to provide software in the format that IdeaLTE requires, which is probably not a big deal, but it does mean that FxTec would need access to the entire BSP (which it mostly has, but not quite).


    * The software must be able to be used for factory testing (eg. quality control).  Any changes that IdeaLTE has made to the standard BSP for testing must be preserved by FxTec.


    * The software must be able to pass Google certification.  This is a long, involved, and expensive process.  It requires contracts be signed between FxTec (or their chosen provider) and Google.  Each submission is quite expensive (five years ago it was $10,000 for each run, it may be more now).  So the submitter must make sure that it will pass certification beforehand.  This typically takes weeks to get right.


    * Because certification is such an arduous and expensive process, software updates are not usually done often.  There are rules about which updates require additional payment and which do not.  I don't know the details, but I believe they mostly revolving around fixing security flaws.  Feature updates most surely require another payment.


    I Hope that sheds some light on why things are done the way they are in the Google/Android world.


    There is more to say about the specific details of FxTec and IdeaLTE and how things have (not) worked, but I don't feel it is my place to go into that.  I wish FxTec was more communicative, but for some reason they don't feel a need to say much about it.  Let's just say that IDEA is not IDEAL.  🤣


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  7. So, a few things here:


    1. There is a difference between certification and rooting.  SafetyNet is supposed to determine if the device is certified.  This means not just rooted, but running stock software that has been certified through Google.


    2. There is no single way to detect a rooted device.  Each app is coded differently because there is no API for this in Android.  Some apps may just look for the presence of /system/xbin/su.  Others have more extensive checks.


    3. Apps are not limited to just detecting root.  Some apps are known to look for things that may indicate the device has been tampered, similar to SafetyNet.  For example, I have heard of apps that look for system properties that are not present on stock but are specific to third party ROMs.


    4. I do not use magisk and I do not support anyone who does.  It can cause strange issues that take a long time to track down, only to find that it was misconfigured or has a bug.  Feel free to use it if you like, but if you have any strange issues that others do not, the first thing you should do is a clean install without it.


    5. I vote with my downloads.  I will not use an app that does any of the above.  That is not difficult for me, as my banking app does not do these checks and I don't have any desired to watch Netflix on a small screen.  Unfortunately, I know others are not in the same situation.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Wheeljack said:

    Also testing kbd-3 here on my QWERTZ. While button mashing I ran into the issue again where the keyboard completely locks up (save for the Alt key) - so I tried to reproduce it...

    As far as I see, you can trigger this by pressing two keys at exactly the same time. I managed to lock the keyboard up after just a few tries with X+D or W+S with my big enough left thumb.

    Thanks I'll look into that.


    • Thanks 2
  9. 1 hour ago, jamescarruthers said:

    Hi everyone,


    I would like to back up the phone to my computer, as I now have it, kind of, set up like I would like it to run.


    I currently have LOS and installed the Google apps: I've found the Backup page in settings and it backs up to Google Drive.  If I needed to wipe the phone in the future, when I restore it will it just look exactly like it does now? E.g. Apps, settings, the fine details of Nova Launcher, etc?


    I believe the backup page you are seeing is for Google stuff.  It does not backup app data or system settings, as far as I know.


    1 hour ago, jamescarruthers said:

    If I decide to try LOS WITHOUT GOOGLE or SAILFISH, I presume that the above backup will no longer be of use!

    How do I backup the phone in another way? I see something like TWRP mentioned in these forums... is this what I need to be researching?


    A fully functional TWRP is one way to do a full backup of your data.  However, we do not have a fully functional TWRP yet -- the feature you need to make this work is data decryption, and I have not gotten that working yet.  It's pretty high on my todo-list though.


    If you are familiar with Unix/Linux commands, you can use "dd" (paired with "gzip") to backup your data to a PC.  There really isn't any other option to do a full data backup right now.


    1 hour ago, jamescarruthers said:

    If I want to try LOS without the Google services, can I delete them somehow from the current installation of LOS, or do I need to do a fresh install, missing out the Google apps/services?


    You need to do a fresh install.


    1 hour ago, jamescarruthers said:

    If I want to try Sailfish, what do I use to back up the phone so that I can easily restor it to LOS as it is now, rather than starting afresh with it?


    This is not a full one-stop backup solution, but it may work for you.

     * For app data, use "adb backup".

     * For media (pictures etc.) backup to a PC over MTP/PTP.


    • Thanks 2
  10. 4 hours ago, SCΛRECROW said:

    No settings in LOS as far as I can see unfortunately.
    Have tried various permutations of rotation options in the app to no avail.

    Might reach out to @tdm to see if he has any ideas.

    I never really looked into it.  But how much of a demand is there for such a setting?  That is, how often do people have the keyboard out and use the device in portrait mode?  Seems to me that it would be rather unusual.


    • Thanks 1
  11. On 10/7/2020 at 1:06 PM, claude0001 said:

    Understanding the logics of the backlighting would help: is it true that the backlight should switch on (if it isn't already) when a key is pressed and the ambient lighting is dim? If yes then I surely encounter a bug here.


    IIRC, the keyboard backlight should always be on if, and only if, both the display is on and the slider is out.

