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Posts posted by tdm

  1. I've gotten the stock keyboard driver to work with Lineage, mostly.  I was having an issue generating forward slash on QWERTY, but other FN combinations seem to work.  And the any-key-to-wakeup feature is not there.  But other than that it seems usable for a test.


    @DieBruine and whoever else is having keyboard issues, can you please try this?  Make sure to backup your existing boot image so you can easily go back to it.




    I've put the code here just in case anyone wants to look:




    • Thanks 6
  2. 1 minute ago, Jordi said:

    I still have the problem of distant subjects being out of focus with LOS (landscapes, etc), as others have already reported. I tried with different camera apps, all of them behave the same.

    Is there a way to track the cause of this or a way to work around the problem?


    Camera is all closed source blobs between the kernel driver and the camera app.   It spews out amazing amounts of debug information, but I have never been able to make sense of most of it.


    So... probably not, unless we get really lucky.


    • Thanks 4
  3. 23 hours ago, daniel.schaaaf said:

    For me it was the complete opposite. My phone was working well with my fibre router and WiFi from a second Android phone used as a hotspot. Some days ago I got mobile broadband installed and therefore I got a new router. The new router is just another common Zyxel device. And it made my phone reboot so fast, it was difficult to disable WiFi quickly enough to prevent further reboots.

    Well, well ... I finally made the transition to LineageOS. F(x)tec really blew it with their craptacular flavour of Android 😡


    To be fair, this is Qualcomm's mess not FxTec or IdeaLTE.  Both stock and lineage use the Qualcomm qcacld driver for WiFi.  Just different revisions.  Apparently some revisions are buggy for some people, other revisions are buggy for other people.  Maybe I just got lucky and picked the revision that seems least buggy?


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  4. 1 hour ago, internationaltraitor said:

    so how did they wipe my phone? do you think they were smart enough to re-flash it?
    or did they enter the passcode with too many wrong attempts and it erased all my data?

    i got my phone back, it still had lineage on it, doesn't look like they reflashed it to stock android from google with gapps... paid them a 100$ for it...  with my screen cracked in the lower right side.


    That was just a guess. Too bad about the damage but I'm glad you got it back at least.


  5. 26 minutes ago, a123qwertz567 said:

    Ok, so I have to do all the two dozens of "fastboot flash" commands from the first post? Iwas just curious if there is a "one command way".


    This is usually scripted with a small shell script / batch file.  That's how Google does it with Nexus/Pixel.  I thought Chen provided one?


    But otherwise, no, you cannot flash to multiple partitions with one command.  It is one at a time.  And yes that is tedious and error prone.  Hence the scripting.


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  6. 7 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    Ah, yes, unfortunately this is stock only. I have tried to copy and sideload the apk to Lineage, it does not work. 😥

    On Stock you can also see an action installing "KeyEvent display", as stock sends a key sequence (Ctrl+F4/F5 if I remember right) on close/open, but it is captured deeper in Lineage, so not as easy to check, Maybe @tdm got at test-tool?

    You do get a keyevent sequence activating the other hall-sensor on Lineage also though. (Detect case lid close/open, slightly different sequence than stock).


    Run getevent.  It won't run in a shell, it requires adb.  But it does not need root.


    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, abielins said:

    Anyone know how to stop the symbols from popping up when you hold down a letter on the physical keyboard? Very annoying.


    Switch the keyboard to type FULL.  Get an adb root shell and run:


    mkdir -p /data/system/devices/keychars

    cp /vendor/usr/keychars/Builtin_Keyboard.kcm /data/system/devices/keychars/Vendor_181d_Product_5018.kcm

    sed -i 's/type ALPHA/type FULL/' /data/system/devices/keychars/Vendor_181d_Product_5018.kcm


    You can also edit the keymap to your liking.  @3zet recently did this.


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  8. 1 hour ago, marmistrz said:

    @tdm is there a technical reason for that or is it just a bug?


    Lineage recovery will offer to install from sdcard if, and only if, a physical sdcard is present and it is able to be read without any decryption (eg. it is not used as adoptable storage).


    Lineage recovery will not offer to install from /data (including "internal storage" because the data partition is encrypted and Lineage recovery does not have any decryption capability.  And yes, file-based encryption counts, because all files in /data/media are encrypted under FBE.


