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Curved screen... please no!

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Just thought to share my thoughts too.

As i have been using Nokia E7 for the last ten years as my prime device, so i think this big screen of 6 inches with curve screen is the best thing to go with.

E7 is so similar to this. while using E7 i wish to it could have bigger screen. i use it as my main device for work and i work in IT. i have all my notes, code base, knowledge base and all my databases running on my E7. when reading notes or taking notes, running my databases i find it a bit hard to read on the small screen. i also have Galaxy note 8 at the moment and my other phone and everything is so much clear and easy to view on note 8. its just that i hate note 8 form factor.

So i would say pro1 with 6 inch curve screen will be so much better as an executive device.


The only concern i have is that such devices like pro1 which are different to norm at the time are often cancelled at the last minutes and never able to get out. i have signed before for such devices but they all canceled because of not fisiable financially.


so i hope this device will make it to release.


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This does not at any point list an advantage for the curved screen just for a bigger screen. Why do you want it to be curved? Are there any reasons except style? A little bit more screen size? Do you really use the curved part of the screen?


Well we can do a little calculus knowing the display is 2:1 gives a width of 5.99"*25.4/√(1+2²)=68.04mm. Combined with the width of the device 73.6, we get slightly short of 2.8mm bezels on each side.

Not many devices with traditional mounting have less bezels. If you look at Meizu 16X, it is pretty close in dimension, and have a ultra thin bezel around the display. But if that thin I doubt that it will help much in protecting the display. EDIT: I'm not sure it got the edges protected either.

A device like the Sharp Aquos D10 got slightly larger side bezels.

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This does not at any point list an advantage for the curved screen just for a bigger screen. Why do you want it to be curved? Are there any reasons except style? A little bit more screen size? Do you really use the curved part of the screen?

Well we can do a little calculus knowing the display is 2:1 gives a width of 5.99″*25.4/√(1+2²)=68.04mm. Combined with the width of the device 73.6, we get slightly short of 2.8mm bezels on each side.


Not many devices with traditional mounting have less bezels. If you look at Meizu 16X, it is pretty close in dimension, and have a ultra thin bezel around the display. But if that thin I doubt that it will help much in protecting the display. EDIT: I’m not sure it got the edges protected either.


A device like the Sharp Aquos D10 got slightly larger side bezels.


So in the end it is about style and screen size?

I've read a lot that people with curved screen do not use the curved part of the screen. So would a bezel really mean we lose anything? I don't want to be an ass about that, i really want to understand if there are any valid pros of a curved screen. And more screen estate may be a valid pro.

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So in the end it is about style and screen size?


I’ve read a lot that people with curved screen do not use the curved part of the screen. So would a bezel really mean we lose anything? I don’t want to be an ass about that, i really want to understand if there are any valid pros of a curved screen. And more screen estate may be a valid pro.


Well I do not know the whys. My point was just that IF they were to change to a 'classic' flat display with bezels that has dimension where it actually protected anything, then that would lead to a (slightly) smaller display area, everything else unchanged.


But I would guess that a big part of it is the style-thing. A usable keyboard in itself is very much a retro thing for many out there, and if it also LOOKED like a 2010 device, some could be scared off.

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....Curved screens are problematic on regular phones. Those problems are magnified in a slider form factor...

... I am service technician and i must agree. Curved sreens looks "maybe" beautiful, but are really more fragile and pricey.

Changing display on phones like S6edge etc is too much pricey, that is better put broken phone into trash and buy whole new phone.

BUT...unfortunately...is maybe too late late to made new construction for "flat" display...if phone will be released within few months. So now is needed to reconcile with curved screed, or maybe wait for Pro2.


...and i forgot...i really dont like oled displays...yess - colors are good, but life is short...it will be burned lite plasma tv :(

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…and i forgot…i really dont like oled displays…yess – colors are good, but life is short…it will be burned lite plasma tv :(


Well in my experience it much depends on the usage. Used with a high brightness and/or some of the tempting always-on functionality, yes then OLED can burn, but if not, I do not see it as an issue. Many years ago I had a series of Samsung E870, and the exterior always-on OLED-displays, indeed did get burned out. When an update allowed to turn the always-on function off, the problem was gone, even on this early OLED.

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...hmmm yesss...and no too. Really old oled/amoled displays butned into totally black...Low resolution phones have this problems not too big. Correct is , that its depends on usage - white screen with black text will burn screen quickly. I have not seen old S2 with burned text on display. Big problems with burning are now on S7 and 8...on both - curved and flat

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I have seen Burn-in on Galaxy S2, S3, Note 2, so older devices aswell. I assume the usage hours for the displays was not that high in the past, and yes, the overall brightness which increased with the new screens does add to this effect.

