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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2020 in Posts

  1. @bamboozle I repeat myself here.... Look back at the crashed Moto Mod Keyboard Indiegogo project by Chen. He offered ALL over money back OR a voucher valid for the Pro1 (Actually with $100 even for a larger amount than what we invested in the project!). The project was crashed due to Motorola, with a lot of money wasted, and he could just have said too bad, the project failed money spent, but being the honest guy he is, he paid us back from his own money(!) - and now -again- we see people questioning his/their new project.... If you want to be absolutely sure to get something use a phys
    5 points
  2. @bamboozleDude that's what IGG is. It's not a shop, it's capital investment. There is no guarantee you will ever see your money again, there is no guarantee you will ever get your perks. Having said that FxTec this year have demonstrated honesty and willingness to serve their customers despite the small size of their operation and economic turmoil. I would say hang in there and hope for the best.
    3 points
  3. Well it was an attempt in a more polite way to question your accusation:
    2 points
  4. Indeed, the refund option is now gone even thought it was there in the begining. It is little bit strange. I got the mail below when I backed the campaing. I think that F(x)tec has proven to be trustworthy in the past since devices has been delivered or refund given (thought waiting time has been long for both). I just hope that everything is still under control and F(x)tec is not financing old Pro1 orders with Indiegogo money. I still have full trust to the company. Also, they have XDA on board. I think that XDA would not participate if there was something suspicious. XDA has the
    2 points
  5. (bootloader) current-slot:a (bootloader) has-slot:boot:yes (bootloader) slot-retry-count:b:0 (bootloader) slot-unbootable:b:no (bootloader) slot-successful:b:no (bootloader) slot-retry-count:a:4 (bootloader) slot-unbootable:a:no (bootloader) slot-successful:a:no (bootloader) slot-count:2 (bootloader) secure:no Slot A was active, changing it to slot A did the trick. but it booted into QMMI mode. anyway, when I rebooted it from there it worked as is should again. Thanks for the help
    1 point
  6. I wish there was some correlation to the order numbers and they wouldn't post 10-12 weeks on their website.. At this rate I wonder which I will get first, my pro-1 or pro-x 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  7. Try switching active slots? I've heard rumor that slot B may not work.
    1 point
  8. By far an expert here like e.g. @tdm but i would try a fastboot getvar all and almost at the bottom see if one (or both) slots are marked as "slot-unbootable", and also check the "current-slot". The below is from AICP-Q so does not have to look exactly the same.... (bootloader) has-slot:modem:yes (bootloader) has-slot:system:yes (bootloader) current-slot:b (bootloader) has-slot:boot:yes (bootloader) slot-retry-count:b:5 (bootloader) slot-unbootable:b:no (bootloader) slot-successful:b:yes (bootloader) slot-retry-count:a:6 (bootloader) slot-unbootable:a:no (bootloader) slot-successful:a:ye
    1 point
  9. I also should clarify, I just want a refund because it's not the device for me. I understand the risks of crowd-funding (though they still use the word selling) but people are being misled into thinking they've got a reasonable window for a one-click refund when in reality once you've agreed to the terms and conditions there are no guarantees. I mean out of all people willing to go all the way, it's only a small amount that actually have decided it isn't for them and want a refund only to find it's a long, tedious process with no guarantees whatsoever. What's wrong with questionin
    1 point
  10. The SD card is still recognised, and there are no apps installed on it. All my apps were installed to \data. The deleted apps were also not consistently using the SD card either. Some apps only stored data in \data\data, some used \sdcard\Android\data, some had obbs on the SD card. Found something: The data folders all were from the same date. Now I have to find out if I restored these apps from backups made with "oandbackup" or "AppWererabbit". One question still remains: Why were the apps (their folders in \data\app) deleted (and their data in \data\data retained).
    1 point
  11. Hey guys, I ordered a Pro1-X from their Indiegogo campaign under the impression that if I should change my mind I could get a refund before the end of the campaign on the 12th of December. Now after discovering that they are selling the Pro1-X before having fulfilled many orders of their Pro1, I decided to get my refund 2 days later. I quickly discovered that Indiegogo had locked the button for a refund, alongside the statement "The contribution can't be refunded through Indiegogo. Please contact the campaign owner to request a refund." i find it a little shady they chose Indiegogo in the
    1 point
  12. PSA Updating to Sailfish 3.4 The update to Sailfish 3.4 on the Pro1 is much anticipated. Not only will it bring the great features in 3.4, but it also bring encrypted home partition for added security of your data. While this is a great feature, it is also not straight forward to implement, requiring a completely different style of installation to previous releases. Because of this, it is not possible to upgrade an existing 3.3 release to 3.4. The 3.4 release must be flashed onto the phone, after which it will be possible to restore any backups taken. Trying to force an upgr
    1 point
  13. Would really be nice if they told us when they cannot stick up to the 12 weeks they promised on their homepage
    1 point
  14. In my opinion LineageOS 16 was a very important OS for the Pro1 that brought the best out of the device at a moment when stock couldn't (yet) . Although not a developer, I can well imagine it also broke the ground for all future releases of Lineage on the Pro1. So, I guess this is an appropriate moment to thank @tdm for all the hard work!
    1 point
  15. Update: 10 days later, I can report that OpenCamera has mostly settled my issues with the Pro1 as an "always-carry-on" camera. The "focus locked" program of OpenCamera works very well with the Pro1's double-action shutter button, and allows me to take sharp pictures also of quick-motion scenes. If needed, OpenCamera offers many more possibilities of manual control (exposure lock, ISO sensitivity, ...), but I rarely have to use them in daylight conditions. I'm also under the impression that focusing is faster than with the built-in LineageOS app, though I am not sure if this makes sense as I th
    1 point
  16. For me it's all about the software I guess. I switched over to Camera PX within a few days of getting the Pro1 and never looked back. And for me, it's the best out of every phone I have ever had.
    1 point
  17. Oh I certainly agree on that to an extent where it is close to being tautology. I mean this should go for ANYTHING we buy in my book. Do we need it? If so, is the benefits worth the price? Else do not buy! An individual assessment. It is very much a matter of what you want to use the device for. If you primarily do stuff tapping and swiping in the apps you use, you are unlikely to gain anything/much. If you on the other hand enters a lot of text, it is a different matter.... Also SOME apps/games can benefit from hardware keys, also for non-textual input. I'm certainly not claiming
    1 point
  18. I must say that @Wasmachineman_NL does have a valid point here. I doubt that ANYONE would disagree in principle. Anyone rarely using the keyboard would just get extra thickness and weight at a higher price than without. For those I suggest go buy one of the 986876 other available phone/phablet models out there...
    1 point
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