    The keyboard backlight code (and LED light code) is here:



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  12. On 10/7/2020 at 5:20 AM, daniel.schaaaf said:

    Too bad, I really despise the way Google slowly turns Android into iOS :classic_mellow:

    @tdm Is vold prone to (frequent) important changes? I am thinking of compiling vold with a modified PublicVolume.cpp and replacing the binary with a Magisk module (like vold-posix).and

    Also: Thank you very much for providing LOS. The ROM works better than the original Pro1 Android :classic_biggrin:

    No, vold mainly stays the same during a given release cycle.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, DieBruine said:

    Fortunately I didn't revert my son's Pro1 back to stock. So I flashed the second boot.img hoping his camera would be fixed. But that didn't help. So I flashed the latest nightly both recovery and LoS. Camera still doesn't work. The rear camera times out on unknown error, black screen and then quits. One time it showed  cannot start media recorder while trying out video recording. I also installed Open Camera, that just shows a black screen. The front camera does work in both apps.
    Anyway, I can't just reset the damned phone hoping his camera will work. Maybe tomorrow I will give it a try. As most people do, he needs his phone. But in case it doesn't work, I have to go through the whole back to stock process and back to LoS again. I will let you know how it played out.
    And any suggestions in getting the camera to work again are welcome. I have cleared the apps. That's all I can do and think of. And the steps noted above.

    Just flashed my wife's phone. Camera still works 🙂 . Curious to find out if she will start using the keyboard more often now.


    The rear camera issue sounds like a hardware problem.  If you get a dmesg from boot, we can look to see if the sensor is detected properly or not.  In any case, I suggest that you contact support.  They may or may not want you to go back to stock.


  14. 7 minutes ago, jamescarruthers said:

    My keyboard is pretty unreliable and I don't really know anything about how to load the above. I could learn, like I did to load Lineage OS in the furst place. If I wait, will this fix eventually find its way the weekly updates?


    First, backup your boot image.  If you are on official Lineage, this is the same file that is publish as the recovery.  So you can just use that as your backup.


    Next, download my image and run something like this:

    adb reboot bootloader
    fastboot flash boot <image-name>
    fastboot reboot

    That's it!


    • Thanks 1
  15. 19 minutes ago, VaZso said:

    Sorry if I did not understand you correctly (I am a bit tired) and I am currently using stock Android, but do I understand well you are going to hard-wire FN (alias yellow arrow) + yellow-signed keys as "yellow" keystrokes?

    I use the QWERTZ layout because it can be easily translated to international layout and I use the yellow arrow to reach my local special characters. Some of them are located at a position where also yellow signs exist on Pro1's keyboard.

    Does it mean I will not be able to do the same thing (remap) on Lineage OS or this behaviour can be switched off or is it modifiable or I simply misunderstood it?


    No, the only change you will see is that FN key is exposed.


    • Thanks 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, marmistrz said:

    tdm, could we possibly have both drivers in the lineage kernel and be able to choose between them without rebuilding the kernel (possibly requiring root)? I'm thinking about a way to adapt the keyboard layout to fit the Polish language and I'll almost certainly will need to somehow remap some fn+something combo. Probably I'd want to use fn+a as altgr+a but keep fn+l as it is.

    There might be other languages for which a dead fn key causes trouble.


    No, it is not feasible to keep both drivers in the kernel.


    My feeling has always been that the FN key should be used for the keys marked with yellow symbols.  But I do understand that there are only two keyboards available and this leaves many languages without proper support.  So I can look into making the FN key "un-dead".  That is:


    Send FN key press and release as any other key.


    When FN key is pressed and a key is pressed that has a yellow marking, send the following two events: (1) release KEY_FN, (2) press the yellow marked key.


    When FN key is pressed and a key is released that has a yellow marking, send the following two events: (1) release the yellow marked key, (2) press KEY_FN.


    This should result in the FN key behaving normally for the unmarked keys, and sending the yellow marked key for marked keys.  The only quirk is that you would get a lot of synthesized FN release/press pairs.  Of course, there is still no way to press eg. FN+P or FN+L on QWERTY devices.  But there is really no reasonable way to fix that.


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  17. @DieBruine @raymo and everyone else with keyboard issues... here is an updated boot image.  This has all Lineage keyboard code except for the aw9523 key handler.  I also fixed the FN key handling.  The QWERTZ setting (and everything else) should work now.


    If this still works properly for you, I will start modifying the aw9523 key handler code to see where the Lineage driver is broken.


    Boot image: http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/boot-stock-kbd-2.img

    Code: https://github.com/tdm/android_kernel_fxtec_msm8998/tree/lineage-16.0-kbdtest


    • Thanks 5
  18. 5 hours ago, raymo said:

    Ok I tried, but all letters are...quirky. That means w make q, e make w, r make e etc...:)
    A bit tricky to try in real conditions, with whatsapp or so...first row with 12345....works perfect.
    But I wanted to try in real use, that's here (in heavy use) I see weird things...

    The layout setting may not be working. I'll try to look at that tomorrow.

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  19. 1 hour ago, raymo said:

    I'am aware to make a try with modiefed boot for three or four days, and then, reflashing original boot (according my LOS version). If I understand, this will make no change in data and apk installed on my phone ?
    I prefer a confirmation before as I must use my phone next four days for working use...and I never make that 🙂


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  20. 3 hours ago, Hook said:

    I'm confused.  I have write access to my SD card,  I must not be understanding correctly.  If I create a file in any program (for me mostly textmaker and QuickEdit) I can easily navigate to the sd card and save. 

    Yeah this. @daniel.schaaaf
    what write access are you not getting?


    As for modifying vold, if there is a compelling reason, I can submit a change to lineage and try to get it in. Otherwise it would be local builds only.


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