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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. WfW, WtF.... (WfW = Windows for Workgroups, we used that 'a few' years ago....)
  2. Stand corrected a fix -> an improvement. But it is such "odd" and unexpected behaviour that it is almost a bug IMHO... And it is not that they were not told months ago...
  3. And If you are pessimistic you can download the file now so you can restore, even if their server for what ever reason does not offer the file if you need it in a couple of years,
  4. Interesting, But does that mean the first purchaser voids the warranty by selling it? Or could it be delivered back through the chain of later owners to the first purchaser and then the seller? So in practice that the current owner could claim the warranty 'on behalf of' the first purchaser ?
  5. Yes, it is even printed on the keyboard, not sure how anyone can miss it.... YellowArrow+L on qwerty. What is odd and confusing is that the symbols we are used to have with Shift and digit keys, in their take require us to use YellowArrow instead. But it is a plain text-layout-file issue that is easily fixed (It is fixed for the Scandinavian languages with FinQWERTY for Pro1 handling both modifiers) so I guess they will get around to it, or someone will offer a fix an improvement.
  6. ...These days the kids will think the header is about a Denial Of Service attack.... 😇
  7. The big question is who will bring Pro1s.... A sorry, do not wake a sleeping bear.
  8. It supports landscape, and keyboard navigation just fine, entering/closing folders with Enter and swapping sides with Tab, BS (not Del) gives a Delete dialogue. There might be other keyboard integration too. Some of the text is EXTREMELY small though. The whole word "Donate" in the centre is just 3mm wide!! So not an app for the weak sighted...
  9. I see. I think you will have a hard time finding apps on the Android Market that do NOT work on the Pro1. Except apps bound by some special licensing or with special hardware requirements. On the other hand many apps are poorly designed, and will only work as they would on any plain slab in portrait only, and the keyboard might only be used for any text-input. I would not be surprised if say some game had their own fancy custom designed touch-keyboard, and completely ignored the real one....
  10. see also this https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools (You can't click the downloads in the quote, clicking in the source leads you to some licence blah blah first)
  11. Not really, they just did not set it up as it ought to have been (works just fine using FinQWERTY ) using the fallback functionality in Android.
  12. e.g. for windows from Google https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip
  13. ...Or the app got a history from when real keyboards were common, or one of the developers happens to be a keyboard fan.... But in general you are right, unfortunately most apps today is clearly designed for portrait and touch only. The more serious developers also aiming for tablets offer some landscape support, but often not good on say 16:9 or here 18:9. Navigation handling arrow keys and tab beyond the rudiments in Android it self is not common - that was my whole idea of creating this thread, So that less popular software that might work fantastic on a Pro1, could be known to other P
  14. I see, but I still would like to know what make it better on Pro1 than any competitors. I mean there a millions of apps out there that will run on the Pro1, so meaningless to start listing those. The interesting would be those that can benefit from Pro1's features more that the rest. Most apps can use the keyboard for entering text, but does not otherwise interact other than rudimentary with the keyboard. e.g. Googles own Settings, where navigation is mostly possible , but certainly not optimised in any way for keyboard usage. Some apps in theory works in Landscape, but does so poorly, just st
  15. Denmark "3.dk", works like a charm.
  16. Could you elaborate a bit on why it is more suited for the Pro1 than office packages in general?
  17. Just experimented. It is hard to ADD something new after the spoilertag, if it was the last in the old comment. Found a (nasty) cut&paste fix: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-X, write something new, and in front of that insert all the old with Ctrl-V. It worked for me.
  18. I think it is the code that is teasing, as editing coded text requires you to doubleclick the coded text. testing: TEST EDIT2
  19. I would suppose that it was, but do not know for sure.
  20. Try goto Setting, Network & Internet, Mobile Network, Advanced, Preferred Network Type Scroll and select the one best fitted for your network.
  21. Unfortuntely they have not provided a way to customize things. But they can be overruled. See e.g. FinQWERTY, so whatever he is dong, others could do too... I know he is CONSIDERING an improved US QWERTY, so maybe it is just a matter of waiting - or of enough people giving him a wish and a donation. Note how he for the Nordic ones let shift and the digits give what is expected in the language, but leaves Fn+Digits as what is printed (YellowArrow=Fn). For an improved US those could mirror each other. Note that he changed the Esc slightly so IF the program handles Esc, it gets an
  22. Yup, t has been discussed earlier, and as I understand it, they either need to offer a way for os to select between Full/Alpha OR youu would have to manually do that on a rooted device https://source.android.com/devices/input/key-character-map-files ALPHA: A keyboard with all the letters, and maybe some numbers. An alphabetic keyboard supports text entry directly but may have a condensed layout with a small form factor. In contrast to a FULL keyboard, some symbols may only be accessible using special on-screen character pickers. In addition, to improve typing speed an
  23. Never seen that. Even if it lost the network completely, it should not ask for the pin again. To me it sounds more like an issue related to the SIM. That is as if the phone 'thinks' the SIM have been removed and reinserted. Maybe dirt on the SIM - or worst case a bad SIM-connector, I would try to swap the SIM with say a friend, to see if the problem follows the phone or the SIM.
  24. Thanks for all the kind words. He was healthy without the slightest troubles until a week after he became ten two months ago. It has been a horrible day, but he leaves a tonne of good memories. I grew up lietrally with dogs by the cradle, and have known many many dogs throughout my live. This one that I 'inherited' young was the best I ever met (and most he met said the same). I knew him from he was a tiny puppy, and the fun thing was that he always wanted to be my dog, over the owner that is my friend. So when his family situation led to him not being able to have a dog, it was natural to fin
  25. What about at the least a 'Rest of the world'? You COULD say that they should tick BOTH the "Not in this list", as easy calculus of summing the other options, would give those out of both lists.
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