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  1. Do not get me wrong: There is work being done on mainlining the Pro1 (see e.g. this). The people doing that work deserve all our respect. Its also nice that Fxtec provide devices to the devs for reverse-engineering (they plan to do that also for the Pro1X). But make no mistake: All we have up to now is proofs-of-concept. It would take a long time before any mainline kernel could be used for running the Pro1 in a practical way (i.e. such that it could actually be used as a mobile phone!). In fact, experience tells that this can easily take so long that the hardware becomes obsolete before
    2 points
  2. Up to now there is no Linux distribution that can run natively on the Pro1. The problem is that mainline Linux support for the Pro1 (and even more for the Pro1X) is in a quite early stage, so using an upstream Linux kernel on the device is not practically possible. Unfortunately not. Ubuntu Touch (like SailfishOS) works by running a slimmed-down version of Android 9 (including the vendor-provided Kernel and closed-source driver binaries) under the hood. It then accesses the hardware functions via an Android compatibility layer (hybris). That way, only (GNU/)Linux apps specifically-writ
    2 points
  3. Hi ! I pre-ordered the pro1-x on the website, before I even heard there was an indiegogo thing etc, and am happy with waiting a bit for the snapdragon redesign and everything. One thing I wonder, seeing their twitter account, is that the factory ships to the UK the finished phones for flashing... but I live in Hong Kong, a few hours I'm sure from the factory in Shenzhen ! Is the phone going to cross half the world and back or do they have any sort of software / product finishing operation here in China ? I suppose if most clients are in EU/US this won't matter anyway, but I just feel bad
    1 point
  4. Yes, I've been paying contactless with my phone at supermarket counters ever since I moved to LOS 18.1+ Magisk. Just had to install Google Pay from Play Store, activate Magisk Hide for it (actually I don't even know if it's necessary) and configure something (like my VISA card) as payment method. At least here in Germany paying by phone actually works better than using the bank card via NFC, where the bank regularly requires me to enter the PIN even though I'm using NFC. With the phone I don't have to. Until now, I always installed system updates OTA from the system settings. Both GApp
    1 point
  5. I also have doubts they would be planning on flashing the phones in the UK. Maybe they did that with the 10 Xmas phones, but I don't believe they have the people or set-up to do anything on a mass scale. I think everything will be shipped from HK, as the Pro1s were.
    1 point
  6. I don't think so, my original Pro1 came straight from China.
    1 point
  7. Oh right I forgot Brexit, this is probably way worse to ship from the UK now, you're right 😄
    1 point
  8. Thank you your help. I met my friend again (had to bring his cat to the vet) and I have looked again at his Pro1. We had to install Magisk using sideload for the puzzle-pience icon to appear where MagiskHide Props Config was selectable, soit passes Safetynet now and I also could gain root access to Termux and superuser privilege for that application can be enabled and also disabled. There was an application which I had to put to the hide root state and everything works perfectly. Also I have tried the very same GCam mod which I currently use and it also worked which I was afra
    1 point
  9. Droidian is making good progress. Not ready for daily use but getting closer. Based on Mobian for pinephone.
    1 point
  10. Okay... never mind. I switched VoLTE back on just now and it works fine. Bloody gremlins. 😄
    1 point
  11. Right, marketing is basically not my favourite part of the world...
    1 point
  12. Right, Fxtec is not who's making all this, the mainboard manufacturer ("IDEA international Development Ltd." in Shenzhen, China) is providing it. But I guess @claude0001 knows that perfectly well and criticizes Fxtec's purposefully-unclear marketing rather than their not doing more in this regard...
    1 point
  13. @claude0001 you are right, however, I don't know people at F(x)tec are how deep into this field, also who write marketing materials may not has deep knowledge about it. On the other side, one question is what F(x)tec has about the software (so not only the firm who works for them but themselves) and another question is what they can do legally. So even if they have appropriate sources for some of the hardware, it is not legal to share a 3rd-party closed-source part - and if it is really closed in a way they have no access to it that makes things even harder becoming vulnerable towards o
    1 point
  14. Everything you write is correct @VaZso. However, I also feel Fxtec could have stressed more clearly that, while they offer an unlocked phone, they choose not to follow an open-hardware approach. As far as I know, they never did that, probably in order not to damp too much the early enthusiasm in the community. Instead, they emphasized a lot the "other OS" option of the Pro1 (which, actually, means just "easy access to the bootloader"). They do so even more with the Pro1-X. Combined with the fact that even people with much experience in running Linux on servers and desktops often know litt
    1 point
  15. The keyboard issue on later builds is related to the usage of some (though not all) apps fiddling with the "Accessibility". One such app is "Android assistant". When this app is granted the Accessibility right. The keyboard selection of anything but default no longer works properly.
