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LineageOS 19.1 Official Release for Pro1

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4 hours ago, DieBruine said:

Today I purposely let it drop to >10%. Hooked it up to several chargers and it started cycling through the voltages (QC). I tried two different BaseUs chargers 65 GaN, two power banks, a Samsung max 9V charger and my regular Unihertz 5V 1.5A charger. Only the non-QC charger is able to charge it. I always suspected the QC-handshake process to be culprit. This seems to confirm it.


Interesting that you detected QC charge issues as well, but that is unfortunately an additional bug you found...

I'm not using QC and the bug I see is NOT that it will not draw power. It keeps the phones battery at a stable level. So the attached power DO feed the phone, but without really charging (or discharging) the battery.

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It seems that LineageOS 19.1 will be available soon for Pro1: https://www.lineageoslog.com/19.1/pro1   More information: https://lineageos.org/Changelog-26/ (F(x)tec Pro1 mentione

Google pay working here with magisk v24.3 for some time already and works on LOS 19.1 too. -Zygisk mode on -Enforce denylist -Put com.google.android.gms and com.google.android.gms.unsta

While all our work is public, we don't necessarily post a neon sign saying, "Break ur phone here!" 😉 The Pro1-X work is moderately stable now and has been moved to the official LineageOS org on GitHub

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9 hours ago, DieBruine said:

Today I purposely let it drop to >10%. Hooked it up to several chargers and it started cycling through the voltages (QC). I tried two different BaseUs chargers 65 GaN, two power banks, a Samsung max 9V charger and my regular Unihertz 5V 1.5A charger. Only the non-QC charger is able to charge it. I always suspected the QC-handshake process to be culprit. This seems to confirm it.

Very interesting. Maybe the developers could make something of out this piece of information.

(Unfortunately, with my broken USB connector, QC seems to be the only way left to charge my phone at all.)

Edited by Rob. S.
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I was charging without any issues for about a month until the charging bug occurred again. When it did last week, after a reboot I was able to charge it, but every time I plugged it in the next time, it wouldn't charge again before a reboot.

I tried to shut it down for about 2 minutes, the problem came back after the next charging cycle. Shut it down for 10 minutes, same thing. But after I shut it down for about 40 minutes, I can charge it for the last few days without an issue.

I too didn't find any pattern on when this occurs, but I was wondering if something in hardware is contributing to this behavior.

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1 hour ago, foxfreejack said:

I too didn't find any pattern on when this occurs, but I was wondering if something in hardware is contributing to this behavior.

I doubt it is hardware, as we 'only' have it reported in here for Lineage 18+19 and AICP-R and neither Stock Pie nor Sailfish nor earlier Lineage/AICP.
However it COULD well be that something in Android 11/12 (And thus Lineage 18/19) needs to be set up differently than what it is currently to work correctly with the Pro1, so could well be outside what is changed by the LineageOS implementation.

If we had a plain AOSP 11 or 12, we could see if it has the same problems. BUT as we have not (yet) found a consistent way of triggering the bug, it is really hard to test/debug what is going on.

It is not uncommon outside the Pro1-world... See e.g. some of the top hits from Google:

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On 7/25/2022 at 8:41 AM, EskeRahn said:

(lineage-19.1-20220725-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Auto-update kept crashing. So sideload for me together with test version of OG nano. But now it's stuck in a bootloop.

I will try some things out and post an update.

Flashed both slots with recovery, LoS and MtG. Some crash errors, nothing reinstall doesn't fix.

Edited by DieBruine
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3 hours ago, DieBruine said:

Auto-update kept crashing. So sideload for me together with test version of OG nano. But now it's stuck in a bootloop.

I will try some things out and post an update.

Flashed both slots with recovery, LoS and MtG. Some crash errors, nothing reinstall doesn't fix.

OpenGapps only supports up to 11, not 12. So that does not work. You will need a factory reset after switching to MindTheGapps in my experience, after having had bootloop.

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There is a test version of 12. I tried that one. But still, that isn't right. You need 12.1.