    This is not a bug.  This is how recovery is supposed to work.  TWRP bends the rules with data decryption.  And yes, getting a functional decrypting TWRP is still on my todo-list. 🙂



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  9. 2 hours ago, internationaltraitor said:

    did we ever get a fix for this?
    yesterday i tried to share some pictures that came out 90 degrees out of angle.  and today i had a few pictures at 180 degrees and the rest all 90 degrees out of sync... all my pictures when shared are out of the normal angle. 


    My Pro1 seems to work fine.  Can you share a sample picture that exhibits this issue?


  10. 6 hours ago, marmistrz said:

    I tried OTA with 20200914 and again a softbrick, using the `adb sideload` method unbricked the device. I'm wondering about the root cause.

    One hypothesis is that I wrote /system. I followed this guide of mine to install the F-Droid Privileged Extension. Touching /system in any way will break OTAs on stock, and I'm wondering if the same may be the case for LineageOS.

    Saying "just don't write system" is not a solution, because it's impossible to modify /etc/hosts without writing /system 🙂


    Lineage does not do verity (checksum) on /system or /vendor.  It can't, if it is to allow addons like gapps and su.


    If you want to investigate why your modifications aren't working, the first step is to get a logcat.


    • Like 1
  11. I really wish FxTec was more communicative.  It's super sad to see all the reading between the lines, guessing, and tossing information together because nobody is told what is actually happening or not.


    I'm not officially authorized to say anything about OTAs, but I will just say don't hold your breath for stock Q or R.  But of course Lineage should have Q in probably a couple weeks and then R pretty much as soon as all the other devices.


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  12. 1 hour ago, XenGi said:

    I sold my Pro1 and would like to delete my account on the community portal. How do I do that? I can't find this functionality in the settings.


    Apologies to the Eagles... It's Hotel Pro1, you can logout anytime you like but you can never leave. 😂


    Seriously though, I have no idea. Perhaps PM an admin?


    • Haha 4
  13. All issues for the radio (cell modem) are going to be exactly the same as stock.  All of the radio code is closed source.


    WiFi is mostly open source, but I have taken the stock qcom code for this with no changes.  So it should be pretty much the same as stock.  There may be some differences in the wifi configuration file that affect performance.  I haven't looked at that in a while.


    As for the keyboard, I really am at a loss to say why @DieBruine is having so many problems while others are not.  I suppose I could make a Lineage kernel with the stock keyboard driver to test.  That would tell us if the issues are in the driver itself or somewhere else.  But it is quite a bit of work.  I'll try to fit that in next week.


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  14. 5 hours ago, auvo.salmi said:

    Already feeling myself an annoying noob to even ask, but I have been using the first official since it was published. The reason I haven't updated is that I have everything working. Everything refers to Magisk stuff mostly. I know that if I sideload the update, I have to flash and configure Magisk manually after that. But does the OTA update also overwrite those parts of the system? 

    Another question: Is there any necessary stuff changed since the first official? I tried to search through the changelogs, but most of it went outside of my knowledge. So has the OS became better? Mostly speaking about how it works on the Pro1, not the general stuff.

    Pie is old, very few actual changes are being done to affect functionality. If a build works for you, do not feel any need to update to a newer version. Except maybe for security updates.


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  15. 6 hours ago, DieBruine said:

    I can assure you two others have the same issue. And I'm betting a third, but she hasn't received nor used her phone yet. And I am talking about brand new phones. I will flash stock sometime this week. Pretty sure I never had this issue on stock.


    Stock has had two keyboard drivers.


    The original one that IdeaLTE wrote does not do polling at all, it is entirely interrupt based.  As a result, it cannot detect many two-key combinations.  A lot of people noticed this and the driver was disliked by many people.


    @netman rewrote the keyboard driver to use polling.  This is the current stock driver and this is the code that I started with to write the Lineage driver.  It polls at 15ms.  My driver defaults to 40ms, but the fast poll option in settings changes it to 20ms.


    So... I am not understanding how the stock keyboard driver could possibly have ever behaved better than the Lineage keyboard driver.  They should be more or less equivalent in regards to detecting key presses, especially with the fast poll option enabled.  But please do try it and let me know your experience.  It is possible there is something different that I am not noticing.


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