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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2020 in all areas

  1. I wish I had an answer. I'm a bit frustrated too, and would even be willing to PAY to get a few of the most annoying software bugs fixed. But it IS a small company with few people. And even if they wished to do so I doubt the various licensing would allow them to put things out open source without breaking various certifications and/or licensing. But would be awesome if they let people help them - starting with some of the things the Lineage guys already have tracked down and fixed....
    4 points
  2. I am talking about really easy fixes, like the in-call audio volume, that are actually fixed in LineageOS already. You guys/gals from F(x)tec get bugfixes presented on a golden plate. And yet, nothing happens! The Pro1 could be made so much better with so little effort and just a tiny OTA! Sorry, I just called family and friends, and the crazy high in-call volume made my ears bleed ... "Hey, could you please call me back? I bought this cool phone for just 800€ ... and ... I can only use it for calls when people call me. Otherwise, the audio is too high. And yes, this is embarrassin
    3 points
  3. We have very high end 3D-printing facilities in our University, which students can use. Has anyone tested out some models which could be production ready? Not that I am experienced 3D-printer, but this might be a good starting point to learn when you have some already validated models to use 🙂
    3 points
  4. Hi SailfishOS community port has been updated to and is available in the testing: repository for general use. The testing: repo is for general users, and the devel: repo for devs...the initial SailfishOS releases were made using the devel: repo so you need to switch them or install a release built from testing: If anyone needs to know how to do than then ask. Update process is as always: devel-su ssu 32 ssu ur zypper ref zypper dup
    2 points
  5. Is this in-call volume thing really a general issue in all shipped devices? I ask because I saw only a few complaints so far. And because it would totally prohibit me from using the phone as a daily driver, perhaps make me carry a second device just for phone calls, requiring a monthly payment for a second SIM card if I want to keep my phone number...
    1 point
  6. This is even more of a reason to fix these huge annoyances that need so little work to be done. Software is, in my opinion, the number one reason not to buy a Pro1. This is in stark contrast to the hardware. F(x)tek made some really good choices there, with plenty of RAM and internal memory...
    1 point
  7. This is really trivial and some people may shake their heads, but I discovered holding the dash & underline key in Lineage pops up an EM dash! This is so useful. Now if I could get a pop-up for the copyright symbol...
    1 point
  8. I agree - it would be good if they would integrate LineageOS fixes into stock firmware or hire somebody who is competent in Android development like @tdm to do this valuable work...
    1 point
  9. On telegram, he suggested editing /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini, change from http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/devel:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfish_latest_%(arch)/ to http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfishos_%(release)/ TheKit shared a way to do it with sed, if you prefer to blindly cut/paste/execute: sed -i -e 's#^adaptation-community.*$#adaptation-community = http://repo.merproject.org/obs/nemo:/testing:/hw:/fxtec:/t5/sailfishos_%(release)/#' /usr/share/ssu/features.d/adaptation-community.ini sed -i -e 's#^adaptation-community-common.*
    1 point
  10. I guess the problem is, while it would work perfectly with screens that contain only icons and square-sized widgets, it couldn't rotate widgets which aren't square-sized... Which of course wouldn't be a problem for users who don't use non-square-sized widgets or don't mind rotated non-square-sized widgets, but I guess a launcher developer would expect these to be a small minority, meaning there would be complaints from everyone else to be expected...
    1 point
  11. I also use Nova. But what I'd want ideally is a launcher that doesn't rearrange things when going from landscape to portrait. Just keep the icons where they are and rotate them in place. And dont rotate the wallpaper (if present).
    1 point
  12. I've so far found Nova (on the Moto Z series of phones) to be ok if: I don't try to squeeze too many lines and columns on a screen, so that there's enough space between icons regardless of orientation, even though that means wasting some space I add more screens instead of letting a screen become too crowded I'm very selective in what widgets I add – there are some which work well enough for both orientations, too, like a weather app I use or my preferred calendar app (DigiCal) I'd prefer a "better" solution, too, but every other launcher I've tested so far has some other
    1 point
  13. As my engineer friends like to say, the job of an engineer is to make stuff that's idiot proof and the job of the universe is to make a better idiot. In the case of this, the universe had a small victory. This is the tool: http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/factory.html This all started because a food truck I wanted to go to was only accepting Google pay. I relocked my bootloader while running LineageOS (using fastboot flash lock ). I was going to flash back to stock after I did this. However, after doing so the bootloader (screen that says START) on it would not
    1 point
  14. HA! No. Good to know there are more of us in the world 😄
    1 point
  15. Random question, would your wife happen to be @sequestris by any chance?
    1 point
  16. Hi Everyone, Latest update. I took Eskerahn's suggestions and made the fillets larger for the button/charger/earphones. Eskerahn also asked about the speaker cutout and my wife wanted a place to put charms for her phone. So I combined the two. See pics below. The print quality was not as good as it was before but that is because I made a mistake and printed at a lower density. Will be printing a brand new set next weekend for the wife and I will be inheriting her old case. I haven't worked with the PCTPE yet. As I mentioned before we don't utilize the fingerpring reader so our
    1 point
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