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LineageOS 19.1 Official Release for Pro1

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Okay, an hour later 😄 ,,,

The OTA update to the 20220615 nightly went smoothly (took the full hour, which is, sadly, normal).  Has the 05 AUG security patch. 

Only odd thing is it added a second time and date widget to my Nova Launcher and asked me to set up Google (which I declined).  Never seen those things happen after fist install. So far, everything seems good.

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It seems that LineageOS 19.1 will be available soon for Pro1: https://www.lineageoslog.com/19.1/pro1   More information: https://lineageos.org/Changelog-26/ (F(x)tec Pro1 mentione

Google pay working here with magisk v24.3 for some time already and works on LOS 19.1 too. -Zygisk mode on -Enforce denylist -Put com.google.android.gms and com.google.android.gms.unsta

While all our work is public, we don't necessarily post a neon sign saying, "Break ur phone here!" 😉 The Pro1-X work is moderately stable now and has been moved to the official LineageOS org on GitHub

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13 minutes ago, Hook said:

Only odd thing is it added a second time and date widget to my Nova Launcher and asked me to set up Google (which I declined).  Never seen those things happen after fist install. So far, everything seems good.

Thanks. But a bit strange you also see oddities - though minor. Maybe this update is one where people should  be certain to make a backup first! (Obviously always a good idea, but extra so this time....=

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Hey all!
Trying LOS 19.1 as my first LOS ever on Pro¹. Install went fine including MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_112439. Flashed to stock android beforehand to start from a clean state.

Two problems i am facing:

1.[SOLVED, after some reboots i suddenly got fix without updating gps.conf]
I read "GPS fix taking a long time" is due to /vendor/etc/gps.conf. I downloaded a gps.conf that is fitting for my region and should speed up sat-fix. But pushing the file using adb root and adb push gps.conf /vendor/etc/ results in "read only device".
I figure adb root is not enough and i need magisk root for that?

2. [SOLVED, the adb sideload method was the way to go, wrongly abbreviated form the Pro¹-X boot.img patch rooting method]
Trying to root via magisk went like following:
Magisk patched the stock boot.img which was flashed before installing LOS. The one contained in ext4_QX1000_user_20200825231445_dd49dd0dd1.7z.
But trying to flash the magisk_patched-25200_ceLFW.img back using fastboot flash boot magisk_patched-25200_ceLFW.img always results in
fastboot: error: boot partition is smaller than boot image on second try, after fb complains about the slot on first try. Also tried to assign boot_b since that is active according to fastboot getvar all.


RE 1. The GPS fix now came on right after a reboot so i figure no need anymore for the gps.conf copy to /vendor/etc/. But 2. is still a mystery to me 😛

Edited by mosen
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Answering here too, Magisk has a good guide that if you follow you shouldn't really have any problems with the rooting.


Magisk has two methods of rooting which the easier one is to just rename the magisk apk to .zip and sideload update it like you do with gapps, idk why the maintainer does not recommend this method. It also has the perk of persisting through OTA's so you don't have to install it again every week after lineage updates.

The boot image patching method means you need the lineage recovery file patched with magisk following their instructions. Note here with this method you need to patch the new boot image after every OTA because LOS updates the recovery always and you can't turn it off for pro1.

With the read only device error you need to remount it when rooted so

adb root
adb remount
adb push gps.conf /vendor/etc/
adb enable-verity

Should do the trick even without magisk root.

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I tried to upstream this "fix" for gps fixes and it turned out it never really worked for me.

2 hours ago, mosen said:

Hey all!
Trying LOS 19.1 as my first LOS ever on Pro¹. Install went fine including MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_112439. Flashed to stock android beforehand to start from a clean state.

Two problems i am facing:

1.[SOLVED, after some reboots i suddenly got fix without updating gps.conf]
I read "GPS fix taking a long time" is due to /vendor/etc/gps.conf. I downloaded a gps.conf that is fitting for my region and should speed up sat-fix. But pushing the file using adb root and adb push gps.conf /vendor/etc/ results in "read only device".
I figure adb root is not enough and i need magisk root for that?

2. Trying to root via magisk went like following:
Magisk patched the stock boot.img which was flashed before installing LOS. The one contained in ext4_QX1000_user_20200825231445_dd49dd0dd1.7z.
But trying to flash the magisk_patched-25200_ceLFW.img back using fastboot flash boot magisk_patched-25200_ceLFW.img always results in
fastboot: error: boot partition is smaller than boot image on second try, after fb complains about the slot on first try. Also tried to assign boot_b since that is active according to fastboot getvar all.


RE 1. The GPS fix now came on right after a reboot so i figure no need anymore for the gps.conf copy to /vendor/etc/. But 2. is still a mystery to me 😛


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@marmistrzI don't think it is necessary even. I was just not expecting that the first fix would take 30 minutes.
I tried multiple times around 15 and 20 minutes, then starting to look for a possible solution -> gps.conf.
But as soon i got a "first time ever fix" after like 30 minutes and then rebooted, after reboot i had instant fix.
This behavior now persists, i get a fix within 30 seconds constantly and i think the issue is explained and solved.
Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Kaali said:

Answering here too, Magisk has a good guide that if you follow you shouldn't really have any problems with the rooting.


Magisk has two methods of rooting which the easier one is to just rename the magisk apk to .zip and sideload update it like you do with gapps, idk why the maintainer does not recommend this method. It also has the perk of persisting through OTA's so you don't have to install it again every week after lineage updates.

