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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2022 in Posts

  1. LXC containers work (with Xsession, but the setup is not as user friendly as it was on Pro1 in 2020😞 Still no luck with Waydroid despite my attempts, but theoretically this should be possible because there are unofficial images for Halium 11 that have already been shown to work on SailfishOS (other devices), Ubuntu Touch, and Droidian. These are the images I tried.
    5 points
  2. One other thing on this before we go. We really need to wait until most people have these to determine scale. Remember that people mostly come to forums when they have problems, rarely to say "wow, this is great, I don't need any help." 😄 So seems awful early to be considering whether selling your unopened Pro1x is ethical or not.
    3 points
  3. It should be fairly easy to sell it for more than the customs amounts to. What key-layout have you requested? The Pro1s have had a high resale value on e.g. ebay used. And if unopened, it should be even easier.
    3 points
  4. Right, and that includes hope for a longer support with security updates.
    3 points
  5. That would be good if the user could decide for each app which keyboard mode it should use, but that's not how it is. In a browser, for example, I rarely find myself wanting the autorepeat feature, whereas I often need accented characters, and by tendency I find browsers using autorepeat mode instead of giving me the character selector. That said, with the Pro1 + LOS 18.1 I'm not missing the char selector box anymore, as I get all accented/umlaut characters I need with fairly easy-to-type Sym+Char combinations, but I'm sometimes annoyed when I would like to do autorepeat but get the chara
    3 points
  6. I tend to disagree with that. The more you are trying to use the Pro1(X) as a "real" computer terminal, the more you are going to be irritated by "Android" features suddenly popping up in your face. For me, the accent selector does have its use in some apps targeted at more casual writing. But, e.g., when coding, I often write sequences like '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<', '>>>>>>>>>>>>', '++++++++++++++', or '--------------------' when commenting programs. In these cases, I find it very helpful that my text editor (acode) do
    3 points
  7. Yes, FxTec has always applied the warranty to the hardware, not the owner. They honor any warranty even if the unit has changed hands.
    2 points
  8. Well IF your unit proves to have faults and you have sold it unopened, you could clearly say to be in good faith, and any complaints be between FxTec and the new owner.
    2 points
  9. Yes let us hope they found a more serious and honest subcontractor this time.
    2 points
  10. If the double shift in LOS had activated caps-lock, so Caps key could release it also, it would be a lot less confusing, than release by a single shift. Currently if you click Shift and regret, you have to click TWO more times to cancel it (one to enter pseudo-caps, and another to exit). Had it required the two clicks on shift within say half a second to get pseudo-caps, it would be natural to after a slight hesitation a second click on shift just released the sticky.
    2 points
  11. I think it means they have changed their contractor, so there is a new team/company working on its software.
    2 points
  12. NEW Version of guide here Below the original text: (above inserted by EskeRahn) If you're reading this, it seems like you miss the good old Android OS or you've accidentally fried your PrawnX already! Don't worry! We have your back. The link below is the full build of the Pro1X stock Android OS (v2.1.2): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_sgQ64ef9Di9kJ63Y6WNqllGRgRFOjac?usp=sharing We are still compiling/drafting a complete user manual for flashing your Pro1X, but hope this helps you out for now.
    1 point
  13. When I get my 2019 order which is supposed to come as a blue QWERTY 8/256 GB Pro¹X (no tracking confirmation yet; the 2020 order which *is* scheduled to arrive on Thursday is QWERTZ), I might be willing to swap, given it actually does come in blue.
    1 point
  14. I am now able to confirm that these speaker issues are not persistent. There are stretches where the speakers seem to work just fine. I'm not sure if that makes the problem easier or harder to fix . . .
    1 point
  15. Yes. But quite limited. Only what anbox supports, as of now.
    1 point
  16. Try LineageOS, basically it solves every problems. 🙂 My phone is much better since I use LineageOS - it has became a different device. 🙂
    1 point
  17. I found an easy way to fix this from any ROM, without having to wipe userdata. tl;dr: Edit: Make backups. It shouldn't be necessary, but you never know! Flash the 2020-08-25 stock ROM, but skip flashing/wiping userdata. More info here. Let it attempt to boot (for a couple of minutes). It (very probably) won't ever get through it, because the userdata partition wasn't wiped. This doesn't matter, though. It does flash the touchscreen firmware, which fixes the unresponsive screen edges. Edit: I did not time it, but I think I let it sit at the boot logo for 2-3
    1 point
  18. Thanks @matf. This is a fantastic heads up. My Pro1X is in transit, and I will be keen to try out SFOS. Any updates as you discover more would be fantastic. In settings>SIM cards, you can probably turn off the sim 2 slot if you are not using it. Also, the screenshot of the storage looks odd indeed. So much (wasted) space in to system data partition. And missing space elsewhere? It doesn’t seem to add up to 256? Perhaps some work is needed on the partitions? Thanks again for posting a status. It looks great!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. When I called, FedEx referred to the tracking number by the phone number from which I was calling. Despite this, FedEx stated that only the shipper (FxTec) can change the shipping address. However, FedEx did appear to allow my request for the package to be diverted to a nearby facility to allow me to retrieve it with proof of identification but I have yet to receive any confirmation of that action. Still, I worry that not having the correct address will be a complication.
    1 point
  21. Apart from the obvious of writing to FxTec, I would suggest that you also contact FedEx and have them halt the parcel, so it is not delivered, until things are cleared up. Then Fedex can contact FxTec, and have them contact you to verify the typo. Unless someone with the same name live at the other address, I assume Fedex will be cooperative in clearing up the matter. For obvious reasons they are unlikely to just take your word for it, unless you got a really unusual name.So they will have to verify backwards to the sender, and worst case return it..
    1 point
  22. Try setting your phone to work on LTE only then reboot. Open phone dialer. Tyoe *#*#4636#*#*. Click phone1 info. Link to post with screenshots below.
    1 point
  23. (I adjusted the ROM-page, added link to this. Thanks! ) If you could pack it in a zip loadable by the Recovery Mode (like we have for Lineage and Aicp for the Pro1), it would be awesome. The numerous single operations we got for the Pro1 stock is a bit tedious.
    1 point
  24. Hello, The FedEx tracking number that was sent to me has an incorrect shipping address. It's very close but is not my address and, unless intervened, will be sent to a complete stranger. I would hate to not receive this after a few years because of a what appears to be a typo. I am posting here as well since the package is slated to be delivered by 20220809 and I am not able to divert it using my FedEx account. I have also used the "Ask a question" method in the Indiegogo campaign and posted a comment with this issue, since I'm not sure which message source will
    0 points
  25. to bad the phone isn't blue....I don't even want to try and send it back so I can get the right one. Also,
    0 points
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