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8 hours ago, SchattengestaIt said:

Actually, I was able to edit the code, but not the part that was below it. I can't even highlight it in the editor.
It's probably because it isn't actually in the spoiler brackets, but it's displayed like that. Don't know if you understand what I mean...

Just experimented. It is hard to ADD something new after the spoilertag, if it was the last in the old comment. Found a (nasty) cut&paste fix:

Ctrl-A, Ctrl-X, write something new, and in front of that insert all the old with Ctrl-V. It worked for me.

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Beautiful as expected 🙂  

Hi everyone, We expect to find a few bugs with our new forum platform. Please let us know what your suggestions and reports are :). Important bugs we know of: 1. If you have a display n

I think I posted this before.  But I've never used another message board/forum where editing had a time limit.  Sure, if someone changes something, it may mess up the other messages, but so what?  ins

Posted Images

At this point, it would really be nice to have signatures on our posts.  Maybe text only, to keep things from going over the top.  But it would be nice to know if the poster has a Pro 1, what they are running on it, carrier, case or other accessories, maybe even key software, just to provide some instant context.

Not a big deal and certainly not worth distracting from getting folks their clacks, but nice if it's easy.

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48 minutes ago, Hook said:

At this point, it would really be nice to have signatures on our posts

Please no.

I really dislike signiatures. They are almost always spam. I like your idea of knowing if a poster has a pro1, but that could be accomplished with some kind of checkmark field.

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3 hours ago, Hook said:

At this point, it would really be nice to have signatures on our posts.  Maybe text only, to keep things from going over the top.  But it would be nice to know if the poster has a Pro 1, what they are running on it, carrier, case or other accessories, maybe even key software, just to provide some instant context.

Not a big deal and certainly not worth distracting from getting folks their clacks, but nice if it's easy.

You can write it in your profile:





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1 hour ago, Hook said:

@EskeRahn How do you do that?  I put text in "About Me", but it doesn't show up.  Or is that a moderator only trick?

Seems to be a moderator only trick.  The Member Title field doesn't show up on the edit profile screen for us mere mortals.

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33 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

How odd. I will suggest them to open it up.

While we're fiddling with things, removing the time-limited editing restriction would make your life easier in a certain thread 😉 I really don't see what purpose it serves anyway. Who's going to change a post to spam long after everyone has forgotten it?

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27 minutes ago, silversolver said:

While we're fiddling with things, removing the time-limited editing restriction would make your life easier in a certain thread 😉 I really don't see what purpose it serves anyway. Who's going to change a post to spam long after everyone has forgotten it?

After the forum change everything is super easy for me compared to the horrible mess of approving each and every comment.... So If they prefer edit limited, fine with me. It is a long discussion of pro's and cons, if not everyone always uses the quote function.

If I write something that I later find out has changed (say a bug fixed), it is really nice to be able to go back and strike out my whining about it, not to confuse new readers. But If it is just edited away, following replies/reactions can look far out of context, even if they were originally totaly on topic...

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On 12/28/2019 at 3:03 AM, EskeRahn said:

After the forum change everything is super easy for me compared to the horrible mess of approving each and every comment.... So If they prefer edit limited, fine with me. It is a long discussion of pro's and cons, if not everyone always uses the quote function.

If I write something that I later find out has changed (say a bug fixed), it is really nice to be able to go back and strike out my whining about it, not to confuse new readers. But If it is just edited away, following replies/reactions can look far out of context, even if they were originally totaly on topic...

That is why forums with editable topics normally need some form of history.
But in my opinion it is useless to not be able to correct or refresh a post. Nobody will read through a hundred sites of stuff to get an overview.
They will just open a new thread with a title like "What is a good working app for X". Editing the thread with the app recommendations would allow to have one centralized complete list (as an example).

Edited by Doktor Oswaldo
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@Doktor Oswaldo I am maintaining a list of network experiences on the clack. Unfortunately, due to limited time editing, I cannot update the top post to make it a list with everything currently known. Fortunately, @EskeRahn is very helpful, and has the power to paste in the updates I send him. It just seems like a clumsy, bothersome way to do it. I'd rather not bother him, but it is what it is.

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I think I posted this before.  But I've never used another message board/forum where editing had a time limit.  Sure, if someone changes something, it may mess up the other messages, but so what?  instead of having 5 irrevelevant posts, it'll have 1 relevant post and 4 perhaps confusing outdated posts, but the relevant post shows it was edited on a certain date and the others have a date anyway, and if they wanted to, they coulda quoted the first message to show what they're replying to at the time they replied to it, to avoid people possibly thinking they posted something irrelevant in the past.

Just allow unlimited edits.  Please.   It allows people to update information.  It allows original poster to update the first post on long threads.  It allows people to delete stuff they changed their mind about if they change their mind about posting it.  Their is pretty much no downside. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
5 minutes ago, david said:

Speaking of my old posts, I can see them when I search, but when I go to the topic in question, the posts don't exist anymore.  And some things that I know I posted aren't even showing up in searches.  There must be some gremlins at work. 😕

No that is just me hating you and using the moderator power to delete your posts.... 😈 ....

Actually I had some too I could not find, but ended thinking I could not find the proper keywords to find them. But there could be something that was lost in the conversion to the new forum. I doubt they ever got all the missing images and incorrect links straightened out, so there could be other bugs too.

You might be able to find it here, there are various filters available.


If that is not a moderator only thing.

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18 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

No that is just me hating you and using the moderator power to delete your posts.... 😈 ....

LOL  I should have known!


18 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Actually I had some too I could not find, but ended thinking I could not find the proper keywords to find them. But there could be something that was lost in the conversion to the new forum. I doubt they ever got all the missing images and incorrect links straightened out, so there could be other bugs too.

You might be able to find it here, there are various filters available.


If that is not a moderator only thing.

The part about not finding them via search is one thing. But there are those that I can see right there in the search results screen, but when I click on the link to go to the topic, they aren't there.

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40 minutes ago, david said:

The part about not finding them via search is one thing. But there are those that I can see right there in the search results screen, but when I click on the link to go to the topic, they aren't there.

That clearly sounds like a bug (so moved the comments in here), but COULD be another aspect of the known bug that some links are messed up...

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1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

That clearly sounds like a bug (so moved the comments in here), but COULD be another aspect of the known bug that some links are messed up...

I was thinking the same thing (that it could go in this topic).  If any more details are needed, please let me know.

Thanks for moving it, @EskeRahn

Edited by david
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When someone posts a twitter link and uses the default embedding whatever, it looks messy from my end, and I can't follow the link easily (or at all?), if I click on it it just hides the mess that was there in the first place.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Regarding the bug a few posts back where things found in the search results can't be found on the linked topic/page....  The problem appears to be when posts have been moved by a moderator to another topic.  The search data isn't updated for whatever reason.  I'm not sure if some index can be rebuilt for that or if it is a more ingrained bug with the forum software.

It doesn't happen with every post moved. It could be that the search lags behind the move and that the instance I found today will be resolved when more time has passed.

Edited by david
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