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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2020 in Posts

  1. Random question, would your wife happen to be @sequestris by any chance?
    6 points
  2. Hi Everyone, Latest update. I took Eskerahn's suggestions and made the fillets larger for the button/charger/earphones. Eskerahn also asked about the speaker cutout and my wife wanted a place to put charms for her phone. So I combined the two. See pics below. The print quality was not as good as it was before but that is because I made a mistake and printed at a lower density. Will be printing a brand new set next weekend for the wife and I will be inheriting her old case. I haven't worked with the PCTPE yet. As I mentioned before we don't utilize the fingerpring reader so our
    4 points
  3. 1450€? Did you buy two? Look, get your refund if you think it's a phone you won't want. They will give it to you, based on all previous interactions. There's no need to keep whining. While I understand the frustration. there are people who have been waiting a lot longer than you.
    3 points
  4. This. No matter how niche this phone is there is undeniable demand. I am glad I waited for stock allocation despite months of delays. I really hope Fxtec doesn't flop as a company but even if they do, they existed, there are some phones out there. Since the bootloader is unlocked the community can keep it alive for quite long, turning it into a pretty "rare" collectors item in the worst case scenario. People say how outdated it is but I digress, there are still Blackberries sold for obscene prices (looking at you K series) and the Pro1 tops them in every single aspect. Note these phones a
    3 points
  5. I sent the email out seeking a service replacement, and F(x)tec advised me to contact them again in a couple weeks, when they will have started to ramp up production of QWERTY phones. I was impressed that they didn't just want to accept payment then wait and see.
    2 points
  6. If you get it, you will probably be able to sell it for significantly more than what you originally payed, so not all is lost even if you consider a near-high-end smartphone that was announced a bit more than a year ago, with a flagship CPU from two years ago "uselessly out of date", which of course is a position you're totally entitled to.
    2 points
  7. https://gelraen.github.io/fxtec-pro1-teardown/ https://github.com/imax9000/fxtec-pro1-teardown
    1 point
  8. I've had this issue ever since I got my Pro1, but I finally got annoyed enough to ask about it. I'm running the latest version of the stock firmware (20200306), and every time I plug in my 3.5mm wired headphones (Sony MDR-E829V) the Pro1 takes around 8 seconds to recognize that they are plugged in and switch over the sound. This means that quite often I plug in my headphones, press play on something, and then awkwardly get sound over the loudspeakers for a few seconds until it's switched over. And since I never had a device that behaved like this (and I've used these kinds of Sony he
    1 point
  9. In a certain profession group is already used as currency 😄
    1 point
  10. Good luck with that, some time ago one has been sold on ebay for almost twice the regular price is.
    1 point
  11. Nope, corona did. Not true, far from it. I understand your frustration though.
    1 point
  12. Naa, I don't waste precious anger on phones. I have much more pressing issues in my life right now, we all have. Admittedly, I could really, really use this phone ATM, so it would be really, really great if it finally shipped. But I'm not angry. Bit sad though.
    1 point
  13. Mine hasn't been shipped yet. If I get it, it's uselessly out of date. Really outrageous. Fxtex fucked up. I'm really pissed.
    1 point
  14. The headset model should not have anything to say here - in Jack socket the plug is recognized over a hardware switch, so even if You input the plug without anything connected to it the switch closes and should be recognized, unless there is some real hardware/software issue.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I used it with Sennheiser and Xiaomi wired headsets, both switching within 1 second.
    1 point
  17. How odd! It takes less than 1 sec here. (different headset though)
    1 point
  18. Just got a message, that they were able to send a small batch of oldest QWERTZ orders. About QWERTY - they are waiting for delivery of the screens.
    1 point
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