Manually uninstalling and disabling corrupt gapps did the trick. I downloaded Play store apk and installed it. After updates everything running smooth again.

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Hi there.

My Pro1 is currently on its way, and I'm curious if LineageOS is right for me. Mostly because I'm pretty strict in not giving data to Google when it's not absolutely necessary.


My usage:

I'm currently using a BB Priv, which is stuck at Android 6, and I'm noticing problems using apps I'd like to have available.

I'm not a heavy app user, but do use them for stuff like online banking, 2FA, etc, which are generally pretty strict in their requirements. 


From what I've found researching this, pretty much all apps should be able to run with the right settings, most notably installing Gapps and Magisk. Is that (still) correct?


I don't have much experience poking under the hood of Android, but plenty of experience with programming, Unix and microcontrollers, so I'm confident I can figure it out. But I want to make sure if doing that will result in a phone I'm happy with, or if my needs simply match up better with 'stock' Android.


And of course: If I install Gapps in the first place, does LineageOS even have any advantages over stock Android? 

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9 minutes ago, Itsacon said:

My Pro1 is currently on its way,

I assume you mean Pro1X? The ROM mentioned in this thread is NOT for the Pro1X but the Pro1. Though we do expect that there should be one for the Pro1X too soon.

And almost certainly the same considerations on rooting and the like will go for both.

Will keep the ROMs thread updated, so keep an eye out there for new ROMS for the Pro1X.

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Any LineageOS devs reading here as well? I build LAOS myself (with very few modifications) and I would like to get started. Is there any way to get early access to the current work in progress Pro1X version? I'm happy to help with testing once my Pro1X arrives next week

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7 minutes ago, dicer said:

Any LineageOS devs reading here as well? I build LAOS myself (with very few modifications) and I would like to get started. Is there any way to get early access to the current work in progress Pro1X version? I'm happy to help with testing once my Pro1X arrives next week

I think I have seen a github link somewhere in here, but could remember wrong....

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On 8/1/2022 at 5:29 AM, EskeRahn said:

(lineage-19.1-20220801-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

What recovery are you using to flash this? I tried lineage recovery to flash MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313  after I flashed lineage-19.1-20220801-nightly-pro1-signed.zip but it gives me:

This package is for Android 12.1.0 (SDK 32) but your system is Android 9 (SDK28)! Aborting

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5 hours ago, Zuffle said:

What recovery are you using to flash this? I

I use the one linked next to the large zip here:

I always download both (it is quite small), though they are not identical, I expect they might work within he same android version ,

I use a batchfil to remember the right steps. See the comment here


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On 8/5/2022 at 10:12 AM, EskeRahn said:

I assume you mean Pro1X? The ROM mentioned in this thread is NOT for the Pro1X but the Pro1. Though we do expect that there should be one for the Pro1X too soon.

And almost certainly the same considerations on rooting and the like will go for both.

Will keep the ROMs thread updated, so keep an eye out there for new ROMS for the Pro1X.

Ah, I missed that difference1

Thanks for the warning. I fear that means I'll stick with Android for now, unless the ROM is released today or tomorrow 😞


1 This is why naming is important boys. Why the X? There is a number in the name. Call it the Pro2!

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1 hour ago, Itsacon said:

1 This is why naming is important boys. Why the X? There is a number in the name. Call it the Pro2!

The Pro1X was PLANNED to be a Pro1 eXtended with more ram, and changed key-layouts....
But after they were swindled, they had to redo the whole thing with a different chipset, and this is why the old code was supposed to have worked (almost) unchanged on the planned Pro1X, but will not work at all on the actual.

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(lineage-19.1-20220808-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.

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1 hour ago, EskeRahn said:

The Pro1X was PLANNED to be a Pro1 eXtended with more ram, and changed key-layouts....
But after they were swindled, they had to redo the whole thing with a different chipset, and this is why the old code was supposed to have worked (almost) unchanged on the planned Pro1X, but will not work at all on the actual.