The boot image patching method means you need the lineage recovery file patched with magisk following their instructions. Note here with this method you need to patch the new boot image after every OTA because LOS updates the recovery always and you can't turn it off for pro1.

With the read only device error you need to remount it when rooted so

adb root
adb remount
adb push gps.conf /vendor/etc/
adb enable-verity

Should do the trick even without magisk root.

Thank you @Kaali, much appreciated! I now successfully applied the "sideload magisk.apk renamed as zip" method.
I was put off by following the Pro¹-X stock rooting procedure.

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Just now, mosen said:

@marmistrzI don't think it is necessary even. I was just not expecting that the first fix would take 30 minutes.
I tried multiple times around 15 and 20 minutes, then starting to look for a possible solution -> gps.conf.
But as soon i got a "first time ever fix" after like 30 minutes and then rebooted, after reboot i had instant fix.
This behavior now persists, i get a fix within 30 seconds constantly and i think the issue is explained and solved.
Thank you!

For me the "next fix" usually works. But sometimes it doesn't and getting a fix takes tens of minutes. This is why I carry my old OnePlus 3 whenever GPS is crucial... 😞

It's been that way ever since, I guess it's yet another bug that will never get resolved.

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1 minute ago, marmistrz said:

For me the "next fix" usually works. But sometimes it doesn't and getting a fix takes tens of minutes. This is why I carry my old OnePlus 3 whenever GPS is crucial... 😞

It's been that way ever since, I guess it's yet another bug that will never get resolved.

Ah, ok, that sounds VERY familiar to the situation on SailfishOS.
The problem on SailfishOS lies in the AGPS support. Mozilla at some point 3 years ago changed the license model for its MLS. Which ment that SailfishOS users lost celltower based location assitance via Mozilla Location Services.
A work around attempt on SialfishOS that never really worked was to manually feed the offline availabe MLS files.
But since we are on Android, maybe there is a way to enable the google location service or whatever makes stock android get gps fix instantly?

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20 minutes ago, mosen said:

Ah, ok, that sounds VERY familiar to the situation on SailfishOS.
The problem on SailfishOS lies in the AGPS support. Mozilla at some point 3 years ago changed the license model for its MLS. Which ment that SailfishOS users lost celltower based location assitance via Mozilla Location Services.
A work around attempt on SialfishOS that never really worked was to manually feed the offline availabe MLS files.
But since we are on Android, maybe there is a way to enable the google location service or whatever makes stock android get gps fix instantly?

FWIW, the OnePlus 3 that I'm using for GPS is running LineageOS too, so it's not an issue with LineageOS (i.e. the common base) per se

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Now activated the google location service that was offered in settings -> location -> location services. And deleted the AGPS cache using gpstest from F-Droid. Lets see what that does.

Edited by mosen
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7 minutes ago, mosen said:

Now activated the google location service that was offered in settings -> location -> location services. And deleted the AGPS cache using gpstest from F-Droid. Lets see what that does.

None of the devices I'm using has GMS installed

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@marmistrzAdmitted, i am not after the google free experience on this device.
I have my privacy sensitive things on the Pro¹-X with SailfishOS. But since the gps reception is miserable on sfos, i thought i'd prepare the Pro¹ as a secondary Navigation and Messenger machine.
Thanks for the discussion!

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(lineage-19.1-20220822-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on August 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.



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  • 2 weeks later...

(lineage-19.1-20220829-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on August 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.

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55 minutes ago, dreamflasher said:

I upgraded to LOS 19.1 and sadly observe pretty bad battery drain. It was the same with LOS 18.1, there I had to enable to power saving mode all the time. But now even with power saving mode on, it shows bad battery drain 😞

Can you giva a  more precise ideab of "bad battery drain?" I get what i consider quite good battery life on 19,1, meaning the Pro1 easily lasts me all day, even with a lot ofuse and screen time.  My battery was recently replaced, so I get long life anyway, but I'm not getting unusual drain.

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3 hours ago, dreamflasher said:

I upgraded to LOS 19.1 and sadly observe pretty bad battery drain. It was the same with LOS 18.1, there I had to enable to power saving mode all the time. But now even with power saving mode on, it shows bad battery drain 😞

Install something like GSAM or 3C All-In-One Toolbox, to find what app is the culprit. The LOS by it self is pretty lean on the battery. About 0.5%/h when idle.

Screenshot_20220907-170341_3C All-in-One Toolbox.png

ADD, And when in Aeroplane mode it falls to about 8%/day

(And this is on a preproduction unit from the the spring 2019, with original battery)

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(lineage-19.1-20220912-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.

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(lineage-19.1-20220919-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.

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(lineage-19.1-20220926-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.

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7 hours ago, EskeRahn said:

(lineage-19.1-20220926-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.

And I have been continuing to do OTA updates weekly, all successful, nothing breaks, but what the heck is that long delay as the updater prepares for first boot.  It is literally hours now.  Lol.  Luckily I'm working on my laptop Monday mornings.  😄

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2 hours ago, Hook said:

And I have been continuing to do OTA updates weekly, all successful, nothing breaks, but what the heck is that long delay as the updater prepares for first boot.  It is literally hours now.  Lol.  Luckily I'm working on my laptop Monday mornings.  😄

Interesting, I have not done their OTA for ages.

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(lineage-19.1-20221003-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on September 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)

Still with the keyboard bug introduced that messes accessibility apps (works on AICP R/S based on Android 11/12) see e.g. this.

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