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Rob. S.

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Everything posted by Rob. S.

  1. Indeed... Still, I would expect this to work, with ACC being as widely used as it seems to be... My impression is that, with the voltage limit activated, the estimating process is lacking some input it normally would get while charging. Like the fact that the phone even is charging. (When I disable the voltage limit and only keep the current limit, the battery state changes from "Charging (Tapered)" to "Charging (Fast)"...)
  2. Another addition: There still is something wrong when I set limits not only for current, but also for voltage. AccA then reports the battery state as 'Charging (tapered)', and even though displayed current and voltage look plausible, the displayed battery level does not increase. In my case today it stayed at 49% for hours. Only after disabling the voltage limit, the battery level jumped in a few big leaps within a minute or so to 81% (even though my charge limit is 75%). Looks like with an active voltage limit, the operating system is no longer informed about increasing battery lev
  3. I confirm that it works with my phone, too! (It's been a while that I tried and found it to not work, there were a few updates for both LineageOS and ACC in the meantime.) It's does not follow my voltage and current limits exactly, but it generally does what it says it does. Addition: I have a strong suspicion that the "AccuBattery" app which I've been running just to see battery health changes over time interferes with the current and voltage limiter function in ACC. After disabling it, ACC follows my limits more closely...
  4. I confirm that it works with my phone, too! (It's been a while that I tried and found it to not work, there were a few updates for both LineageOS and ACC in the meantime.) It's does not follow my voltage and current limits exactly, but it generally does what it says it does.
  5. Yes, a happy new year to all! Or like the toast was in my house last night: "f*ck 2021"! By the way, there is a new product coming from F(x)Tec which I only learned about today through the Vimeo username from which the Pro1X video clips were posted. It's called the Linxdot Helium Hotspot, which seems to be a device that, in starting it up, becomes part of a LoRaWAN (low-power wide area network) based wireless network infrastructure. The owner then is rewarded with "Helium Network Tokens" ($HNT) which is a cryptocurrency, depending on how much coverage the device provides within that netwo
  6. This one? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ITmEdNWeGZTAmkmMTW07qvmHn8u9oyNl
  7. Yes, it is. Where ACC also does not help is the mysterious issue of phones suddenly stopping to charge (with the status bar still showing the arrow) which some of us have been experiencing for some months now every once in a while. AccA then reports the state being "not charging" instead of either "charging" or "discharging", and the only remedy so far is to reboot the phone. (There was already a lot of discussion about this here, and If I remember correctly, the same or at least a very similar issue has been noticed on other phones, too, with fixes being rolled out for their specific bui
  8. For limiting the maximum charge level, I use the Magisk module 'Advanced Charging Controller' (ACC) which also has a corresponding app (AccA). In normal use, I let it stop charging at 75% and start again when the level is down to 70%. ACC also has options to limit charging current and voltage, but these don't work with all phones and it seems they specifically don't work with ours. Neither do we have a 'battery idle mode' which could be prioritsed by ACC (completely bypass the battery when charger is connected and battery does not need charging).
  9. Stock Android has been severely neglected on the Pro1. That said, the device has been designed for being used with alternative ROMs right from the start, and there are official versions of LineageOS (LOS) 18.1 (which is what I'm using) and Android Ice Cold Project (AICP) available for the Pro1 which are mature and do get weekly updates. Here's a thread (best read through it, it's not too long) that details how to install custom ROMs LOS or AICP if maximum compatibility to the stock Android experience (including running most safety-conscious apps) is the goal: Regarding Linux, there'
  10. "Working on their next phone" might not be that absurd after all... If everything would have gone well with the Pro1, I suppose 2021 would have been the proper year to introduce a Pro2 anyway... And with the kind of stopgap the Pro1X has become and all the additional design work that had become necessary now done, I suppose that, commercially, getting a new, attractive phone ready is really the most import thing for them now...
  11. I have relatively small hands, but still I quickly became used to typing on the Pro1. I don't even see where the problem is supposed to be. Of course you cannot type using only the thumb of one hand, but a landscape oriented slider phone would need to be ridiculously tiny to enable that. Holding the phone with two hands, both of my thumbs reach across more than their own respective half of the keyboard, so there's nothing I couldn't comfortably do...
  12. Rob. S.

