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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2021 in Posts

  1. Ok, now I do: They're M1.4x2 and any shop that sells small screws should carry them. Also, they're easy to find in black, too, looking good enough for me to not bother with the black stickers anymore. (The black ones I just bought have a slightly thicker head than the original silver screws, but it's still flat enough for the black stickers to perfectly fit on top of them.)
    9 points
  2. Up to now there is no Linux distribution that can run natively on the Pro1. The problem is that mainline Linux support for the Pro1 (and even more for the Pro1X) is in a quite early stage, so using an upstream Linux kernel on the device is not practically possible. Unfortunately not. Ubuntu Touch (like SailfishOS) works by running a slimmed-down version of Android 9 (including the vendor-provided Kernel and closed-source driver binaries) under the hood. It then accesses the hardware functions via an Android compatibility layer (hybris). That way, only (GNU/)Linux apps specifically-writ
    3 points
  3. Right, marketing is basically not my favourite part of the world...
    2 points
  4. Right, Fxtec is not who's making all this, the mainboard manufacturer ("IDEA international Development Ltd." in Shenzhen, China) is providing it. But I guess @claude0001 knows that perfectly well and criticizes Fxtec's purposefully-unclear marketing rather than their not doing more in this regard...
    2 points
  5. @claude0001 you are right, however, I don't know people at F(x)tec are how deep into this field, also who write marketing materials may not has deep knowledge about it. On the other side, one question is what F(x)tec has about the software (so not only the firm who works for them but themselves) and another question is what they can do legally. So even if they have appropriate sources for some of the hardware, it is not legal to share a 3rd-party closed-source part - and if it is really closed in a way they have no access to it that makes things even harder becoming vulnerable towards o
    2 points
  6. Well I have for now given up on AICP and replaced it with LOS 18. Though I liked AICP, and definitely will reconsider if something new is happening.
    2 points
  7. Everything you write is correct @VaZso. However, I also feel Fxtec could have stressed more clearly that, while they offer an unlocked phone, they choose not to follow an open-hardware approach. As far as I know, they never did that, probably in order not to damp too much the early enthusiasm in the community. Instead, they emphasized a lot the "other OS" option of the Pro1 (which, actually, means just "easy access to the bootloader"). They do so even more with the Pro1-X. Combined with the fact that even people with much experience in running Linux on servers and desktops often know litt
    2 points
  8. Right, but also the effort (and willing) of SoC manufacturer(s) would be needed for easier and better support of their hardware which unfortunately does not exists and that is a shame as they could assemble a working kernel for Android. Right, Pinephone is much farther in the way of having a native Linux support, but they also experience challenges although the hardware is older. They are improved a lot anyway, but Pro1 is a much more powerful device.
    2 points
  9. Do not get me wrong: There is work being done on mainlining the Pro1 (see e.g. this). The people doing that work deserve all our respect. Its also nice that Fxtec provide devices to the devs for reverse-engineering (they plan to do that also for the Pro1X). But make no mistake: All we have up to now is proofs-of-concept. It would take a long time before any mainline kernel could be used for running the Pro1 in a practical way (i.e. such that it could actually be used as a mobile phone!). In fact, experience tells that this can easily take so long that the hardware becomes obsolete before
    2 points
  10. I guess this is the time to mention @Erik so that he might get notice about @adam.c.r.roman's and @Swond's above cases? With the regularity these cases come up even with the limited base of existing Pro1 devices, I fear it is now becoming enough bad publicity to deter potential customers for the upcoming Pro1X. Regarding @ToniCipriani's case – I think we can be sure now that new display replacements will not come earlier than the new Pro1X itself, which (as of now) means not before October or November. Also, we don't know if there even will be black screen casings to buy for our exis
    2 points
  11. I think the necessary services are all included, and the missing apps should be installable from the Play Store. I just added Maps (which somehow couldn't be restored from backup) successfully that way.
    1 point
  12. Thank you. Currently it seems it only supports "nano" and "pico" variant, so still MindTheGApps seems to be better. Anyway, are the missing services can be installed through Play store or not necessarily? So far it seems additional applications I may use are exists in the store.
