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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Ok, let me rephrase then: And yes they admitted "there were some mistakes". Does that by your definition make them greedy?
  2. Well if your 'argumentation' are going to be of the strawman type, not much point in wasting time on it.... And yes they admitted "there were some mistakes". Does that by your definition make them crooks?
  3. You have heard the expression "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups" right? Neither you or I know what is going on. And hence can not judge them either way. Sure it looks odd, but wait to hear their answers, before throwing all kind of allegations around. And as you already know, if you read the slightest bit in this thread, it does not matter if you are IGG backer no 1 or 1653! But they told us that what matters is when FxTec received your payment. And they also told us that IGG backers would have priority. ALL the rest is just guess-work, as we do not know. These shops a
  4. Have any of you accusers even considered the possibility that these stores might have ordered&paid them a very long time ago too? Just asking? They might even have been IGG backers for all we know....
  5. Just as Ctrl+ A, C, V, Z and Y, and simple arrows navigation other seems to be there out of the box in 'any' editor. Like shift with arrows (+combos) for marking text, And jump word or begin/end of line with ctrl/alt and right/left. Alt up/down, jumps to beginning/end. Alt tab / Alt+Sh+Tab switch apps And there could easily be more standard stuff that I'm not aware of. PgUp/PgDn are intended for dedicated keys, but they could be mapped onto e.g. Fn+up/down
  6. You should check out the standard navigation. Something quite similar to what you request is already there
  7. I Overlooked all the posts on inserting the sim, it is really simple to do BUT a bit odd! And NOT like described in their leaflet(!!) You should insert/remove the SIMs and/or SD with the phone having the display facing DOWN The dent to grab it for opening (use your nail or a dental stick) is on the (display) side, that then faces downwards. Once you realised that, everything is straight forward and easy. But unfortunately the leaflet that comes with the phone got it wrong (and shows an earlier prototype of the card tray to confuse further)....
  8. You lost me? Do you mean to have the render more precisely match the 'staggering' of the key-grid, rather than the rectangular grid? If you mean if we can open and move the key-tops individually, then I doubt it, it is a 'mat'. So would require to cut this up, and rearrange. I doubt that would work well.
  9. It is just a bug in the render, Just tested, it is on Fn+L as the yellow print in the keys says it should be. 😎
  10. Well the 'dead key' accent is typed before not after. And it is Alt not Sym. Alt+E then E. gives é Alt+E then Shifit+E. gives É etc.
  11. Have a sneak view of the extra layouts he is experimenting with: https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/pro1-test18.html
  12. It is just like riding a bike, hard at first, but then super easy....
  13. Yup. If you (when closed) try to push it parallel, it 'locks', but if you try to push it slightly DOWNwards you will see, that the back lifts up, and I guess that is what you do manually. You really only need a single thumb, and not a hard press at all, when you get the odd movement in your muscle memory. The whole movement is a few mm only. Exagerrated here: We should have someone good at making videos do a nice slow motion close up video of it, so people can get an "AHA, is that all it takes!"
  14. Ah, that was what you meant, sure, yes it should. 🙂
  15. I use it with Autoratate OFF. Note here that when you rotate closed you get a small rotation icon in the tray when you click that, it rotates anyway. There might be apps not supporting it, but it seems standard android, so an app issue. But OPTIMALLY we would have a third state apart from the current two, Landscape Open & Auto rotate Closed
  16. But that is already there, turning auto-rotate Off.
  17. On 1, I too think that would be nice - but as an option so people can choose. On 2, This would be nice IF limited to before the timeout, if people use screen lock on 3. I fear this odd behaviour is standard Android. So would be something that should be added. But would be nice. Actually reverse portrait is at least as useful as reverse landscape..
  18. Those having issues opening: Two things * It is super easy to lift the rear rather than pushing the front * The problem pushing is that the intuitive thing to do is to push flat, but that is NOT the way to do it. It is super easy once you get it (like biking) but a bit complex the first few times. It is a movement of a few mm that is needed, and actually is a complex movement I tried to describe in an exaggerated image here and what those arguing for at completely flat screen does not realise is, that it would be HARD (if not impossible?) to open as pushing the top of a box shaped top.
  19. Nice review. I would recommend having a look at FinQWERTY. He is placing the final touch on an improved US for qwertY as well as an improved German for the qwertZ. It is basically to have shift combined with digits and some symbol keys giving the same as currently requires the Fn (Yellow arrow) key. Hopefully this will also be included in the stock drivers in a later OTA update. But I guess they are too busy with more important stuff to improve this. A pity in MHO as the keyboard is THE thing for this device, so it would have been better of it was closer to perfect at launch, than aw
  20. The only game I use is Sudoku, so too old for "insane credits" - oh sorry "inGAME" But thanks for the explanation.
  21. Found it !!! Apex Launcher Classic! (Android Does Team) Actually they handle it rather elegant. Let us say you choose 8x5 and 5x8 icons. Then the 5x5 is COMMON to the left in landscape, and TOP in portrait. Personally I would have preferred the common group to be at the bottom respectively rigth, so the were closer to the launch bar. But that MIGHT be a setting somewhere.... The keyboard functionality is not good, though existing. Logically they use arrows to rotate between pages, and tab to navigate in a primitive way for items on each page. So Rather contraintuitiv. Theo
  22. That can not be it, they seem to gone from all the launchers I tested, when I check one by one from the "Library" tab. And usually there can be reviews of old version in there - but they might have changed that - but these were no more than a month or two ago, and if they throw away reviews that fast, they might just as well remove them all, as no one is going to place any serious review that is this short lived. Then at the VERY least they should throw some splash, that your review is going to be purged, please go an update.... ....It is actually more than that, a LOT of them
  23. Google have thrown all my reviews of the launchers away?!? I wrote it in there, so can not find it again without trying all again - and not going to waste time on that F... Google
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