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Cancelling order

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I have finally decided to cancel my order.

Prime reason is that FX team is very untruthful. Initially they said it will be released in June, then it went to July. In July they said mid September. In mid September they said early October. and now they are talking about November. Cant people see wats going on?

The email i received to make payment said pay now to get it before October.

they i applied for test device and never even heard back about it at all.


i am surprised some here still think its ok to wait until November. are these guys paid by FX team? they keep saying just one more month and this one more month is never coming to reality.


i am also concerned that i think after 60 days you cant claim dispute with your credit card company, i think you have to dispute within 60 days.


So anyway i am claiming dispute with my credit card company.

has any others here have canceled their orders? and how did it go?

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Yes, you are correct that the date keeps getting pushed back. But face it, we're throwing money at a small company which has (basically) no experience handling a project like this. They've just started and I, for one, am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is no Samsung with their huge ass marketing machine, or dozens upon dozens of engineers pumping out batch after batch of prototype.


If I don't get my phone, sure, that fucking sucks. But this is kind of like dealing with a stock exchange: you might get burned. Deal with it. If you don't want to take the chance, cancel your order. But let's make a deal: you can laugh in my face if the phone gets cancelled and I lose my money. I get to laugh in your face when the thing lands on my doorstep. Waddaya say?

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I have finally decided to cancel my order.


Prime reason is that FX team is very untruthful. Initially they said it will be released in June, then it went to July. In July they said mid September. In mid September they said early October. and now they are talking about November. Cant people see wats going on?


Where did you read November ?


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By now I'm beginning to think along the same lines. The F(x)tec people may be brilliant geeks capable of designing an absolutely great and enticing and practical keyboard phone, but more and more it begins to look like they have less talent for actually running a production company with all the planning and customer contacts that entails. The continuous delaying of actual delivery and the apparent lack of reliable customer info is growing rather worrying indeed.


I pre-ordered my phone in March (expecting to get it somewhere in July) and paid for it by Mastercard on August 1 (expecting, based on their own info back then, to get it that same month). It's almost October now. Besides really liking the phone concept, of course I also accepted (to some reasonable extent) a few startup hiccups, so I am prepared to wait yet a little while longer. But if F(x)tec still has not sent me my phone by the end of October, then I will simply have no choice left but to ask them to cancel the order and to refund the money.


With my own Mastercard, the procedure in cases of non-delivery is as follows: of course first you just contact the company that failed to deliver, and ask for your money back. Then if this company would not react adequately, you can also contact Mastercard about the non-delivery issue (adding some proof that you already contacted the company to reclaim your money). The term to open such a claim with Mastercard is within 120 days after payment: so here it's not not the short 60 days period you mentioned above. But of course your payment method may have been one with less standard conditions.


Well, I suppose next month we'll see if we were right to worry...

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I'd be curious to know where you have seen anyone who is actually from the F(X) team talk about November for pre-orders to start shipping? Please provide the source as I have seen not seen this.


I believe they are still on track for October, but I suspect they won't announce it until it is 100% ready to go.


Not trying to talk you out of your decision, but just want to get the facts straight.


And I can assure you most of us are just people who are willing to wait a little longer for a good keyboard phone-- we don't work for F(X) Tec.

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I absolutely agree with you Michael Bosscha that there is no other alternative as good as this one. thats why i waited so long. infect i am willing to pay $3500 to $4000 right now to get this device.

And i also fully agree that after i cancel my order and then you guys get it then i will be so sorry.

But my problem is i need to use it for my business and this delay is causing me loss. i could wait if i am told the honest approx date of shipping but the way its keep going im not sure if it will be released and thats why i am looking at some other options including buying keyboard case.

only other option i have is to buy another phone like galaxy note with case now but dont cancel my order and take the gamble. what would you say about that?

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Hi Hook i am sorry, i am just frustrated.

Well about my source, firstly if you remember back in September before the delay announcement some people started talking about october and later the delay was announced until october. so same way some here are now talking about november now which gives me the sense that its going to be november delay.

secondly, so i emailed fx team and asked them to give me so approx date if its coming in early october. they replied that it will never be before mid october and because of no stock its more likely to be in november. so its clear that next delay is most likely and for november. the big problem here is that after they will announce delay until november then they will sit very quite till the last minute which means end of november and once its almost passed then they will announce the next delay.

its sad. i am unsure if we are getting pro1 within this year or even get it ever.

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Yes, you are correct that the date keeps getting pushed back. But face it, we’re throwing money at a small company which has (basically) no experience handling a project like this. They’ve just started and I, for one, am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is no Samsung with their huge ass marketing machine, or dozens upon dozens of engineers pumping out batch after batch of prototype.


If I don’t get my phone, sure, that fucking sucks. But this is kind of like dealing with a stock exchange: you might get burned. Deal with it. If you don’t want to take the chance, cancel your order. But let’s make a deal: you can laugh in my face if the phone gets cancelled and I lose my money. I get to laugh in your face when the thing lands on my doorstep. Waddaya say?


