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Pro¹ X – state of production and delivery

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It's really hilarious: to make thing exactly the opposite of intended way:

- If you funded early on Indiegogo, you get no phone and no refund;

- If you waited one year and then decided to pre-order on the website, you have your money locked for a year more, but now you get a refund and can buy the phone cheap on Expansys

- If you do not back and do not preorder, you can just buy the phone from stock on half the initial price!

Those who defend such an unethical way to do the business are either out of their mind or suffering from heavy Stockholm syndrome case.

Edited by arkenoi
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Production does indeed seem to be starting...  

Please stop. You made your points, there are people here who invested in this project knowing that, you are doing a disservice to the intent of the project and to those that have supported this f

Since I ordered my first Fxtec phone, a Pro1, in Sept 2019 (which also seems to become the one to arrive last...) I've read everything Fxtec communicated (plus every comment in this forum), including

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12 minutes ago, arkenoi said:

- If you do not back and do not preorder, you can just buy the phone from stock on half the initial price!

Has anyone tried that and actually got it?

ADD: I just tried, And we will see if something arrives, and if it arrives, I will ask FxTec if the serialnumber matches one of those that should have been sent to backers - confirming my suspicion that Expansys has 'appropriated' our devices and are fencing them off online ....

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The interesting point is - Expansys is the company which was the sender of my Pro1x in "batch 1" (and probably supposed to do the same for "batch 2"). I'm afraid that this suggests scenarios in which Fxtec isn't the one "doing this business"...

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1 minute ago, xhajt03 said:

The interesting point is - Expansys is the company which was the sender of my Pro1x in "batch 1" (and probably supposed to do the same for "batch 2"). I'm afraid that this suggests scenarios in which Fxtec isn't the one "doing this business"...

I have the same suspicion, when something is sold very cheap, there usually is something fishy involved. I paid using PayPal, so I can get my money back if ExpanSys never delivers. Well we will know in a week:

Screenshot 2022-10-14 100533.png

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48 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

Has anyone tried that and actually got it?

Interesting question.

All I know is that on ebay people spend much more than the original price for a Pro1 or Pro1X in good condition, some phones go for more than US$1,000.

Hopefully those are not our phones which Expansys is selling there?

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Note that it doesn't have to be "fishy" in the sense you might have meant, there are scenarios like that FxTec didn't manage to pay on time for batch 1 and Expansys decided to requisition devices from batch 2 and sell them to cover their costs (that would be obviously very sad for various reasons, but certainly not a proof of "unethical way of doing business" on the FxTec side).

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2 minutes ago, xhajt03 said:

Note that it doesn't have to be "fishy" in the sense you might have meant, there are scenarios like that FxTec didn't manage to pay on time for batch 1 and Expansys decided to requisition devices from batch 2 and sell them to cover their costs (that would be obviously very sad for various reasons, but certainly not a proof of "unethical way of doing business" on the FxTec side).

"Expansys decided to requisition" sounds an awfully lot like something illegal to me... But Chinese laws might allow such sort of action, or it could be some 'small print' in the contract, I do not know.

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25 minutes ago, xhajt03 said:

Yep, that's what I meant.

IF this is the case, The few they actually sent, could be covered by the value of one or two devices.... And if they had continued the shipping of both batch 1 and 2, and 'appropriated' say one of ten, it might still make sense. But grabbing the whole batch 2, and a large part of batch 1 sounds like theft - I hope I'm wrong obviously.

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Another, less ominous explanation,,, (though I hope Fxtec will let us know) is that Expansys had ordered some for themselves that were manufactured at the same time as batches 1 and 2.  Those are not affected by problems in the shipping contract.  Those went to Expansys Sales, and Expansys ships them for themselves, not Fxtec.  Expansys may have remaindered them because of lowered specs, which looks bad but isn't crooked.  They didn't have to pay for R&D.

People on Discord have ordered and received.  FxTec has acknowledged them and say they will be covered by FxTec for warranty.


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Trying a few of the regions available at expansys, the number of devices available of each type vary quite a bit. So if these numbers are real, it must be interpreted as they are distributed to these regions already. e.g. UAE got "10+" listed on one of the variants an hour ago, and now says "5"....

