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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2022 in Posts

  1. this time i wil be positive and say i think we wil receive our devices starting of december i was expecting problem with creating/manufacturing batch 2 ( mainly financial ) but it seems shipping wil hold up the delivery if anything we cannot or ever blame any manufacturer / seller to controll shipping shipping isues wil happen regardless of shipping company
    2 points
  2. New August update, sadly delays at warehouse...
    2 points
  3. From what I gathered, every 70-200 recharges, depending how much you recharge each time. If you are very consistent in the charge/discharge cyles and you generally keep the battery between 10ºC<35ºC cool while (accepting exceptions) not charging above ~80%, 1ce per year should be enough. I've treated laptops like that (previous Li-ion phones too) and batteries last for way beyond the time they are supposed to. Do keep in mind that lithium batteries are exponentially more resilient to temperatures outside ideal temperature specs when they are in the approximate range of 20%~80% than oth
    2 points
  4. Deep discharge should indeed generally be avoided, though the system should do an auto-shutdown before the voltage drop starts. The only benefit is calibration, so perhaps once a year. Similar the system ought to take care of not overcharging too (it charges slower towards the end), and in daily life it is hard to stop the charging below full. Some software exists allowing more control, but AFAIK only for rooted devices. So my general advise is to use a slow charger, when the device is idle, e.g. at night. (More hints see e.g. this )
    2 points
  5. Affirmative. Consensus is that deep discharge is bad and high temperatures (as occur during quick-charging) are bad. This is true for any Li-ion battery, nothing Pro1(X) specific here.
    2 points
  6. Hi there, I've just received the Pro1x and I only want to use android without GMS. Although I can debloat it from adb I woud ask if it's possible from FXtec to make a stock build without GMS or if I have to wait until some lineage OS build comes to reallity. I'm the only one with this needs? Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  7. Hey guys, It turns out that fingerprint reader is placed in a very inconvenient place, so while holding my phone with right hand, it constantly gets triggered from my palm... Is it possible to disable while phone is unlocked and while it is not expecting me to authenticate using the finger?
    1 point
  8. Pro1X takes better photos than Pro1 using stock camera application but Pro1 takes better photos than Pro1X if I compare Pro1X stock application to Pro1 using Google Camera (GCAM mod of Pocophone F1). It would be good to compare an optimized Camera software on both devices anyway. I don't know if @DieBruine has tried GCAM mod but it really worth a try.
    1 point
  9. Didn't think my Xperia X would make it to my last birthday, was sure it wouldn't make this years but that too has passed and it's still going. No standard speaker for calls even after replacing it, temperamental vibration motor, ringtone and alarms, no sensor on the headphone socket, randomly hangs up half of incoming calls as the phone is pulled from a pocket and (or maybe because) the flip cover is now hanging on by one layer of rubbery covering. My backup Z3 compact has a dead sim slot and my trusty Nokia 808 has a broken USB so I don't see any option other than getting another phone
    1 point
  10. Thank you everyone! I'm deeply in love with my phone and want it to last forever 😄
    1 point
  11. This might be a known issue: https://github.com/droidian-images/droidian/releases
    1 point
  12. It's not just FxTec. I think 40% from China and Hong Kong is delayed. I am waiting for a couple of Indiegogo perks, my Fiido X v2 and my engraved Pro1x also. Mind you, they posted the engraved back cover months ago. Yet none of those are shipped yet. On the other hand, I personally can live with first come first serve. If you ordered a "regular" Pro1 and never received one, you should be first in line. Just my 2 cents on the matter. I for one can't wait for my Pro1x. The Pro1 camera was unsufficient for my taste.
    1 point
  13. PRO¹-X? No software has been made for that but maybe it can be added to fxservice? https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2842-fx-service-smart-case-for-pro1/?do=findComment&comment=46138 Or maybe it can be requested to be added to the android base image...
    1 point
  14. It would be nice with an official AOSP build, with updates, that LineageOS, AICP and others could build from.
    1 point
  15. We got this with the Pro1, but as a once-off that @tdm kindly provided because he had access to the source as the LineageOS developer at the time. I don't believe it was updated though, and while it would be nice to get it again I wouldn't get my hopes up. Note this also likely means no OTA updates.
    1 point
  16. PS And we NEVER want the battery to go deeper than when the OS do an Auto-shutdown, that is when it detects the voltage drop point is reached. Trying to charge a phone in this state will likely fail, if people did NOT set fastboot oem off-mode-charge enable Apart from the battery health, deep discharge can -if the above is not set- cause the phone to get in a state where you can not charge it. See e.g. the thread by @Spargeltim here. It is really annoying that phones usually come with this switch set in a way that might render it in need of service, if it depletes.
    1 point
  17. @claude0001 with this having li-on batteries its OK to charge full but avoid quick charge at all cost and letting it completely die I should avoid? Just want to double check because reading how everyone has been waiting months for warranty repairs on their Fx pro1, I want to try to avoid that at all cost.
    1 point
  18. Deep-discharging being a good thing is a popular myth from Ni-Cd-battery times. Li-ion batteries do not like that. @EskeRahn is right in that temperature is a decisive factor. Using QuickCharge (tm) results in my Pro1(not X) becoming so hot it is uncomfortable to touch. I hence avoid quick-charge by using only my PC USB-ports for charging.
    1 point
  19. One of the most important things is to avoid charging the phone when it is hot. LiIon battery do not like being charged while above roughly 30°C. They prefer around room temperature. So better to charge a device before doing some heavy work, than after, when it is still hot. Moderate charging is best, I would suggest 30-80% BUT you need to occasionally do full charge as well as discharge, to keep the system calibrated. I have numerous entries on various aspect of the subject in this category on my blog. (the most basic of them at the bottom from ten years ago)
    1 point
  20. For me, it just works easily. And I'm also someone with small nails. On other news: debut of my hand on video!!! video.mp4
    1 point
  21. Thanks for that. The check works fine for me now as well.
    1 point
  22. Another shipping update on Indiegogo: So we now know that there is a – albeit smaller – third batch coming, too.
    1 point
  23. hi new update phone comed but after turn on microphone and speaker not working. I had new parts but phone not working maybe was repair team bad composed new parts i do not know... so I wrote on support and already had quickly answer and they send me new parts flex cabel and usb part. After change this parts phone working. So little with problem but on finish with good solution for me... thanks
    1 point
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