You forgot about one, very important thing. This is not a crowdfunding project on kickstarter or indiegogo (even Fxtec team pointed that out in email to someone lately) but a valid preorder/order. There should be no "dealing with a stock exchange" thing. If this was a crowdfunding project I would probably not support it because it allows for that "gamble" thing. Ordering and backing are two different things.

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Yes, you are correct that the date keeps getting pushed back. But face it, we’re throwing money at a small company which has (basically) no experience handling a project like this. They’ve just started and I, for one, am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is no Samsung with their huge ass marketing machine, or dozens upon dozens of engineers pumping out batch after batch of prototype.


If I don’t get my phone, sure, that fucking sucks. But this is kind of like dealing with a stock exchange: you might get burned. Deal with it. If you don’t want to take the chance, cancel your order. But let’s make a deal: you can laugh in my face if the phone gets cancelled and I lose my money. I get to laugh in your face when the thing lands on my doorstep. Waddaya say?

You forgot about one, very important thing. This is not a crowdfunding project on kickstarter or indiegogo (even Fxtec team pointed that out in email to someone lately) but a valid preorder/order. There should be no “dealing with a stock exchange” thing. If this was a crowdfunding project I would probably not support it because it allows for that “gamble” thing. Ordering and backing are two different things.


I would suggest the only difference between a pre-order for a new company with a new product and backing a crowdfunding project is time scale. I've watched an indegogo project I chose not to back and now, a year later that still don't have a prototype, have not firmed sources and are still investigating possible factories. For a pre-order, they had a prototype, engineering models, sourced materials and a factory before they collected money. However, for a small company doing this for the first time there are still many small but significant obstacles that can and probably will be encountered. Just not the biggest obstacle-- not having a real product.


I blame no one for losing patience. I admit I am hopeful to a fault, but I also really really want this phone and there is nothing else out there. :)



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Hi Hook i am sorry, i am just frustrated.


Well about my source, firstly if you remember back in September before the delay announcement some people started talking about october and later the delay was announced until october. so same way some here are now talking about november now which gives me the sense that its going to be november delay.


secondly, so i emailed fx team and asked them to give me so approx date if its coming in early october. they replied that it will never be before mid october and because of no stock its more likely to be in november. so its clear that next delay is most likely and for november. the big problem here is that after they will announce delay until november then they will sit very quite till the last minute which means end of november and once its almost passed then they will announce the next delay.


its sad. i am unsure if we are getting pro1 within this year or even get it ever.


Are they talking about pre-order or orders placed after the pre orders closed?

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I had to change my delivery address last week. They confirmed immediately and confirmed that I will receive my order next week or latest the week after. I ordered my phone in March and paid by end of July.

That means that shipping should begin immediately during the next week(which starts tomorrow) if they are so confident to say that it can arrive next week. In my country, a DHL package takes ~5 working days to arrive(which would be here in Monday the week after next one) unless they send it via DHL express which reduces it to 3-4 days.

We would be happy if you could show us the email. I paid on 2nd August because the payment email didn't arrive after 48 hours and I had to write to support, I hope it wasn't too late...


If it's true and there won't be any more delays then it's a great news.

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That would be great news.

What would be properly 'good' is if F(x) would keep us ALL informed officially, instead of us having to rely on second hand drip feeds that many of us desperately want to believe, but remain deeply sceptical about. To that end, I sent a strongly worded email to info@fxtec yesterday (finishing off that I will give them a few days to reply before I publish further...) I have also contacted techblogwriter@outlook.com - in the interview on fxtec.com (which they have conveniently cut short, but which is still full length on the blog website) the interviewer talked about getting Adrian back on in a few months. So I outlined their unresponsiveness of late regarding continually pushed back shipping dates & very limited updates, information or explanation. He has promised "I will contact them now and see if I can get them back on ... I will let you know how I get on"

So I will wait to see whether F(x) decide to be more forth-coming in the next few days with something credible & honest … Otherwise I will share what I have written - perhaps some concerted group pressure will persuade F(x) to be more open about progress, or lack of it, and what is really happening. In this event I would also likely contact some of the other organisations F(x) have happily used for publicity (https://www.fxtec.com/press/) and see if they "would help us hold their feet to fire... "

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That would be great news.

