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LineageOS, Current status : 16.0 Test Builds

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29 minutes ago, tdm said:

Aside from that, I did discover a way to control the fingerprint behavior without doing anything too hacky.  It just involves copying the AOSP fingerprint service to the pro1 device tree and modifying it.  So my thoughts for changes are (1) do not accept touches less than two seconds apart, and (2) allow a configurable option for ignoring touches when screen is off.  Any other ideas?

TBH that sound like enough to stop the false presses unless you like fondling your phone in your pocket 😄


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33 minutes ago, tdm said:

Aside from that, I did discover a way to control the fingerprint behavior without doing anything too hacky.  It just involves copying the AOSP fingerprint service to the pro1 device tree and modifying it.  So my thoughts for changes are (1) do not accept touches less than two seconds apart, and (2) allow a configurable option for ignoring touches when screen is off.  Any other ideas?

  1. Option to disallow unlocking with fingerprint if the hall sensor detects closed.
  2. Option to disallow fingerprint sensor to login (first login/unlock after booting) but allow on subsequent ones (unlock).
  3. Option to disallow using the fingerprint sensor to unlock although can still use with apps. (do note I don't know if this is already possible)

All of these are nice-to-have for me. The ones you mention are must-have.

Edited by brunoais
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1 minute ago, brunoais said:

Option to disallow fingerprint sensor to login (first login/unlock after booting) but allow on subsequent ones (unlock).

Isn't that standard anyway, I always have to enter my pin after a power off/restarting?

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Just now, _DW_ said:

Isn't that standard anyway, I always have to enter my pin after a power off/restarting?

I don't know. My current android phone doesn't have fingerprint sensor and I see videos of people doing the first unlock with fingerprint on internet (not with PRO¹)

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1 minute ago, brunoais said:

I don't know. My current android phone doesn't have fingerprint sensor and I see videos of people doing the first unlock with fingerprint on internet (not with PRO¹)

Well stock definitely asks for a pin number.  I guess it depends on what you have configured security wise.

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2 hours ago, tdm said:

I do not have a QWERTZ device.  And even if I did, I am a sheltered mono-lingual American so I wouldn't know how it's supposed to behave.  The current QWERTZ layout was done with a picture of a QWERTZ pro1 device and a picture of a US-INTL keyboard side-by-side with absolutely no testing at all.  So it is not surprising that some things are not exactly correct (indeed, it is somewhat surprising that it is not more broken).


I would greatly appreciate if all you QWERTZ folks could get together and come up with a keymap that fits best.  I'll be happy to re-post the instructions for modifying the keymap.  Alternatively, if that is not possible, we can discuss making additional layouts (but I don't know what to call them...)



2 hours ago, Craig said:

Are you using QWERTZ?    If so, there's a system setting 'keyboard' that you can select qwertz from there.  I believe that only affects what happens when you press slant arrow + keys.   But per github, that keymap isn't 100% correct yet.

Have you tried the built-in German layout?  I dunno if it works right or not, but I do know on my qwerty device if I select german layout, it swaps y/z and changes a lot of the other non-letter keys (and changes shift+top row) etc, hopefully matches pro1's keys...


No, I'm using QWERTY. Though I ordered QWERTZ but Fxtec failed and delivered me QWERTY. They promised to replace it when all preorders have been fulfilled, but looks like it won't happen too soon. And I have learned to live with QWERTY too, so perhaps no need for replacement at all.

1 hour ago, Craig said:

It doesn't mean someone cannot write custom kcm's for use on our device under linage.  It just means they cannot use slant arrow keys in the kcm as before, those combinations are in a different keymap file.      You could make it behave exactly the same as any stock finqwerty layout if you really want.   

But did you try any built in scandic layouts?   Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian etc all there.  You may not even need further customization.

(And for that matter, with the next OTA, I expect stock will be doing some changes to keyboard, so finqwerty layouts for stock will need to be updated then anyway).

I tried built in Finnish layout, and it works as good as the FinQWERTY one. Which means that it doesn't solve this problem. I still don't have a button to type @ : or '  . Edit: just found out that sym+2 provides @, but it doesn't work on other characters. Possibly something else also missing but those are what I need. Btw thank you @tdm for the Lineage driver explanation. It partly makes sense, but as long as only "shift" modifier works for symbols, the keyboard is like your pc keyboard with "alt" buttons ripped off.

So I learned there is no need to use FinQWERTY on Lineage, but also there's something in Lineage's keymapping (or somewhere else, idk) that breaks the fn/alt/yellow arrow modifier.

Edited by auvo.salmi
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44 minutes ago, brunoais said:

Option to disallow unlocking with fingerprint if the hall sensor detects closed.

I would expand that to

  • Option to disallow screen on as well as unlocking with fingerprint if the hall sensor detects closed.
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4 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

I would expand that to

  • Option to disallow screen on as well as unlocking with fingerprint if the hall sensor detects closed.

Yeah should have thought of that one!  definitely one to have.

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test9 is up.  Changes:

* Fix notification light.

* Fix WiFi signal strength indicator.

* Add fingerprint mitigations.



The vibrator seems to work but I am seeing errors in the log.  Please let me know if it works or not.  Either way I will be looking into fixing the errors.


The fingerprint backoff defaults to 2 seconds per attempt.  This can be controlled via these properties:

persist.vendor.fingerprint.auth_delay: the auth delay in seconds, defaults to 2.

persist.vendor.fingerprint.auth_backoff: whether to backoff between attempts, defaults to 0 (off).  When backoff is enabled, delay is multiplied by the number of failed attempts.  eg. 2 seconds for first fail, 4 for second, 6 for third, etc.