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17 minutes ago, Hook said:

Another, less ominous explanation,,, (though I hope Fxtec will let us know) is that Expansys had ordered some for themselves that were manufactured at the same time as batches 1 and 2. 

A variant of that theory could be: Expansys ordered some also, and grabbed them from the devices already allocated to others in batch 1 and 2.... FxTec confirmed that my super early bird order (No. in the first half score) was allocated, and was in batch 1.
Slightly less bad theory than the outright theft theory...

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15 minutes ago, Hook said:

Another, less ominous explanation,,, (though I hope Fxtec will let us know) is that Expansys had ordered some for themselves that were manufactured at the same time as batches 1 and 2.  Those are not affected by problems in the shipping contract.  Those went to Expansys Sales, and Expansys ships them for themselves, not Fxtec.  Expansys may have remaindered them because of lowered specs, which looks bad but isn't crooked.  They didn't have to pay for R&D.

IMHO, the R&D argument doesn't make much sense in case of Expansys buying the devices from FxTec (unlike from the other scenario 😕 ) - obviously, FxTec might give them some discount, but they (FxTec) would still need to cover the R&D costs through devices sold via wholesale.

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2 minutes ago, xhajt03 said:

IMHO, the R&D argument doesn't make much sense in case of Expansys buying the devices from FxTec (unlike from the other scenario 😕 ) - obviously, FxTec might give them some discount, but they (FxTec) would still need to cover the R&D costs through devices sold via wholesale.

Well if we try to give expansys the benefit of the doubt, they might have made a huge order, and got a substantial discount. AND they might be afraid that they are not able to sell all to full price, and hence selling them very discounted to cover their losses. A rather improbable -though not completely impossible- theory....

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I ordered one yesterday, as shown below.  My credit card immediately got charged $294.54 USD.  When I ordered, the site said "10+ in stock".

last night I got an email requiring me to confirm the terms & conditions.   The first item was:

1. our warranty term handle by Hong Kong, you may need your way return the product to us for warranty claim

So I figure it's likely a gray market item, meaning I only get a 6-month Expansys warranty, and not a 2-year FxTec one.

I replied to the email, accepting the terms, and got a shipping confirmation a few hours later (FedEx).

I have a completely baseless theory:  Perhaps the crappy cell/wifi/GPS signal issue is a hardware bug, and FxTec is dumping them via Expansys -- without having to cover them under an FxTec warranty. 

Anyway I was willing to chance it for 3 bills.


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1 hour ago, MrPib said:

I have a completely baseless theory:  Perhaps the crappy cell/wifi/GPS signal issue is a hardware bug, and FxTec is dumping them via Expansys -- without having to cover them under an FxTec warranty.


As I stated above, Fxtec has alredy stated in Discord that the Expansys  units will have full warranty from Fxec (which is one year for the Pro1x, not 2 years).

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1 hour ago, Hook said:

As I stated above, Fxtec has alredy stated in Discord that the Expansys  units will have full warranty from Fxec (which is one year for the Pro1x, not 2 years).

Thanks -- that's certainly good news!  I was going by the Expansys email, which may have been generic.

What Discord channel are you referring to?

EDIT:  Never mind -- found it.

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21 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

There seem to be substantial price differences depending on where you are. Ordered one, too... Free shipping for me to Germany, though!

I was poking around the Discord channel, and apparently the price bounces around between HK2198 and HK2649.  And earlier this month only the blue one had the cheaper price, but when I ordered yesterday only the black one did.

EDIT:  Just to clarify, I'm talking about the 8/256 price.

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21 hours ago, MrPib said:

I was poking around the Discord channel, and apparently the price bounces around between HK2198 and HK2649.  And earlier this month only the blue one had the cheaper price, but when I ordered yesterday only the black one did.

Note that they got both 6/128 and 8/256 listed. That can explain some of the difference.
Sorry misread, both the ones mentioned were 8/256

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I ordered the fxtec pro1 on March17th 2021. 

Has anyone actually received their order of the fxtec pro1?

If so, can someone post a photo of the phone they have received.

Has this all just been a scam?

Looking at the accounts

FX TECHNOLOGY LIMITED filing history - Find and update company information - GOV.UK (company-information.service.gov.uk)



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