What would be properly ‘good‘ is if F(x) would keep us ALL informed officially, instead of us having to rely on second hand drip feeds that many of us desperately want to believe, but remain deeply sceptical about. To that end, I sent a strongly worded email to info@fxtec yesterday (finishing off that I will give them a few days to reply before I publish further…) I have also contacted techblogwriter@outlook.com – in the interview on fxtec.com (which they have conveniently cut short, but which is still full length on the blog website) the interviewer talked about getting Adrian back on in a few months. So I outlined their unresponsiveness of late regarding continually pushed back shipping dates & very limited updates, information or explanation. He has promised “I will contact them now and see if I can get them back on … I will let you know how I get on”


So I will wait to see whether F(x) decide to be more forth-coming in the next few days with something credible & honest … Otherwise I will share what I have written – perhaps some concerted group pressure will persuade F(x) to be more open about progress, or lack of it, and what is really happening. In this event I would also likely contact some of the other organisations F(x) have happily used for publicity (https://www.fxtec.com/press/) and see if they “would help us hold their feet to fire… “


I just sent a mail their way, I do really hope they can reply, otherwise I'll start to consider the idea of cancelling my preorder, getting a refund to replace my almost dead as a doornail s7 edge with another cheap phone, keeping the difference in price for me and sticking with it for the next 3 years.

I really was on board with this project, but their lack of communication (and the daily hype posts on their Facebook and Twitter accounts) is really tiresome and I think I'm starting to get some Moto Mod flashbacks.

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If they time to post on social media, they have time to update us on project status. A long time ago they said they wouldn't take payments until they were 2-3 weeks from shipping. I paid 2 months ago for my preorder.

Over the past few months I've seen all kinds of new phones getting released and I'm still here waiting for my Pro1. This wait is beyond frustrating and I'm not even sure it's worth it anymore. I can get a new phone from a major brand that has all their ducks in a row for half this price or even less. Sure no keyboard, but at least I get the support I am used to as a paying customer.


If the communication is this bad before the product launch how bad will it be post launch? Imagine trying to get device support from them if something goes wrong. I'm not trying to bash them but it's getting hard to support the team. The newsletter clearly said we will get regular updates but we have nothing so far. Early October is next week and if they intend on shipping, we should have a date. And if they wait until that timeframe to tell me it's delayed, I'm cancelling too. Very sad to say but all of these delays and obscurity are very troubling. And I can't back them in that state.

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They don't exactly have time to post on Twitter either. Those marketing posts are automated as you can see by looking at the tweet source. They had to prepared beforehand, sure, but the recent ones read like that job was outsourced.


But as "they're busy" repeatedly comes up... what are they busy with to the extent of not being able to update the project status? Organization is hard, but it's not like they're screwing the phones together themselves in this very moment. I doubt everyone at Fx is doing the last software tweaks themselves either.

I give them credit for making this device, but I can't find a suitable excuse for the lack of real updates, especially considering the last mail told us to expect them.

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I've told family and friends about the Pro1 and how excited I am, how much I spent on the phone and the fact that I've never bought a new phone ever but I'm willing to this time because I really like the device and want to support the company.

How disappointing is it that every time they ask me about it, I say it's been delayed? And I've been saying that since July...

Not kidding my brother just told me yesterday I wonder when you're going to give up and get a new phone

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Whenever I tell someone about this phone every talk looks like "so what company is that?", "who knows this company, is it big?", "ok, and you gave them 650€ when?", " and when will you get the phone?", "and who repairs those phones if something breaks?", " looks like a scam to me"... Literally, EVRYONE with sober minds thinks that I'm crazy for giving that much money someone I don't know and yet say that it's ok that I don't have my phone yet after 2 months because they may have a delay.

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I hope what casparbum has said is going to be true and it starts shipping this week.

what i dont understand is why i got a very different reply from FX suggesting no near date.

many here suggest that being a small company its ok.

but no matter its a small or a big company, customers expect from them the honest information.

This is FX website and forum but they dont have time to post any update here? while they have time to reply to individual emails and telling each one a different story.

i am getting more and more suspicious.

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Hi everyone,


We are sincerely sorry for the delays. We’d like to reassure you that we’re working very hard to finalise all the legal requirements necessary before the device ships. I have reviewed our staff replies, and we have not in any form suggested that we’ll start shipping in November. The first batch of the Pro1 will be on it’s way to our earliest orders in mid-October. We expect the majority, if not all pre-orders, to ship by the end of October.


As some of you hinted, you’ve made a consumer pre-order from a legal UK business. What this means, is that there are laws, in addition to our policies that protect the amount you’ve spent. Although we’d be very sorry to see any of our pre-orders being cancelling at this final stage of our product fulfilment, there are certain laws, including our own refund policy that protect the funds you’ve spent towards the Pro1.


If anyone would like to have a chat with us, feel free to email us directly at info@fxtec.com, and someone will get back to you within 1 business day. We will soon send you an email with the latest details on the mass production which has already started.


We appreciate everyone’s trust and patience, and we promise the wait will be worth it! We can’t wait for you to unbox the Pro1 in the coming weeks.




Thanks, Erik.


It seems odd to me that folks would have to dig through a thread called "Cancelling order" to see this information. Maybe a pinned thread could be created with this as the first post and maybe Erik could add updates periodically, even just a sentence or two, and folks would have one thread to go and look for updates.

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