I do prefer OLED over LCD, great colours, and no problems of stains due to the backlight getting dirty. And easyer to refurbish. (although curved does not help here..)

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…hmmm yesss…and no too. Really old oled/amoled displays butned into totally black…Low resolution phones have this problems not too big. Correct is , that its depends on usage – white screen with black text will burn screen quickly. I have not seen old S2 with burned text on display. Big problems with burning are now on S7 and 8…on both – curved and flat

I only got my S8- for half a year, but the BB Priv for three, and have seen no burn ins (yet?) on either. But could well be a matter of usage pattern. I use my phones/phablets primarily indoors, so seldom in need of high brightness. For both I have used a white theme, though after Pie switched to a black one on the S8-

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From my point of view, curved screen is useful.. if you are using the proper software for it. I loved the curved glass on Nokia N9 back in the day and if Sailfish is going to be a supported operating system for the device, curved screen is more than welcome for OS where swiping from the edges is key for navigation and multitasking. It truly makes using the device more satisfying.


So, keep the screen as is, please ;-)

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….and if Sailfish is going to be a supported operating system for the device….

It is, see e.g. this


Yes, I have seen the tweet. There are many community devices for Sailfish, but without the official support by Jolla/Sailfish Team, it does not have Android support. Xperia XA2-lineup is currently on beta stage for Android 8.1 support which enables most of the Android Apps to your phone. (While Jolla 1, Jolla C, Xperia X currently support up to Android 4.4)


This is extremely important since there are multiple apps that do not have a native Sailfish client nor does the app developer allow 3rd party developers to create their own (Whatsapp as one of the prime examples).

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I was really looking forward to this phone but the curved screen is an absolute dealbreaker for me. If that does not change I will stick to my Moto Z Play and the bluetooth keyboard attachment I made.


I think it's completely beside the point to use a curved screen to make it look cool for a wider audience. This phone is made specifically FOR the dinosaurs. Who else would buy a keyboard phone? The "kids these days" don't care about a keyboard. It's just not cool anymore.


There is a reason why every major phone manufacturer stopped making phones with keyboards, and that is because they are targeted to a very niece audience, and that is mostly people who had a smartphone (and thus a phone with a keyboard in most cases) before the iPhone came out. A.k.a. the Dinosaurs.


Essentially, almost everyone of us wants a modern version of our old Nokia Communicators, N9000, Motorola Droids and therelikes.


And Curved Screens where a cool gimmick in 2015. Now they just suck.

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I think it’s completely beside the point to use a curved screen to make it look cool for a wider audience. This phone is made specifically FOR the dinosaurs. Who else would buy a keyboard phone? The “kids these days” don’t care about a keyboard. It’s just not cool anymore.


We might be dinosaurs, but I at the least do not want to go back to neither monochrome, non-touch nor vga... ;).

So I hope we all agree that we want a modernised version not a replica of what we had.

I personally don't have neither a strong urge for nor grudge against curved screens. As I wrote earlier I did dislike them until I actually got a device with it (Priv), and found my fears of the discomfort to be hugely exaggerated.

On the pro-side it allows for a larger screen at the same size device, and allows for swipes on SailFish - and despite sounding odd I believe also easier to get and thus cheaper in 2019. On the con side it will be more exposed (and thus have a higher risk of breaking) and can give unwanted side-interactions.


Does one outweigh the other? Personally I'm not sure, but to each their own,


Before giving up on the curved, try to find a friend with e.g a Samsung S8+, S9+ or S10+, and borrow it to play around with for a few hours. as they are quite close to the same width.

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I don’t really care either way. I have a Priv and do see the curved screen as a bit of an unnecessary gimmick, but it’s not going to stop me buying the only landscape rootable Android phone on the market.


Spot on in my book!. A landscape keyboard slider is MUCH more important to me than if the edges are curved or not.

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A friend of mine got himself a Galaxy Edge and I had quite an extensive play with it. It totally sucks. You keep touching the edge with your palm, especially when tryint to type single-handed and the concerns about durability where confirmed the first time he dropped his phone. He dropped it from about 20cm height onto his computer's keyboard and the display shattered so hard that chunks of glass came off.


As the father of a little toddler my phone needs to withstand at least little drops without trouble.


And since I made my own keyboard attachment for my current phone (thanks to a 3d printer thats not hard to do) I am not nearly as hard pressed to get a keyboard phone as I was a year ago. So for me, QWERTY-slider does not trump a rounded display.


And when reading through this thread there are people who say a rounded screen is a no-go and others who say they don't mind it. But what I haven't seen is anyone who is enthusiastic about it and say they wouldn't buy it if it had a regular flat screen.

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