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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2022 in all areas

  1. I had this problem. I found I was able to set everything up by doing it with no SD Card and no SIM Card installed. I set it up over wifi, then I installed my SIM Card and SD Card. Everything seemed to work fine after that. I've been using it fine for a few days, now.
    7 points
  2. Regarding the bugs, I'm in the process of joining ubports as a contributor to scratch my own itches and share the fixes.
    7 points
  3. Because the next generation like repeating themselves endlessly in one long stream rather than having an organised, searchable, record on a forum. It's called progress 😖
    4 points
  4. Since the Pro1X has started shipping, I'll bump this topic with the message that stickers are still available and until i run out of post stamps they're free of charge ;).
    4 points
  5. Oh wow! I've just done the same and it worked! Thanks adam2!
    4 points
  6. Thanks for the workaround, I have marked your post as recommended, hopping that other will see it. And pinned this thread.
    3 points
  7. Rather than necropost to an old thread, I solved the problem of both opening the Pro1X and it slipping out of my hands during use with the help of adhesive rubber feet. Highly effective, even if questionably aesthetic.
    3 points
  8. Just to eleminate the "website orders first" rumor from IGG. I'm confirmed batch 2 and ordered Dec. 2019. However, Im fine with a few more weeks. [Order #467xx] (December 30, 2019) Upgrade package : Option 2: Sapphire Blue 8gb ram KB layout: QWERTZ for Germany Pre-installed OS: Android OS Destination: Germany, Europe So either the orders are grouped by countries for cheaper container shippment or production has been grouped by KB Layout, Colors (Black/Blue). My guess is its about the shippment. Because printing different keyb
    3 points
  9. Index of /uploads/pro1x/ubuntu-touch (robinkirkman.com) There are some bugs, such as shutdown through the gui not actually shutting it down. ("sudo shutdown -h -P now" works in a terminal) Also the keymap is not right; it seems to assume the mappings on a standard US-English keyboard; the labels on the Pro1X disagree with the characters typed in some cases; it seems that the Pro1X function key doesn't do anything, so it's not possible to type a blackslash (Fn+P). Everything works over ssh.
    3 points
  10. My phone was already delivered when I woke up today! I've spent the last few hours configuring things. So far the only snag I've hit is accessing accented characters through the physical keyboard, but the thread on setting up the QWERTZ layout helped:
    3 points
  11. Follow the link to join our community-driven Discord server! https://discord.com/invite/k4NtAGy All topics related to Pro1/X and Operating Systems are discussed there so feel free to drop by and say hi! 😄
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. For screws (M1.4x2mm is indeed correct) there are a few more posts with links to sources here. I've actually found those black ones nice enough to not bother anymore with stickers 🙂
    2 points
  14. I got lucky enough with a Super Early Bird 256GB with standard QWERTY in NE US. I have confirmation as of yesterday that I'm part of Batch 1 and should look for an email in the coming days and to keep an eye on that spam folder, but no emails yet.
    2 points
  15. Open source developers often have a "buy me a beer" button so people can thank them for their efforts - I have been unable to find one for anything to do with the Pro1-X. Until I do I will continue to joke that they are hiding, I mean no disrespect 🙂
    2 points
  16. I still have them available for folks in the US. 🙂 Also, speaking of screws, assuming these did not change, here is a source of replacement screws for the Pro1 (and, I'm pretty sure the Pro1x). You want the M1.4, 2mm ones. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256801290219581.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.4d571802E1D8nQ&gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt
    2 points
  17. Thank you! This worked for my spouse just now.
    2 points
  18. I know I'm a bit monothematic and annoying but... POST PICTURES! 😄
    2 points
  19. A Blackberry Priv first, then when I managed to break my phone last December I transferred it to my old LG VS890. No issues with either transfer.
    2 points
  20. @Hook We do get the wizard on first boot. First it prompts to connect to WiFi, which we do. Then it says something like "collecting info" with a big spinner, and eventually instead of the google login prompt ("enter your email") it says something like "there was a problem communicating with google's servers" with an option to "try a different network" or "skip for now". If we choose "skip for now" we get to the home screen and can mess around with chrome. After that, trying to add a google account through settings > accounts, log into play store, log into gmail, etc. all show the same
    2 points
  21. So, when you factory reset, you do or don't get the initial setup wizard (starts with hello) that includes logging into the Google account. Do you get the wizard, but it never asks for your google account, or you get the wizard, it asks for your Google account but you encounter the error, or you don't get the wizard at all? I'm asking just to clarify because you mention using chrome which you would only have access to after the start-up wizard (although, in fact, I would guess the start-up wizard is a chrome kiosk).
    2 points
  22. True, but when a trouble shooting incident pops up, or when someone has a question that needs a bit of research and discussion, discord can be a lot more interactive and less asynchronous than a forum (and I am definitely Not the next generation :D). I think both platforms are useful and am happy we have both. 🙂 Certainly no need to come over if it's not something you are interested in.
    1 point
  23. ...hmmm sooo best way for me is stay here and not register unnecessary to discord. Approx three years ago was best xda forum for all phones - before moves from phpbb (or what was it) to new unusable layout. Soo i am glad, that we have this official forum.
    1 point
  24. I ordered Pro¹X: 256Gb/8G black, qwerty, via web site at the 17 April 2021 with order number 58xxx . Just ask support and they inform me that I'm in Batch 2 and to wait for tracking code mail after 2-3 weeks from now. My current phone is Nokia 8 Sirocco, 4 years old. Last year change battery hoping to receive Pro¹X soon. Thanks to God that my old Nokia 8 Sirocco still work good ...
    1 point
  25. No, though they have been known to show up. The community developers don't hide. They work hard. They are volunteers.
    1 point
  26. Is this where the mysterious "community developers" have been hiding?!
    1 point
  27. Maybe they changed something for the worse? That could be why it was so relatively easy to trigger it here too? (reposting this as i had to steal an old post....)
    1 point
  28. Couldn't resist, ask for Batch number Ordered Feb 2020 ,Europe Also :batch 2. At first they responded that i never paid And they will not be Shipping to Russia...I had typed order 5999 instead of 52999,
    1 point
  29. I popped my Verizon SIM into my Pro1X today and it's working just fine. HD calls and fast internet, etc. I'm in the northern US East Coast.
    1 point
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