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  1. I have AccA installed, better but not ideal. I also use a big heatsink from an old audio amplifier, just putting the phone on when charging, as his back is covered with aluminium case, not bad, if you are not pressed (wich is my case). For daily use I have an old universal USB charger wich deliver max 500mA, and it works for slow charging. The problem here is when I put an old 1/1,5 Amp charger, he is always throwling fast / slow charging and I guess it's not good for the battery. But the trustworthy cable's tricks from @DieBruinesounds awesome, I wll give it a try ๐Ÿ™‚ Another idea, maybe w
    3 points
  2. The USB port is on a separate tiny pcb, (attached to the main board via a cable) ....And if they had added them to the spare parts sold through IGG, I too would have bought a bunch, as this on all phones is a weak point with much wear and tear. May I suggest what I have done> Use an magnetic plug. Sticks out a few mm, but spares the port a LOT of stress. (can be bought for trifles, you should decide if you want charge only, or data also - charge only are the cheapest and there are more offers) https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2368-magnetic-cables
    2 points
  3. Look through your old stuff for a very early model USB-micro cable. Get a cheap (because they are) USB-micro to USB-C adapter and glue/ jam it on there. There you have it, a trustworthy cable, incapable of performing the handshake required to select fast charging.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. What keyboard software are you using? I will recommend SwiftKey that works well with a physical keyboard (as well as the fake one when closed)
    2 points
  6. As much as I love my Pro1, here's one thing bugging me: There seem to be a few Apps that insist on doing auto-replacements even when I use the physical keyboard. That's infuriating, as for me, one of the points of having the keyboard is to be able to type stuff exactly as I want it, with no software thinking it knows better. To make things worse, the automatic replacement does not follow the typing language set in the on-screen keyboard (Android Keyboard, I type in four languages). E.g. if I try to type the German preposition "im" (in) the software auto-replaces this with "I'm". It s
    1 point
  7. I would like to prolong battery life and stop the phone from thermal throttling when charging. I didn't manage to find a setting in options and getting a different charger isn't really an option, as the phone is mainly charging from one of my PC monitor's USB-C ports.
    1 point
  8. Try and re-install the offical android image then installed ubtouch. I also found the the latest installer didnโ€™t work correctly, I had success with the installer version 0.54 on windows.
    1 point
  9. I assume it does so because that USB-C port on the monitor is actually to connect it to the PC so that the monitor USB3 ports would work. It's pretty nifty doo, if I switch input on the monitor to USB-C, I get video from the phone on the monitor, anything I put in the monitor's USB3 ports is seen by the phone (memory sticks, keyboards, mice, etc.) and the phone charges at the same time. The monitor is a Dell P2419HC (not sponsored ๐Ÿ™‚)
    1 point
  10. I would be interested in disabling fast charging on the software level, too. However, I fear that it may not be possible. I am actually surprised your phone does fast charging from the monitor USB. Maybe you can switch that feature from the monitor settings? Alternatively: try different USB ports on your PC. My Pro1 charges slowly when connected to my Thinkpad's docking station ports or to the laptop directly.
    1 point
  11. In the thread you found, there is a post (from December 2020) by @Raksura stating that installation using the UBPorts installer worked flawlessly back then: If it does not anymore, obviously something must have changed there. Thanks for bringing this up. I hope some active Ubuntu users on Pro1 will be able to comment. For the Pro1, the Ubuntu port was a community effort, not led by FxTec. So it was (hopefully: is) "supported" (to some degree) by the OS, but not in the company sense of the word. With the Pro1-X this may change, as FxTec have recently stated they actively participa
    1 point
  12. Thanks @EskeRahn. I'll check out the various options available at F-Droid first and report if one of those solves my issue. At first sight, AnySoftKeyboard looks good, and has 3 out of the 4 language packs I need ... ๐Ÿ™ƒ SwiftKey is proprietary and contains some Google and Microsoft trackers. Though these are probably harmless, I tend to be very careful about software that is theoretically able to record everything I type on the phone ... But thanks for the idea of trying different keyboard Apps in the first place!
    1 point
  13. Thanks. I have the default keyboard software (probably the one that is part of AOSP), "Android Keyboard" I believe it is called. I never considered installing anything else, thanks for the hint. Does Swiftkey work with the Android writing aids (spell checkers)? As noted above, i switch between 4 writing languages, so that is important.
    1 point
  14. Feature request then for AICP - press and hold camera button to launch camera (or add camera button to the available customizable button actions). ๐Ÿ™‚ BTW is the Snapdragon camera app better in any way than the AOSP/AICP one (makes better use of the specialized sensors or whatever)?
    1 point
  15. I was talking about AICP when I said camera button can be used to snap pics with open camera. As I said, as far as I can remember, camera button on stock only works with Snapdragon camera, but it has been a loooong time since I was on stock.
    1 point
  16. You mean when you use the official installer for the Pro1: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/device/pro1/ it does not work? I have never tried UbuntuTouch up to now. But the Pro1 has been listed as a supported device for quite some time now, and other people here have reported installation to work fine.
    1 point
  17. I don't see any queries or orders that have ever been raised by the email address matching your community account. Could you PM me the case ID, or ping the email itself that you discussed the refund through?
    1 point
  18. Just reading the monthly update of PINE64 and although they seem to have found a solution, there is an interesting part inside which seems to a somewhat similar issue like F(x)tec had with SD835, except that it was the most special component of Pro1. The following is a quote PINE64 wrote (source):
    1 point
  19. What are we defining as large file transfers, exactly? At 480mbps, copying 1GB takes 20-30 seconds depending on your USB controller--no, they're not created equal! I can move tons of junk in a few minutes. Makes me think of this: https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1995/08/17
    1 point
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