Extended or maybe eXclusive as it was planned to be only one manufacturing run in a special colour and yes, there were special options.
Anyway, I don't know if original plan was needed software modification or not, but if so, it should had been only a slight modification which would also be running on Pro1, so practically it is close to nothing.

Because of a redesign was necessary, unfortunately, it has caused also software incompatibility.

I would not think higher amount of RAM and Flash were intended to be exclusive for Pro1-X but blue colour is.
(Pro1 was practically prepared for higher amount of RAM and Flash and there is a chance if these ICs were replaced, it would work without software modification.)

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Strange things happens!

I was unable to boot into recovery mode after flashing the recovery image.
Flashed it again and retried a few times.
Flashed recovery back to 0807, And it requested me to factory reset the userdata(!) to be allowed to boot the recovery????
Retried flash and boot to recovery a few time, gave up and reset.
Then flashed boot image  0815 and all went as usual through the flashing.

The wizard is new and improved (compared to last I reset) - BUT after the fingerprint it jumped back and asked me to confirm my screenpassword (again), I did, and it then showed the fingerprint option (again), saying that I entered the maximum number - I had entered ONE. I continued. And all looked well (except in Aeroplane mode) until I started the standard setting app, that kept crashing....
So tried a new factory reset....

After another factory reset in recovery, things went smoothly, no oddities at all , neither in the wizard nor elsewhere. All back to normal - though wiped obviously.

The ONLY thing i might have done a little different than usual was that I rather quickly after the first report on the three parts of the boot_a being flashed, requested the boot into recovery. So this MIGHT have messed something up so it tried a real boot, messing the data. But even so a factory reset as I did ought to have cleared the user image.

BUT I have on the device with AICP noticed that the Factory Reset that happens when you are prompted in the can-not-boot dialogue, is NOT identical to the one that happens when selected inside the recovery mode. And though overlapping wiping the users data, neither of the two wipes everything, leaving different stuff behind.... So sometimes both seems to be needed....

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5 hours ago, EskeRahn said:


Strange things happens!

I was unable to boot into recovery mode after flashing the recovery image.
Flashed it again and retried a few times.
Flashed recovery back to 0807, And it requested me to factory reset the userdata(!) to be allowed to boot the recovery????
Retried flash and boot to recovery a few time, gave up and reset.
Then flashed boot image  0815 and all went as usual through the flashing.

The wizard is new and improved (compared to last I reset) - BUT after the fingerprint it jumped back and asked me to confirm my screenpassword (again), I did, and it then showed the fingerprint option (again), saying that I entered the maximum number - I had entered ONE. I continued. And all looked well (except in Aeroplane mode) until I started the standard setting app, that kept crashing....
So tried a new factory reset....

After another factory reset in recovery, things went smoothly, no oddities at all , neither in the wizard nor elsewhere. All back to normal - though wiped obviously.

The ONLY thing i might have done a little different than usual was that I rather quickly after the first report on the three parts of the boot_a being flashed, reequested the boot int recovery. So this MIGHT have messed something up so it tried a real boot, messing the data. But even so a factory reset as I did ought to have cleared the user image.

BUT I have on the device with AICP noticed that the Factory Reset that happens when you are prompted in the can-not-boot dialogue, is NOT identical to the one that happens when selected inside the recovery mode. And though overlapping wiping the users data, neither of the two wipes everything, leaving different stuff behind.... So sometimes both seems to be needed....

I'm trying this now just OTA.  I'll report back my result (but you know this takes a while, lol).

You mentioned something about a 3 part flash.  I was getting that from AICP-S.  AICP-R and Lineage has always given me a 2 part flash when flashing from recovery.  Don't know if there's any relationship.

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33 minutes ago, Hook said:

You mentioned something about a 3 part flash.  I was getting that from AICP-S.  AICP-R and Lineage has always given me a 2 part flash when flashing from recovery.  Don't know if there's any relationship.

meant the boot image, and sorry just three lines of output

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