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LineageOS 19.1 Official Release for Pro1

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27 minutes ago, marmistrz said:

Sorry for the rant.

Oh my goodness, LineageOS 19.1 is such a downgrade compared to 18.1. The whole UI is so gaudy: the icons, the animations. The large UI widgets that are everywhere resemble a UI I'd build (with all due to respect) for an elderly person with a hindered eyesight.

This reminds my why I hate Android. On a proper Linux distro, I'd just install a different DE of my choice.

I have not tried Android 12, but my guess would be that the UI changes stem from Google not LineageOs as such.

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It seems that LineageOS 19.1 will be available soon for Pro1: https://www.lineageoslog.com/19.1/pro1   More information: https://lineageos.org/Changelog-26/ (F(x)tec Pro1 mentione

Google pay working here with magisk v24.3 for some time already and works on LOS 19.1 too. -Zygisk mode on -Enforce denylist -Put com.google.android.gms and com.google.android.gms.unsta

While all our work is public, we don't necessarily post a neon sign saying, "Break ur phone here!" 😉 The Pro1-X work is moderately stable now and has been moved to the official LineageOS org on GitHub

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1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

I have not tried Android 12, but my guess would be that the UI changes stem from Google not LineageOs as such.

Yeah, I guess so.

I have more fundamental issues than the broken UI after the upgrade. After the reboot, only my secondary SIM is detected. I need to reinsert the SIM tray so that both SIM cards are detected. Moreover, after I boot the device, there is no information

It looks like the system configuration is not properly picked up by the new release. The large UI was due to the system picking some absurd font size. My home screen configuration (widgets and shortcuts) were gone.

/edit: clearing the data for phone seems to fix the data issue at the very least - but given the number of quirks I think I'll need to do a full wipe sooner or later anyway

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41 minutes ago, marmistrz said:

/edit: clearing the data for phone seems to fix the data issue at the very least - but given the number of quirks I think I'll need to do a full wipe sooner or later anyway

I did too, practically immediately, as described earlier in the thread, so that might be a general good advice?
(...at the least people should be prepared that they might need a factory reset)

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I understand that it is a PITA, but going to a new major version of any ROM with a dirty flash is likely to end badly.  Likely enough that I prefer rebuilding from a fresh install.  Then again, I'm retired so I can easily spend a few hours rebuilding. 😉

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Just now, Hook said:

I understand that it is a PITA, but going to a new major version of any ROM with a dirty flash is likely to end badly.  Likely enough that I prefer rebuilding from a fresh install.  Then again, I'm retired so I can easily spend a few hours rebuilding. 😉

I agree with you, I was surprised that it did not require a factory reset.
And for my case I think the mess I had was due to changing from OpenGapps to MindTheGapps simultaneously. Had I reflashed latest 18.1 with MindTheGapps before the upgrade to 19, it might have worked smoothly.

(OpenGapps is not yet available for Android 12 / hence I was forced to do the swap. I Prefer OpenGapps, as they have lesser packages than MindTheGapps, as I mapped out extending the OpenGapps compare schema last year)


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On 5/26/2022 at 4:57 PM, EskeRahn said:

I agree with you, I was surprised that it did not require a factory reset.
And for my case I think the mess I had was due to changing from OpenGapps to MindTheGapps simultaneously. Had I reflashed latest 18.1 with MindTheGapps before the upgrade to 19, it might have worked smoothly.

(OpenGapps is not yet available for Android 12 / hence I was forced to do the swap. I Prefer OpenGapps, as they have lesser packages than MindTheGapps, as I mapped out extending the OpenGapps compare schema last year)

MTG has the upside that it just works. Opengapps have weird bugs and crashes at least on LOS17 and 18 they even say it on their download page that it is not stable yet. I had so many wierd problems, some apps suddenly not getting any network even i had connection on other apps. All went away when i finally changed to MTG as Lineage suggests.

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Just tried to redo the lineage-19.1-20220606-nightly-pro1-signed.zip using adb sideload and NikGapps-core-arm64-12-20220421-signed.zip

To get rid of some of all the junk from the MindTheGapps package - (OpenGapps still does not support 12(.1) at all)

It got 'stuck', never going past the initial animated logo. New reboots and patience did not help.
Note that I did NOT do a factory reset at first attempt.
It did load enough to support adb though so did a
adb reboot bootloader
Selected "Recovery mode" and there "Factory reset" and reboot.

It worked in principle. (But still with some silly choices like calendar sync in the core?)

And you need one of the huge packages to be allowed to restore your apps from another device saved to Google. It could be argued that if you want the minimal experience, you are likely to use a different way of storing your apps. But I doubt that would work without the device being rooted...

So I tried with
This did not work at all (installation aborts as wrong version).

So reverted to the huge MindTheGapps, (with yet another wipe all)

So things are working again...

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MtG isn't even that huge, and it just works. I used NikGapps with LOS18.1 when it first came out and there was no opengapps yet, it gave me all kinds of problems with apps and bugs and crashes. Then changed to opengapps when it was available just to see that all the same bugs were there too. Finally when i talked to someone with OP5 with lineage (has the same chipset) had all the same bugs than i, asked what gapps package he using, turns out the problem was opengapps. Then we both changed to MtG and all the crashing and errors are gone. I guess there is a reason lineage lists it as the only option for gapps.

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11 hours ago, Rob. S. said:

Is there any easy way to check which GApps it is that I've installed? 

