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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Too bad... One of the test versions (26) had the Fn+Esc working in SOME programs (e.g. Textra, but not FF & Chrome, nor plain/shifted Esc), so the fallback could work to some extent in limited circumstances....
  2. So you would like to be sure to add another variable to eliminate it? That does not make much sense. Why not shoe and hat size then? 🙄
  3. @Gon009 On the auto-rotate thing. It is a software bug. It seems to have been introduces fixing another issue with last update. I can reproduce it by placing the device upright in portrait on the lower edge on a table, and tilt it slowly to flat, wait a few seconds and pick it up again. To get out of this state, As a workaround I simply start a program that IGNORES the autorotate on/off setting(!) and do autorotate based on the sensor, and turn the device a full 360 degrees. I use "AndroSensor".
  4. I have had a lot of different keyboards for a lot of different pc's over decades but there were ONE thing they ALL agreed on: Where the letters and the digits go. Sure F-keys and other more special ones can vary, especially on laptops, but that is a totally different story than the basic letters. IMHO
  5. You might want to have a look at this section comparing the two. https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3556#ShiftedOrNot
  6. A tiny question: Why do some in here insist on talking about the order number on IGG and for pre-ordering the Pro1 when it has been told again and again and again and again that is not what matters?? You might as well be comparing your house numbers.... Is it because some in this thread only come to post, and if at all then at best randomly reads any replies?
  7. In my book what is really needed is a much more radical UI design guide line change, so the modern phablets could keep the huge display areas, but touch interaction could be selected limited to the reachable area only, and also allowing for 'dead' zones for edges, and the corner for the thumb reaching over. But this is most likely not going to happen until a completely new OS arises...
  8. A fairly good approximation, ignoring that a year ending on 00 is only a leap year if dividable by 400 🤭
  9. also grabbing the phone itself for people with large hands/fingers could cive accidental screeninteraction. At first thought we would perhaps like larger display than touch area, but that will be bad for things that expects edge interaction e.g. the scroll bars in android settings...
  10. as a N97 owner your muscle memory will kick in, and you can do the slightly odd arch from day one. It is the exact same logical mechanism
  11. note that FinQwerty now have released a new version, with additional and extended layouts. Including US-International for both qwertY and qwertZ https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/#pro1
  12. note there seems to be a HUGE difference on their classic and newer version. Looking at the feedback of the new version people hated it so much, that they re-released the old as classic.
  13. I have heard plenty of people of various genders refer to their dog as my boy or my girl (in various languages), dispite being quite sure there are no genitical link.... 😋 it is just denoting someone you feel the urge to love and protect (of the specified sex) I remember a lady over ninety that has known my mom since she was a baby, not seing neither her nor my dad as genuine adults despite both were over 70...
  14. https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620 and I got a new one too, bit the page is not updatet with this yet.
  15. the bottom part is reall close to Sammy Note 7 or a Huwei P20 Pro. I have no tools to do an accurate 3D scan I just cut a new flip case from a p20 pro flipcase, but have not found th time to edit my blog post adding that one.
  16. Oh just to be sure, have you left it at default, or chosen a language? The languages available was not properly implemented, last time I checked. I recommend FinQwerty, but on the stock German should be chosen for the qwertZ, and it should be left at default for qwertY. Do NOT select say English (And I do not know "Key Mapper", it was a general guide on how to get to them)
  17. There are apps doing that, but not working well. So it most likely should be build a little 'deeper'. I have suggested the same thing since spring... Optional 'dead' zones, the user can choose the optimal size for. Could be all four edges, As a few pixels in the ends, would give a completely rectangular active display, for those that prefer that..
  18. You should use the yellow arrow, not shift. (Silly, I know, hopefully both will be allowed)
  19. Yeah, but if some digs into the sudden rise, and see more votes than views, I think they will suspect some foul play.... 😇 But of course all that know the Pro1 already, do not need to open to vote - but it still looks 'unexpected'...
  20. And when you do not have answers, you just do assumptions? Superb.
  21. It is looking suspicious that it got more votes than views.....
  22. Actually I think that when some women with fine fingers get their hands on the Pro1, they could be able to do full ten finger typing on it on a table. So there could be a special niche there.
  23. Well no, I do not assume that your day job is a business driven in the bad ways you seems to know so much about. And you are extrapolating (again). We still do not have an answer from them, so it is yet another assumption/guess from you, classifying it as later "mistakes".
  24. Or it MIGHT be that app support something else. We really should dig up some 'authoritative' android page with guide lines on how app 'should' behave to various keys/key combos. Otherwise we are guessing what is the individual app doing or not doing something, and what is supposed to happen. It COULD be that when we see alt up/down working, that it is merely the individual app that is doing that themselves for Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End, that we can not do without a physical Home and End......
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