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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2023 in all areas

  1. I was assuming they would already have been shipped , sorry to hear that you are still waiting I have a higher contribution ID so im also still waiting This is good news , since you are around this forum allot and a active user Its a way to verify the information that we are getting is truthful or false If you get the device as promised then we , all , most , uuuuh some of us can also look forward to receiving a device I also like this update because it shows they are still working on the problem of shipping devices to their contributors
    2 points
  2. For those interested, the old: https://web.archive.org/web/20230227093209/https://download.lineageos.org/pro1
    1 point
  3. Yeah, that's how the version for the Pro1x is, with the recovery split into three files that you fastboot flash separately. Since I have been doing OTA, I didn't see the change on the web page. New doesn't always mean improved. 🙄
    1 point
  4. Side note: during the extraction of the newly downloaded tar.gz files, I kept getting an error with the vmlinux file. maybe just my download or the computer so I will try both option on the other machine I am moving to test next
    1 point
  5. They changed the download site (this is Pro1, not Pro1X). As usual practically everywhere on the web these days to poor 'design' with extreme waste of screenspace. (see image below) And the recovery boot image now always have the name boot.img, so you would need to manually rename or move in subfolders to to keep pairs of files for later usage. (previously the recovery image were named e.g. lineage-20.0-yyyymmdd-recovery-pro1.img for 20.0 ) But it works as usual: (lineage-20.0-20230306-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on February 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and Mi
    1 point
  6. Update: tried with 2.1.5 version found in the GDrive share and received the same error. I have been using a Surface 7 pro as my installation computer with a USB 2.0 hub attached to connect the phone. I am curious if the USB 3.0 port is still causing the issue despite the fact that a hub is attached. Going to switch to a different windows box to test this theory.
    1 point
  7. that's the spirit. 👍
    1 point
  8. ya but at least i can say that i am trying to resolve the issue. and i get practice in flashing and restoring.
    1 point
  9. I have 328 and have not yet got any info concerning my device.
    1 point
  10. You've probably thought about this, but just in case: The Pro1X has connection issues with LTE and GSM (calls). We do not know why, but we believe it is either: a problem in the hardware (yikes!) - or - a fault in the stock Android drivers and firmwares, which also SFOS is using. The latter (if existing) might be fixed in a future OTA from F(x)tec (that, eventually, also SFOS would pick up, I guess), but we do not know for sure. There are many (many!) people reporting missed calls and general mobile connection issues in, both, stock Android and Lineage. I'm one of them, as you might
    1 point
  11. I can top that. September 2019 here 😉 Of course I can be more relaxed about it than others as I've been happily using a pre-owned Pro1 since February 2021, replaced half a year ago with the Pro1X that I had ordered via Indiegogo in October 2020 (and lately with an Expansys-bought QWERTY Pro1X to replace my QWERTZ phone...). Good news is, they still exist, they are delivering, and chances are that we do get our phones eventually...
    1 point
  12. Dear f(x)tec, I would like to inform you that some of us have ordered a Pro1 via your website three and a half years ago (November 2019), have since been upgraded to Pro1x and also have been promised a somewhat prioritized delivery compared to the IG backers. It would have been nice not to rub it into our faces that you might or might not have completely forgotten about us, since even the e-mail updates have ceased to come by. Please, get your shit together. Sincerely, a patiently waiting paying customer.
    1 point
  13. Guess I was lucky my Bank was suspicious of the order and I had to dance around with them for a while. I'm in the 900s. Lol.
    1 point
  14. > preparing shipments for the Pro1 X units allocated to contribution IDs ranging from 568 to 1126. My contribution ID is smaller than 568 and still waiting. 😯
    1 point
  15. I completely agree with all of @kevg's points. I'm not a programmer, but I work in an IT company that provides exceptional support. I'm telling you that this sort of behaviour wouldn't fly at our company. If there are weird issues with our platform we're onto it, we let the client know what we're doing and get support directly with the developers. Even if it costs us in the short term, the benefits to reputation far outweight it. I'm part of that Beta Telegram group, it's a waste of time. Good people on there trying to figure things out, but little response or movement from staff at Fxtec
    1 point
  16. Trying to flash my Pro1-x back to stock from SFOS. I am hitting an error " ERROR: function: sahara_rx_data:276 Unable to read packet header. Only read 0 bytes. ERROR: function: sahara_main: 982 Sahara protocol error ERROR: function: main:320 Uploading: image using Sahara protocol failed " I am not sure what my next steps are at all, so any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
    0 points
  17. well i found an older backup of the release_sm6115_s701_gms_v2.1.2 that I had downloaded last year and it had the missing xml files but the error was the same.
    0 points
  18. Update: I am looking back over the PDF and the files and realize that i am missing the patch0.xml file. I will now try and determine why it's missing and how to find and get it back
    0 points
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