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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. This is getting absurd... What bubble do you live in? First of the 'company' do not need to have any employees, it could be a one-man business. Secondly, A lot of companies work close to the red line. Hopefully for them temporarily. Some work on loans systematically. Say building a whole house not seeing any income before it is finished.... There are many farmers around the globe that are in the red almost the whole year, until the harvest is sold....
  2. What arrogance... You might find that funny, but a lot of small business around the world would not... Not all live by the same living standards as most of us in the "rich countries" do.
  3. I'm not to judge. For some what you and I see as convenience, might give their business an increased productivity, and/or a more professional profile, than some flimsy BT solution that technically can do the same, so lending the money could make good sense. Without knowing the finer details, what is meant as a kind advice from you could be taken as an insult. Just saying... Just guessing here. But if you pull out a Pro1, flip it open and starts typing the customers stuff during a meeting, it sure looks a lot more proffesional, than if you pull a plastic BT keyboard from one pocket and a b
  4. He he, You'll have to contact the staff on that. I'm independent - though a big fan of what they are doing.
  5. Though I agree in the principle, who are we to say what people should use their money for? Sure it is just convenience, But that convenience could be very valuable for some.
  6. Sounds like an elegant solution. Do not know if there are some legal stuff preventing this though. Perhaps they would need to adjust the amount, say add £1, to not have it triggered as circumventing the system.
  7. ....I see this as just another variant of what we have in the extremely long threads: Guesses and assumptions bordering conspiracy theories made on insufficient facts. Could more facts have prevented people from entering this mess? Sure! I have no idea why they have not given more info and quicker. My personal guess is that they simply are too few people too busy with getting the phones out to everyone, to really waste time attempting to countering conspiracy theories. But that is just a guess, And I know others in here have other guesses bordering conspiracy theories. I have not hea
  8. Yes I found a single one. I will have to see if I can dig up which one it was....
  9. (Note that the two shifts and ctrls seems electrical in parallel - that might be why they call it a 64 key device, despite it having 66)
  10. Go find a Samsung Note 7 case, it is not much worse than the P20 pro, see this, And I bet you can find it cheap and with shorter delivery than weeks, so you can use it intermediate. It is almost impossible to imagine how a two piece case would work. So If you want full protection a flip case is the least bad option, and can be made by (almost) anyone from existing Note7 case in minutes. I have used one for the last weeks, and it works just fine Yes I do not understand why they have not released the exterior design in some way. Much better than someone having to scan the device with a
  11. Yes, just passed number 3 with a mere three(!) votes, I can see that the end of the popular vote is not before January 7, midnight PDT. So all fans, talk to your friends, and have them throw a vote.
  12. Thanks, and he he, poor him, looks bad. Well the funny thing is that despite being totally fearless (not to say reckless), to the point walking a cattle grid with rollers(!), and jumping moving ice plates, he never caused himself any harm. Killed a lot of wasps if they got too close, but never got stung. And bees too, If I was not fast enough rescuing them.
  13. [Sarcasm] Let us forgive them. Had they known that it could cause some to have the delivery of a Pro1 delayed a whole day, they obviously would never have went on strike, no matter their other reasons... [/Sarcasm]
  14. Better late than never. I bet they will have a small wave of people ordering as we are showing it around. i have had a few friends interested too.
  15. Elegant solution! Hope they can replicate that.
  16. Yes, it is the payment date that matters. Check your credit card account, and see when the amount was paid. FxTec also sent a confirmation mail on receive of the money. The subject says "Your F(x)tec order has been received!" (As they payment in their world transformed the "pre-order" to an "order", but they still stamped the order as put when the pre-order was put.. Also note the "charged at a future day" - all rather confusing IMHO)
  17. Just fun, some tiny competition somewhere, see the link in the OP
  18. And just passed the previous number four by one vote. GO GO GO... *LOL* Get your friends voting, we simply can not have this loosing to a baby-cradle.... 🥴
  19. Currently at 229 votes, and no3 at 281, no 4 at 235...
  20. An obvious idea would be to replace the thumbnail with an icon, and if you click that NOT logged in, it should trigger the login-dialogue.
  21. Not quite what i meant. It makes sense that we can take pictures quickly without logging in first, but on the other hand, we would not like any user to look in our photos without being logged in.
  22. I guess it was intended to be that way when the device is locked, so you can take a picture, but not snook in existing ones. But I agree that it is a bug when the device is currently not locked.
  23. Lets hope that Nova finds a clever way to offer different grids in the two directions. But it is hard to imagine a generic system that can allow people to enter the grids as they place without people needing to manually create the shortcuts in both directions. Obviously Nova got a lot of good stuff, I was picking on Launchers in general with Nova as an example, not picking at them in particular. I guess I'm just frustrated after trying dozens of launchers that all stinks. I guess FxTec found themselves 'forced' to make their own, in lack of any existing that could do the task.
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