I'll add these into the settings app for next build.


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Just now, D1ggs said:

Silly question, can I flash this update onto my phone without deleting my user data?


I legit just installed v8 two days ago and don't want to go through the mess of reinstalling everything.

Yes absolutely.


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1 hour ago, tdm said:

Yes absolutely.


Another stupid question: So should the new version be flashed to the other a/b partition than the older one? So as your guide says to flash the lineage to slot a, should the new version be also flashed to a or be instead? Bonus question: Is it needed to reflash gapps also?

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5 minutes ago, auvo.salmi said:

Another stupid question: So should the new version be flashed to the other a/b partition than the older one? So as your guide says to flash the lineage to slot a, should the new version be also flashed to a or be instead? Bonus question: Is it needed to reflash gapps also?

That's up to you.  Just make sure you activate the correct one afterward.  GApps does need reflashed and you may also have to uninstall then reinstall some of the Google apps. 

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3 minutes ago, auvo.salmi said:

Another stupid question: So should the new version be flashed to the other a/b partition than the older one? So as your guide says to flash the lineage to slot a, should the new version be also flashed to a or be instead? Bonus question: Is it needed to reflash gapps also?

You can choose to install to either slot after the initial Lineage install. Just be aware that recovery will install to the opposite slot as the running one.


gapps is supposed to persist if you have it installed. But people have reported issues with that, and I have not yet investigated. But it is always safe to flash gapps ... it will just over-write itself harmlessly. Again, be aware of the slots and remember to reboot recovery prior to flashing gapps.


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3 minutes ago, tdm said:

gapps is supposed to persist if you have it installed. But people have reported issues with that, and I have not yet investigated. But it is always safe to flash gapps ... it will just over-write itself harmlessly. Again, be aware of the slots and remember to reboot recovery prior to flashing gapps.


I would be one of those.  If I don't reinstall GApps, I just get not stop errors from the apps crashing.

Edited by JooJooBee666
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Thanks! One more: Is there a way to check which partition you are using atm? In flashing guide the partition was set to a or b few times to be sure to have the particular one in use. I have done the flashing only once and did it just as in the guide, so I guess I should have the system running from slot b. But after a while, when flashing test build 20, should I just remember which partition I flashed previous time? 😄

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2 minutes ago, auvo.salmi said:

Thanks! One more: Is there a way to check which partition you are using atm? In flashing guide the partition was set to a or b few times to be sure to have the particular one in use. I have done the flashing only once and did it just as in the guide, so I guess I should have the system running from slot b. But after a while, when flashing test build 20, should I just remember which partition I flashed previous time? 😄

Recovery shows the current slot on the screen. It can also be found in Android by "getprop | grep slot", and there is even a fastboot variable "fastboot getvar current-slot".

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26 minutes ago, tdm said:

But it is always safe to flash gapps

After reading I'm not the only one having issues with gapps after update, and seeing instructions about slots, and then the statement I quoted, it makes me want to try opengapps instead of mindthegapps.... am I headed for disaster?

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1 minute ago, Craig said:

After reading I'm not the only one having issues with gapps after update, and seeing instructions about slots, and then the statement I quoted, it makes me want to try opengapps instead of mindthegapps.... am I headed for disaster?

For me it just fails.  I haven't been successful installing but there was no disaster after failing.  I just installed MindTheGapps after the failures and all was well (as well as it has been for GApps, the play services periodically crash on me).

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44 minutes ago, JooJooBee666 said:

For me it just fails.  I haven't been successful installing but there was no disaster after failing.  I just installed MindTheGapps after the failures and all was well (as well as it has been for GApps, the play services periodically crash on me).

Well,it appears to work for me.  I'm sure after I play with it a few more minutes I'll find something wrong, but so far so good.  I installed open_gapps-arm64-9.0-mini-20200304.zip.   Every app I've tried seems to work.  And it removed the aosp apps I expected it to (edit:) except gallery.

Edited by Craig
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31 minutes ago, Craig said:

After reading I'm not the only one having issues with gapps after update, and seeing instructions about slots, and then the statement I quoted, it makes me want to try opengapps instead of mindthegapps.... am I headed for disaster?

I had issues with slots and it has also had issues with lineage recovery in the past, but that may have been fixed.


I always used to use opengapps just out of habit, but never liked it because their installer script is insanely complicated. After having issues with A/B devices I switched to MtG and I'm not going back.


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16 minutes ago, Craig said:


Well,it appears to work for me.  I'm sure after I play with it a few more minutes I'll find something wrong, but so far so good.  I installed open_gapps-arm64-9.0-mini-20200304.zip.   Every app I've tried seems to work.  And it removed the aosp apps I expected it to.

I was just able to successfully install OpenGapps today.  Been a couple of weeks since I last tried so something obviously changed to fix this issue.  Let's see if I have less crashes now.

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I'll also be curious if it persists correctly thru the next test update, I expect that might bring back the aosp apps (until we're official doing lineage OTAs)... but either way flashing it is easy, and unlike mindthegapps, the actual apps work too (without uninstall/reinstall).  And it didnt prompt me for google setup stuff again like mindthegapps did every time.  I'm quite pleased.

Thanks again tdm for all your work! 

Edited by Craig
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