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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2020 in Posts

  1. Guys, the world is facing an unprecedented pandemic and the worst economic downturn in a century. We could count ourselves lucky if Fxtec and partners don't go bust soon. I mean millions of people have already lost their jobs and livelihood, thousands have lost their lives. You guys are looking at loosing $600 if Fxtec goes bankrupt, surely if that's all you loose in that pandemic you will recover from it.
    6 points
  2. Hey guys! Sorry it has taken so long for us to go through the entrants, we have had a busy few weeks. @SirBaconIII you are the winner of our wallpaper competition. WELL DONE!!! We loved your Pine close up photo. Please could you drop us a message on Twitter 🙂
    5 points
  3. They are very lucky that many (most?) devices have been sent out already. Otherwise I would have left long ago. I think they probably have lots of new preorders from public reviews like from Linus (950k views already). So they will be waiting in order to send out bigger batches at once. Otherwise I wouldn't even understand how the lockdown would affect keyboard delivery since the keyboards should have been there months ago. I just really hope that they aren't purposely inventing excuses since they have much bigger problems. @Rob. S. Sadly this isn't about weeks and it never was. We al
    2 points
  4. Because "then" a lot happened. In December, this was a different world. I understand everyone's disappointment including mine, but why are some people so unwilling to give a company like Fxtec the benefit of doubt, even in a situation like this? In this situation, we can only hope that they will survive, since they're NOT Apple, or Samsung, for that matter, which, beside their electronics division, even has a weapons of war division that can hardly fail in this day and age. Whether I get my expensive toy two weeks later or earlier is really the least of my problems now.
    2 points
  5. You're welcome. I have it installed on all my devices. Let me know how you fare with Fulguris and I will give that a whirl too.
    1 point
  6. Would have been nice to be able to feature Konayachi's work... But I have to admit his photo is great. Congrats.
    1 point
  7. Can I also just add a massive thank you to those that entered!! We hope to continue hosting more competitions for you all to take part in from now on 🙂
    1 point
  8. Nice, I like that the majority of the image is out of the focus plane. If too much is in focus it easily interferes with what icons that are displayed on top of it.
    1 point
  9. I don't agree. I have been waiting almost 10 months since payment (preordered, mind you) and I still don't have my phone. 600$ may be pocket money for you but it's almost a months worth of salary for me. In case they see themselves go bankrupt I really hope they will give us a heads up so I can get my money back at least before their ship completely sinks.
    1 point
  10. I'm too on the Vivaldi team on Windows, browsing without tab bar and just that Window side panel. On Android though it does not bring much over stock Chrome.
    1 point
  11. I'm the Presto Opera lover so today I'm using Vivaldi, both on desktop and mobile.
    1 point
  12. Then fxtec shouldn't constantly say otherwise in its newsletters. Somehow it's the same as in December. At that time they also wrote that they send a batch every week, but then they did something else.
    1 point
  13. I too find it a bit odd that the keyboard being the number one selling point for the Pro1, I would have expected the software for it had be giving a lot more care before it hit the streets. On the first for other readers, you are talking the wish for a DEDICATED slash key, it is not that we can not get a slash (Fn+P for qwertY and Fn+7 for qwertZ )
    1 point
  14. Exactly. Finqwerty is just layouts. Don't feel bad about using them, cuz the layouts included don't even let you type slash. Fxtec is taking forever to fix this basic stuff. It's all been reported by users since November. And the lack of slash key was complained about years ago, by me for example. All this stuff is resolved in Lineage the way stock should have done it. Including easy ways to type £ - that "SYM" key for example that isn't used with stock. Nobody knows why stock is taking so long to fix software issues that were reported in November/December, even those with sol
    1 point
  15. Sounds like you have a warranty issue. But as a workaround you could use a rotation control app to force portrait when needed.
    1 point
  16. see above post from @anonim001 and search the forums for hall sensor diagnostic I guess, or just diagnostic tool.
    1 point
  17. Well that's good. You mighta been stuck using a hardware keyboard! Nobody around here likes those...
    1 point
  18. Here goes nothing... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hffh8qtsljmfa7x/AAAu0ozxcIQ--kZY31nZmA_Ya?dl=0 All photos by me, and I may add more if time permits. That is, if I have anything else that crops okay in portrait and landscape.
    1 point
  19. Drawn by Konayachi. Used with permission:
    1 point
  20. My preferred wallpaper is attached.... 😇 I named it Black_1x2.png
    1 point
  21. Any signs for insolvence of Fxtec, because of covid19 and the production issues before?
    0 points
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