    1 point
  13. So after a few more failed/stuck attempts (I still can't seem to get to grips with that A/B layout, I'm never really sure whether I need to boot before doing something or not...!) I finally got it up and running again 🙂 Even the "Identity" one-time token app for my employer's VPN seems to run (but I need the IT service people to transfer the account to my Pro1 again before I can be absolutely sure). Also, much of what I had could be restored. So much for the good news, and the previous sentence already hints at some of the bad 😉 The one banking app that made it through the process d
    1 point
  14. No... maybe a few minutes. (I wasn't successful at my first attempt, either, and I did kill boot attempts which took longer than, say, ten or fifteen minutes, and flashed everything again...) A factory reset after sideloading LineageOS is definitely not necessary. Regarding Magisk: First I installed Magisk by sideloading it. (I took the the apk from https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases/tag/v23.0 and renamed it to zip before sideloading.) After first boot, the Magisk app already showed up. (If it wouldn't, you'd need to install the apk. I still reinstalled the original apk, t
    1 point
  15. @VaZso I just went through the procedure of moving to LOS 18.1 from stock, too (even though I went through stock only to get those display margins right after a display replacement, after I had bought my device with LOS already installed, so I saw stock for the first and only a short time)... Booting LOS for the first time always took unusually long for me (compared to a normal boot), regardless of the device, and no matter whether with or without Magisk, and it did so again this time. I guess that's just normal. To the best of my knowledge, user data needs to be wiped before flashin
    1 point
  16. Yes, when doing a full new install, including Boot Image, you need to factory reset, though I would think factory resetting before installing the boot image (on stock) ought to have been good enough since that would have wiped user data. That is the main thing, you are right. You need to wipe user data for a fresh install.
    1 point
  17. First boot takes maybe an extra minute or two, but I don't know if that is Magisk or the Lineage first boot (as whenever I have flashed Magisk I have also sideloaded a new nightly of Lineage). I usually plan to get a fresh coffee whenever I boot after updating via ADB. When I come back everything is up and working. 😄
    1 point
  18. I sideload Magisk 23.0, but I only use it for SU, I don't use any modules. I don't even open the manager. To do this, I use the depreciated method of renaming the apk to zip and doing adb sideload. That's it. I don't have to do anything else and Lineage boots fine. The SU function also survives OTA updates.
    1 point
  19. Or may also this one seems to be good. 🙂 Edit: hmm, which thread it should has? Okay, maybe this one is different (I mean better than the above). 🙂
    1 point
  20. Sorry, I did not remember well. 🙂 Anyway, he has installed only one banking application yet and that one worked.
    1 point
  21. Thanks. e.g. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/303409743008 (change .ie to your preferred...) 🙂
    1 point
  22. The keyboard issue on later builds is related to the usage of some (though not all) apps fiddling with the "Accessibility". One such app is "Android assistant". When this app is granted the Accessibility right. The keyboard selection of anything but default no longer works properly.
    1 point
  23. My friend who also has a Pro1 has stopped using it months ago because of the bugs exist in stock Android - he simply bought another phone as a daily driver and he is satisfied with it. So yesterday we installed the latest LineageOS to his device. Basically I see a lot of settings which I missed from stock - ringtone volume can be set as increasing, always on display works, notification LED works (it works on my device but stopped working for him), automatic brightness seems to work (it works on my device but he had problems with it) and basically the phone looks to be much more finished
    1 point
  24. I hadn't looked into the details on how they achieved it and I guess it sort of makes sense to do that less development.
    1 point
  25. Unfortunately.. I am on the same boat. I had a broken touchscreen (not responsible in one wide row), so I sent it to repair back in May. It took 60 days to get the phone back. AND THEN!! I found out that camera is not focusing! Due to service disassembly and reassembly, it was not adjusted correctly.. So after two months without my phone, I sent it back again. This was on 21.July. FxTEC arranged their own pickup, but this was the last time I have heard about my phone. Since that absolute silence.. I sent an e-mail twice (took care that each message is sent from different address to avoid movin
    0 points
  26. I posted on this thread on July 13th that I'd been waiting 2 1/2 months for the FPC flex cable. The next day, on July 14th, I got this response: "Apologies for the delays in getting back to you. This has been shipped to you a while back, but given your response we're assuming it hasn't arrived yet. We will be re-posting this with a tracked service this week, and it will arrive at your door most likely by the end of next week. We're posting it to the address below, and if there's any change to it, please reply." The address was correct, yet it still has not arrived, over 5 weeks late
    0 points
  27. I agree, PLA is completely unsuitable for printing the case. My PLA case broke after a month of usage without taking any large hits.
    0 points
  28. I literally just want an answer on when my replacement screen they promised is coming... sigh.\
    0 points
  29. ...it looks like whole development of new roms is dead 😞
    0 points
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