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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Thanks for the insight. Another view would be: No collection, no risk of loosing it. wilfully or accidentally. An old saying goes: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. In the US almost anyone can get a gun, most likely primarily bought with good intentions for protection, and big surprise a lot of malicious stuff follows by that. In other countries were guns are harder to get at, big surprise: Fewer are shot. And don't get me wrong, a lot of evil happens all over the world, so it is by far limited to guns. The price of easy access to lethal weapons are dead people
  2. Large mailbox, and strong postman needed..... 😜
  3. In the meantime, you can get a click-on keyboard for the Sammy S8- Not fantastic, but it works - and comes in qwertZ too e.g. this, I've used it for a year, see this
  4. Exactly my point. In three years we do not care if we in 2019 made a tiny Β½TB dedicated to some purpose. And a Pro2 or 3 are likely to come with eSim (or something new) so the sim we got in 2019 will not work with 6G anyway πŸ˜‡πŸ˜œ
  5. I would suggest to start with some out-dated sim and a small SD, so damage by destroying either would be very limited. Then you are more certain to do it right on the real cards. I do not know if dual slots are identical for different vendors, but I would guess so. So most likely the created dual-card could be used in another device - but that is purely theoretical, as you of course will not want anything but the Pro1 for the next many years, unless they make a pro2 😜😜 ...And by then the devices will have eSim, and 512GB will be considered small....
  6. It means that if you make a new order today, they now expect to be able to ship it to you in 4-6 weeks.
  7. Nice to see your concern for the poor postman that has to be out to delver it. πŸ˜‡ Let us hope you get it before it gets warm again. 😜
  8. I would suggest to buy the cheap phone now, and then see when things have settled and the pre-orders are all delivered, If you need the device NOW we should be really optimistic to expect you could have it with either qwertY or qwertZ before Christmas. Then see what the situation is, and IF they are going to make a Scandic layout, then wait for that, alternatively buy the qwertZ variant that is REALLY close to Swedish/Finnish layout, quite close to Norwegian (ΓΆΓ€ rather than ΓΈΓ¦), and for Danish with the last two swapped. It works just fine for me as a Dane, so should be at the least as goo
  9. It must be few coupons. We know there were only 1653 "backers". Some of these were mere donations, a few got a Mod, and some got a refund... How many that leaves is anyone's guess..
  10. I'm pretty sure eSim is a separate chip, not in the standard chip-set. And no I have not heard mentioned that the Pro1 should have it. Could be cool, and would have helped those that need more than one carrier AND even more than the 128GB storage.
  11. I agree, though one should remember that "If you do not input any personal information" is not as easy as it sounds. As they collect your position data(*), and that alone would be enough to identify most of us. And especially if you also use the narcissistic media, e.g. Faecesbook, plus the search history. They can link it all together and get a quite accurate picture of most people. (*) Position data are NOT limited to GPS. But also what WiFi networks and cellular masts are visible...
  12. Absolutely. As I said "a simple inside job is all it takes"
  13. You can safely replace "could happen" with "will happen". Even if illegal, at some point data gets stolen by someone. There are no tight systems. Though I would not consider other OS more safe as such, but at least they do not openly collect ALL the info they can scrape together like Google does, so the data could be leaked from either the phone OR Google. But the risk of an individual phone being hacked to get it's info is much much less than that the massive storage of data at Google will be attacked - a simple inside job is all it takes....
  14. And worse than that. In some countries information about political activity or even just sexual preferences could have life-threatening consequences in the hands of the wrong people.
  15. See the XDA review linked here
  16. Not quite, But applying power makes it turn On by default.
  17. Off topic: In that link i stumbled upon fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1 That allows the Pro1 to charge while staying turned off. I do not know if there is a good reason for them to turn this feature Off by default (Or maybe it is Off by default without FxTec changing it?) Tried it On with slow charging, and from what I can see it works exactly as you would expect. Will try with fast charge when the level is sufficiently low for it to make sense. Works fine with fast charging too. ADD: When the off-mode-charge is Off, the device will automatically power up when power is appli
  18. The big thing here is the intention. If somebody tells you something they believe, that really isn't true (maybe later proves not to be true), does not make them liars, only if they know it isn't. A very large partition of the human population believes in a religion - but I would not call them liars. And I doubt that even those believing in one set of deities would call those believing in another set for liars. But SURE their communication has been a mess, and sometimes different parts of the staff even happened to give contradicting messages, and that is really bad, and feeds all this co
  19. yup https://source.android.com/devices/bootloader/unlock-trusty
  20. Well, welcome back when things settle down a bit πŸ™‚ But please stop lying by saying people are lying when they are not... They gave an ESTIMATE, And yes that did not hold, but wrong estimates are, well wrong estimates and not lies.
  21. Lancher < 3 it is supposed to give a ❀️
  22. It is clearly from the launcher3, even the icon survived... πŸ˜‰
  23. On the keyboard layout issue. The qwertY and qwertZ keyboards are electrically identical. Basically the qwertZ is a logically unshifted qwertY. That is the letters are shifted back to their natural positions, and then a few national keys in the right pane. Have you tried if FinQWERTY works under Lineage too?
  24. the apk is available under /system/priv-app/Launcher3QuickStep, but I do not know If we are allowed to copy it?
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