Mindthegapps on 19.1 has a /system/addon.d/30-gapps.sh of 2.2Kb size
that looks quite different from the similar 70-gapps.sh I see on AICP with OpenGapps (10.8K)

Here collage of the interesting parts (in above order)



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Got my Pro1 back from repair and decided to start out with Lineage 19 as described above by Eske (I flashed the 20220613 recovery image... probably could have used the Lineage 18 recovery which also worked for AICP, but I wanted a fresh start).  I also wanted to note that I was able to sideload version 25 of Magisk as a zip (depreciated install technique) in order to get SU, which ios all I use Magisk for. I had to open the Magisk Manager app to finish install, which was painless, but I think might be new.  I don't remember having to do that before just for SU.  Took me 30 minutes (and then a couple of hours of restoring my apps and data)

Everything running smoothly, but still getting used to Android 12. 

Oh my gosh, is it wonderful having my Pro1 back, and just in time to save me from lugging a laptop on a week-long trip to Colorado.  👍 😎

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lineage-19.1-20220620-nightly-pro1-signed.zip since Tuesday, clean install. So far no major problems apart from the occasional app not responding. But there is one annoying issue. My phone won't charge without rebooting! I've tried several chargers and even more cables. Without a reboot, it won't charge. Strange behaviour. Unfortunately I won't be home for another week, so I won't be able to test it with the original charger. But the charger I have tested with were all quality chargers and QC-certified.
So, if anyone is experiencing the same issue, let me know. I received my phone back on Tuesday. I don't know if this is related to LoS, or to the hardware.

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7 minutes ago, DieBruine said:



lineage-19.1-20220620-nightly-pro1-signed.zip since Tuesday, clean install. So far no major problems apart from the occasional app not responding. But there is one annoying issue. My phone won't charge without rebooting! I've tried several chargers and even more cables. Without a reboot, it won't charge. Strange behaviour. Unfortunately I won't be home for another week, so I won't be able to test it with the original charger. But the charger I have tested with were all quality chargers and QC-certified.
So, if anyone is experiencing the same issue, let me know. I received my phone back on Tuesday. I don't know if this is related to LoS, or to the hardware.

This is a known issue, though I think most of the discussion has taken place in the Lineage 18.1 thread and in the Lineage room on the unofficial FxTec Discord.  No one seems to have quite figured out what brings this one in terms of reliable steps to recreate. I certainly haven't, though it does happen to me, just not often and not predictably. Then again, I haven't kept up with all the postings, maybe others know more.

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2 hours ago, Hook said:

This is a known issue, though I think most of the discussion has taken place in the Lineage 18.1 thread and in the Lineage room on the unofficial FxTec Discord.  No one seems to have quite figured out what brings this one in terms of reliable steps to recreate. I certainly haven't, though it does happen to me, just not often and not predictably. Then again, I haven't kept up with all the postings, maybe others know more.

I have tried rigoursly to find a stable way to trigger it, without any luck. The bug is common for Lineage 18 and 19 as well as AICP R

Unfortunately we do not have an Android 11 for the Pro1, so we can not tell if the bug is in Lineage or deeper.

When the bug kicks in, the phone DO draw power from the charger, but only to sustain what ever the phone is doing, not to charge it, so the battery percentage remains at a (roughly) constant level for hours.

There seem to be some system to prevent over-charging a constantly connected phone, my personal theory is that it is this system, that is erroneously allowed to kick in way to early. I have seen the phenomena below 20%...

(we have had discussion on this bug earlier in this thread - starting at page 1.....)

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I did a full reflash and I still have trouble with dual SIM. Only one of my SIM is detected by the device after reboot. If I reinsert the SIM tray while the device is running, both cards are detected properly and displayed in the UI. This means that the secondary SIM is always used for mobile data, etc. What's even more interesting, I can receive the calls from the non-detected SIM.

Does anyone still have the image lineage-18.1-20220425-nightly-pro1-signed.zip? Dual SIM is currently crucial for me and 19.1 is broken in this aspect.

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19 minutes ago, marmistrz said:

I did a full reflash and I still have trouble with dual SIM. Only one of my SIM is detected by the device after reboot. If I reinsert the SIM tray while the device is running, both cards are detected properly and displayed in the UI. This means that the secondary SIM is always used for mobile data, etc. What's even more interesting, I can receive the calls from the non-detected SIM.

Does anyone still have the image lineage-18.1-20220425-nightly-pro1-signed.zip? Dual SIM is currently crucial for me and 19.1 is broken in this aspect.

Ouch, then I should not update to LOS19.1 either... however, I wanted to do it in the near future.
Dual SIM support is also mandatory for me - I hope it will be corrected soon...

Anyway, I have the latest official LOS18.1 image you wrote above.
I am going to upload it and write you a PM.

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21 minutes ago, DieBruine said:

And just now I noticed my left speaker not working. But I find it hard to believe this is a sympton of Los 19.1. Still, if anyone could test it just to be sure. I went straight to 19.1 when I received the phone...

Currently I don't have LineageOS 19.1 installed but have you tested it using a media playback?

If you only tried handsfree mode then it is normal that only right speaker is active, however, the basic concept is wrong as it should be the left one (not LOS-related but kernel BLOB-related)...

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5 hours ago, DieBruine said:

And just now I noticed my left speaker not working. But I find it hard to believe this is a sympton of Los 19.1. Still, if anyone could test it just to be sure. I went straight to 19.1 when I received the phone...

I can confirm, only the speaker near the usb-plug is active with LOS 19 on the Pro1.

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