    My Pro1 died?

    To prevent more wear to the USB connector until some more permanent solution will present itself, maybe trying to using a magnetic adapter/cable might make sense.
  13. Has this been happening with both original and (Aliexpress) replacement screens?
  14. Of course I don't know how you use KDE Connect, but, while wondering what makes the Android app developers think they should tamper with the keyboard functionality, perhaps Warpinator might do the job for you, if it's mostly about file transfer? It's what I use for connecting my phone with my Linux desktop. (Which, for me as a Linux Mint user, is of course as straightforward as your using KDE Connect if you're a KDE user.)
  15. Getting upset helps noone, least of all yourself. All we can do in such a case, after two years of complaints publicly and directly to Fxtec's support, is actively trying to help them by pinging Erik. Your prime mistake here is to somewhat naïvely think Fxtec wouldn't know that their support sucks, and how it sucks, and that therefore they could simply improve things by "learning" something. As I said earlier, at this point we can call ourselves lucky that they even still exist. The main consideration of all of us who still are waiting for a device (or, like me, two) should be that
  16. For completeness 🙂 : So there we go – January at the earliest, more probably February.
  17. It says "once a month". What is there to misunderstand? It means Nov 30th would be sufficient even if the last update would have been Oct 1st.
  18. Quite well, actually. Earlier this year, to be a bit more safe, I applied a display protection foil after the phone had come back from a screen replacement. Next thing I did was trying to swipe some dirt from the display, which resulted in swiping the phone from the table, as the screen protector was much more sticky than the screen alone—making the next display replacement necessary... Then I thought, why not put something like that foil on the back of the phone instead of the front? I experimented with commercially available back cover protector foils for some other phones, but they did
  19. Are you on stock Android? Don't know about that, but on LineageOS 18.1, in "Settings" -> "System", the last item is "Touchscreen", which lets you set (in three steps) how wide a margin should be insensitive to the touch. Personally, I'm mostly ok now after setting it to 32. Oh, and I've reduced my drop rate (which used to be very similar to yours) to practically zero by covering the whole back cover surface (minus camera) with transparent packaging tape!
  20. @Val I'm not forgetting anything, and I'm not confusing "secured" with "bought and received", either. Also, while I agree that "they should have" done that in a perfect world, and I add that they should have done a lot more and should be doing a lot more in general, and also a lot of the things they're actually doing could and should be done better, this world isn't perfect, and with even just a remote idea of how the smartphone business works no one would have had any right to assume that they were even still alive after the Pro1 production had hit all those obstacles, let alone have substant
  21. Successfully installed OTA update 18.1-20211122-NIGHTLY-pro1 yesterday, but had that hiccup from October again.
  22. You obviously didn't quite understand what he was saying. He said, in addition to the general problem of reliably getting fully-functional copies of the display panel itself (for which the sellers on Aliexpress do not qualify), there could also be a shortage in some of the additional parts that make the screen assembly Fxtec are offering as a replacement, which is substantially more than just the panel. The assembly also includes the casing plus several other components like front camera and speaker. You do have noticed that there have been supply problems worldwide for quite some time wi
  23. If you go to the project's Indiegogo site, there's a menu bar "STORY – FAQ – UPDATES – COMMENTS", and when you select UPDATES, you'll see that there have been frequent (monthly) updates, with the last one being from 28th October. You don't need an Indiegogo account to read them. Also, I've tried to copy those updates as they appear (which I also receive per mail as a backer) here in the forum into this thread: Just for the record, my personal state in this affair is that I'm waiting for two phones, one Pro1 ordered per website in September 2019, and one Pro1X ordered through Indiegogo in
  24. By the way, to me it seems some (if not most or even all) of the cheap screens which come through Aliexpress have a minor flaw in that the lower (seen in portrait orientation) two corners of the screen are not fully active, a small outermost part is blackened. While some of us might not even notice let alone care (only some sellers even mention this), it's something the manufacturer might not want to accept. And screens without such small faults might indeed be difficult to get for anyone at this point, not just FxTec.
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