    1 point
  16. My friend who also has a Pro1 has stopped using it months ago because of the bugs exist in stock Android - he simply bought another phone as a daily driver and he is satisfied with it. So yesterday we installed the latest LineageOS to his device. Basically I see a lot of settings which I missed from stock - ringtone volume can be set as increasing, always on display works, notification LED works (it works on my device but stopped working for him), automatic brightness seems to work (it works on my device but he had problems with it) and basically the phone looks to be much more finished
    1 point
  17. In Lineage 18.1, just pressing the left Alt key seems to work, unless (this is just a theory) the app takes over the keyboard assignments. So, for example, Google Messages (sms), Aquamail, Facebork Messenger (don't judge me, Mrs. Hook insists on using it) and a text editor,Markor, will all give me an emoji pallatte when I press left Alt. However, Softmaker Textmaker, which hasit's own key assignment shortcuts, does not. It may depend on what soft keyboard you are using. I use the AOSP keyboard and it has an actual setting to have emoji appear when using the physical keyboard.
    1 point
  18. Interesting, does it work for anyone else on 18.1? Because I get nothing.
    1 point
  19. Sorry, I do not know anything about that. I am no Android power-user, I just want the OS to run the few apps I need to make it through the day. LOS 16 fulfils that requirement. I compile the upstream LOS 16 sources following the instructions in the LineageOS wiki. The only modification I do locally is to enable AGPS.
    1 point
  20. In Lineage 16.0, that key combination (Yellow Arrow + Alt) brings up an emoji selector box. Works in all apps I have tested.
    1 point
  21. Does anyone else have issues where the screen doesn't turn on for an incoming phone call? It's only happened a handful of times so far but all but once I've had to restart the phone by holding the power key for 10s to recover from this.
    1 point
  22. Wow, that's great news. 😀 Maybe I've become jaded over the years but I was expecting delays until the end of the year. Kudos to FxTec for making steady progress and keeping up the communication. The keyboard backlight video looked interesting, hopefully the light will be more evenly spread across the keys than the bright spots we get currently.
    1 point
  23. yes yes it is, cpu wise. But the keyboard is timeless. The Question is only, what is the keyboard worth for you? I am currently an owner of a fried prawn, using my old phone (nokia 6.1). I do not miss the faster cpu, I miss the keyboard... every f**king time.
    1 point
  24. In LineageOS 16 I could vastly improve the locking speed by the following edits in /system/vendor/etc/gps.conf: [...] XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3=http://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin [...] XTRA_VERSION_CHECK=1 [...] NTP_SERVER=europe.pool.ntp.org [...] INTERMEDIATE_POS=1 [..] SUPL_HOST=supl.vodafone.com SUPL_PORT=7275 [...] I am also in Europe (Germany) and at times could not get a fix at all (even after waiting for hours) with the default settings of LineageOS 16. Since I made that edit, GPS fixes a
    1 point
  25. I know you're joking, but most engineering software went to subscription plan and normal licences are for older versions of it without win10 support. And they works the same so the choice is easy.
    1 point
  26. And as many phone hardware drivers (including for the Pro1) are closed source, it would be no easy task to rewrite them natively for a pure Linux experience.
    0 points
  27. The Pro1 certainly won't be updated, but I'm still pretty sure the contractor is working on the Pro1x, whether the same contractor or a different one. They most likely had to initiate a new contract. The contractor does the initial development job but is pretty bad at any maintenance follow-through. I assume that will probably be true for the Pro1x as well-- it will get an initial not well refined version of Android (probably 11) and will fall behind over time. I suspect they don't have a lot of choices of contractor and that they have no clout at all being a very small company. They get w
    0 points
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