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Posts posted by tdm

  1. 3 minutes ago, msemmett said:

    Do I have to start the phone and associate my google credentials to get Android and the phone running BEFORE I can load LineageOS? I was hoping to avoid ALL attachment to Google if possible.


    Nope, you can install LineageOS from a factory fresh state.  But please do post LineageOS questions in the LineageOS thread.  Thanks!



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  2. 59 minutes ago, wichtrav said:

    Hey @tdm.  The folks over at the unofficial discord said this may interest you.  I tried using the factory restore tool with both the July 2020 and October 2019 qfps to reflash stock from LineageOS.  Pro1 got past boot splash, but then kept boot looping into the bootloader.  Selecting "reboot to recovery" would loop right back into the bootloader. 

    I was able to flash the lineage recovery and get LOS installed again, so at least I can use the phone.  Would like to have the option of getting back to stock though, and your factory restore tool seems like the best option.  Thank you for putting the work into it.

    Yes that is interesting. I have used the earlier package myself and I have reports that that later one works also.


    Perhaps you could try Chen's fastboot package and see if that works?

  3. 5 minutes ago, agent008 said:

    I only got the phone on wednesday, so had two full days of use with stock - thursday and yesterday. With stock the issue was quite the opposite: always too eager to detect a print from my palm when picking up the Pro1 to the point that when i finally touched my finger the sensor had already got too many wrong readings from my hand and I had to "try again later" or unlock the standard way.

    But on stock the sensor never became "insensitive".

    Stock also did a stronger haptic feedback when it read a print, which is useful to know if you actually got a reading. One pulse for a good (authorised) print, two pulses for a wrong one. Both in a stronger fashion than LOS.

    I wrote code to rate limit the fingerprint reader in order to reduce that eagerness. But since the fingerprint hardware driver is closed source, I had to put this between the driver and Android. This means the fingerprint driver is still detecting your finger and (trying to) pass that information up, but I'm discarding it. It is possible that the driver has some limit where it disables itself.  Or perhaps I made some mistake in my rate limit code.

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  4. 1 minute ago, agent008 said:

    Along the day I´ve been seeing an issue with the fingerprint sensor.

    Sometimes the phone is locked and no matter how many times i touch the fingerprint reader, with any or all the fingers I configured, nothing happens. It is almost as if the sensor was not being "polled" or as if it was being ignored.

    When this happens, after I unlock the phone via power button and pattern, if I immediately re-lock the screen, the fingerprint reader works ok.

    It behaves like the sensor is turned off or ignored after the phone has been inactive for a certain amount of time.

    Has anybody seen this behaviour on their phones?

    I see this issue. But my device is preproduction so I thought it might be fixed in production devices. Guess not.


    Does this happen on stock? I haven't run stock in..... well, ever, really.


    • Thanks 1
  5. 9 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

    You might consider LineageOS, the 0803 has an idle consumption around roughly 1% per hour



    That works out to an average of about 32mA draw.  I would expect around half of that for a well behaved device mostly sleeping.  Indeed, I just checked my device and it is 91% after 17 hours of sitting.  So that is pretty close to ideal.  I have not turned on battery saver either.


    The ROM you are running should not have an appreciable (or any) impact on the battery draw when sleeping.  It mostly affects power vs. performance while in use.


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  6. 6 hours ago, FlyingAntero said:

    Do you mean that FinQwerty layouts are working just like on stock If you enable "custom keymap" on LOS?


    FYI ... "custom keymap" is a bit misleading...


    If you do have a custom keymap file in /persist, this option allows you to control whether it is loaded at boot or not.


    If you do not have a custom keymap file in /persist, this option does nothing.


    • Thanks 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

    I have been in contact with Danish carrier CBB.
    And long story short , they could not care less if it was working or not on a device they are not selling. Lineage or Android.
    So had to tell them that I find a phone that suits me, and then a carrier that supports it - not the other way round.....


    It is interesting and sad to hear that CBB is acting this way.  I thought the US was the only country in which most carriers sold phones and supported only their own phones.


    • Sad 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, jamescarruthers said:

    I think I did that! I was following these instructions too from DieBruien:

     When you reboot in to recovery, does this automatically change the slots or is there something I should do in there to make it happen.


    BTW I have no idea what slots, but will learn later.  Like I say, I am new to Android!

    It may be clearer to read and follow this (but use the official build files, not mine):




    • Thanks 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, jamescarruthers said:

    I started again, did the "fastboot flashing unlock" and it came back saying that it was already unlocked.

    From Recorvery I did a wipe.

    I sideloaded the two ZIP files (LOS and Mind the GApps), rebooting inbetween. They seemed to load fine, stating "Total xfer: 1.00x" on the command prompt screen on the computer. On the Pro1, there were errors at the beginning of the LOS load (something about couldn't find somethign on "D:" and "E:", but then went on to load. Sorry I didn't have anything to hand to record this. Also, when sideloading the Mind the GApps stuff, I got a prompt about signature, which I said 'load anyway'

     Selected Reboot from the main screen on Recovery

    Now on the same little LOS loading screen with a Circle moving in the arc, right-to-left.

    I guess I'll give it half an hour.

    Anyone got any ideas, please?


    After loading lineage, reboot into recovery again to switch slots. Then load gapps.

  10. 1 hour ago, FlyingAntero said:

    @tdm So we would need to provide those code lines for the changes compared how the keyboard works when German is selected? Am I right? I can find the numbers for the keys from GitHub but is the whole "keymap code line" available some where for reference? I can find some examples from the closed issue 35

    I can try to provide correct code lines for QWERTZ. I don't know how to handle the QWERTY since it is much different than QWERTZ. It is difficult to place Å, Ä and Ö to right place and move other keys some where else.


    I detailed the procedure somewhere in the lineage test thread but I'm on mobile and don't want to look it up right now. Perhaps it would be easier just to tell me which key on the us-intl keyboard you press to make the symbol. I can translate from there.

    • Thanks 1
  11. @FlyingAntero and @EskeRahn thank you for the detailed explanations.  However, I am not familiar with these languages nor their keyboards.  I rely on pictures of keyboards to see how keys map to symbols.  So if you want different layouts for different languages, it would be convenient for you to provide me with the key mapping information rather than the actual symbols.  I would prefer a keymap line that I can use directly, but the physical key map would also work.  And I assume the same changes apply to both qwerty and qwertz layouts. correct?


    Here is a keymap example for Y <-> Z:


    The physical keyboard change is obvious and trivial since these have no special modifiers.

    The qwertz lines should currently be:

    Y key = "22:0015:0015" (key 22, KEY_Y, KEY_Y)

    Z key = "26:002c:002c" (key 26, KEY_Z, KEY_Z)

    We would simply swap the values, so:

    Y key = "22:002c:002c" (key 22, KEY_Z, KEY_Z)

    Z key = "26:0015:0015" (key 26, KEY_Y, KEY_Y)


    As for the others, I actually have no clue how to generate "Ø" on a Scandinavian keyboard.  I would need to look up the key combination.  Only by referencing the dual keyboard photo from @EskeRahn and doing some mental translations can I see that "Ö" is generated by the semicolon key on a US-Intl keyboard.  So you guys will need to supply me with that information to do the other swaps, such as "Ö->Ø".  Please reference my post from the Lineage test thread if you need information on how to modify the kernel keymap.


    • Thanks 2
  12. 1 hour ago, OliverTypes said:

    I have a bizarre bluetooth audio issue:
    When connected to a Nokia Play 360 speaker…

    • Youtube video will start to crawl frame by frame with no audio, all you hear is the "tick tick tick" you also sometimes get over headphones when no audio is playing
    • Video in VLC will play but have no audio
    • Phonograph (music player app) will have no audio
    • Disconnecting the Nokia Play 360 speaker, all audio will work fine

    Can this be fixed? I'm approaching dealbreaker territory.


    Odds that this would ever be fixed on stock are slim to none.


    Odds that it works properly in LineageOS are fairly high.


    • Like 1
  13. @Alex the stock software has known issues, including the ones you mention.


    The OTA updater is an app from a company called AdUps.  It has known problems.  The usual workaround is to clear the app data for it and retry.


    I believe the latest update (7/7/2020 I think?) fixes at least the WhatsApp issue.


    And finally, you may want to give LineageOS a shot.  Most or all of these issue are fixed and it will be nicer than stock in other ways also.


    • Thanks 3
  14. 1 hour ago, OliverTypes said:

    🤔 So I formatted my SD and everything was fine and dandy all day and then the Pro 1 told me the card was not compatible and had to be reformatted. Did so, then the card would no longer be recognized. My Mac can't read it either.

    Is it the card? Is it the card socket? Did the phone bust the card? Not really happy to try again with known working cards, will likely order a cheap one to experiment with.

    Oh, and that card tray? That needs a push-pin redesign, I'm running out of fingernails here…


    You can generally assume that if the card does not work in two separate devices, the issue is with the card.  But if it works in one device but not another, the issue is with the device.


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  15. For what it's worth, I have been using TP-Link for several years.  They have always treated me well and usually are able to run OpenWRT.  I bought an Archer C7 a few months ago because my ancient Netgear router died, and it has been fantastic.  Currently on Evil Amazon for $65 or Office Depot for $69.


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  16. 4 minutes ago, Breeze said:

    That would be great😃 Can you just copy the FinQwerty Finnish/Swedish on qwertz layout? I'm gonna flash my phone to LOS tomorrow or the following days, is there a donate button somewhere for your awsome work on LOS build?


    The Lineage keyboard implementation is entirely different from stock.  So the FinQwerty data is not really useful.  But this should not be hard -- there are likely only a couple of keys that need to be changed.


    My paypal is https://paypal.me/tdmcode


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  17. 3 minutes ago, puppymang said:

    thanks for the tip. i was able to lock the device again safely and then unlocked it once more but still no dice. fastboot wont let me flash a custom recovery or the old stock firmware. if i try to choose a slot it says that slots aren't supported on the device

    Then it is most likely a hardware issue.  Try different cables and a different USB port, and even a different host PC.  Many folks  find that host USB-C ports do not work properly, they must use a host USB-A port.


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